Building an IoT open innovation ecosystem for connected smart objects
IT systems can observe traffic flows and fine dust pollution as well as control traffic lights, snow shoveling services and power supply. Moreover, they can guarantee safe ways to school and optimized waste disposal as well as inform about available parking spaces or e-car charging stations. In the City of the Future, these IT systems, which already ease our lives nowadays, have to collaborate together. A European project with 22 partners from 10 countries should establish the basics for City of the Future. The BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik of the University of Bremen is one of these partners.
The joint project is called bIoTope – 'building an IoT open innovation ecosystem for connected smart objects'. It aims at developing an open Internet-of-Things (IoT) Ecosystem in order to include intelligent objects universally and to connect the countless and still isolated working networks and systems. Life in the City of the Future should be greener, saver and easier, is the vision of bloTope as also declared as the main goal of the EU. Therefore the European Commission supports this project under the scope of Horizon 2020 program.
For sustainable development of IoT projects like bIoTope, the BIBA has founded together with the University of Bremen and its strategic partner Holonix (amongst others) the iotfablab, a fabrication laboratory for IoT components. iotfablab should assist IoT projects and ease access to new technologies for small and medium-sized companies. In addition to this network, the worldwide operating standardization organization 'The Open Group', in which BIBA Institute participates, supports this EU-joint project. It is considered that the global standardization as an essential cornerstone for the use of IoT and for the realization of visions like the one from bloTope.
Project Leader Log
Dynamics: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Freitag