
September 2024





5 Million Euros for Research and Transfer to the “Smart Port”

The Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics will work with the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics Bremen/Bremerhaven and the Bremen port management company bremenports for “Sondervermögen Hafen“ to establish an Innovation Community "Smartport Transfer". The aim here is to drive forward the digitalization and automation of logistics processes in the ports of Bremen. This will be done within various transfer projects in collaboration between research and industry. The applicants have been confirmed funding of 5 million euros from the BMBF. The innovation community will officially start at the beginning of 2025.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Michael Freitag, Prof. Dr. Frank Arendt
Details: Universität Bremen, ISL
Image: Eurogate


ISL Participates in the New OCEANIDS Project to Strengthen the Resilience of Coastal Regions

As part of the OCEANIDS project, tools and applications are being developed that provide coastal regions with important information and thus strengthen their resilience. These tools and applications are being developed in cooperation with several pilot regions. The focus is on providing information on climate, meteorology and earth observation to promote a resilient and inclusive blue economy. The Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) will analyze the user requirements of maritime logistics in the pilot region of Bremen and surrounding areas through interviews with appropriate stakeholders. In addition, ISL will support the validation of the developed tools.

Contact: Rainer Müller
Image: ISL


AI Support for Intralogistics Processes

Increasing costs and flexibility requirements mean that companies need to improve their intralogistics processes. SMEs in particular have difficulties in selecting suitable technologies for process support. The SENSOMAI project, in which BIBA (Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik) is involved, aims to develop a user-friendly data platform that supports the selection and introduction of intralogistics assistance systems. The platform uses sensor-based movement data, analyses it for optimization potential using a machine learning process and suggests suitable intralogistics solutions. A before-and-after comparison makes it possible to evaluate the solutions introduced and continuously improve the platform's suggestions.

Contact: Lennart Rolfs
Image: MotionMiners


Process-Driven Adaptation of Agent-Based Control Systems for Modular Assembly Solutions

The shift from mass to individual production presents companies with major challenges, especially in assembly, which accounts for over 50% of production time and 20% of costs. Easily scalable solutions are therefore essential. PassForM2 is developing a new control system for modular assembly systems that adapts flexibly to changing requirements. Automatic guided vehicles (AGV) can also be integrated. With interchangeable hardware modules and decentralized control, we improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase resilience. This technology supports both small batches and series production and strengthens the competitiveness of assembly companies.

Contact: Jasper Wilhelm
Image: Nils Hoppe / BIBA


Combating the Climate Crisis with an Interdisciplinary Energy Research Laboratory

In order to counter the climate crisis, it is essential to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies. It is also necessary to use energy more efficiently. A research project by the University of Bremen and BIBA focuses on both perspectives. The “Interdisciplinary Energy Research Laboratory” (IdEaL) project is divided into three sub-areas. In the sub-project based at BIBA, a model factory will be used to research how the energy transition in production companies can succeed through the use of sustainable energy systems and the digitalization of production. 

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Matthias Burwinkel, Dr.-Ing. Jan-Hendrik Ohlendorf
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


Dynamic Control and AR Support for Collaborative Assembly

As part of the SMART cooperation project, in which BIBA is involved, an overall system for the dynamic control and task allocation of collaborative assembly processes is being developed. To this end, an AR device is being used to develop AI-based situation recognition, which, together with a software platform for dynamic work planning and task allocation, forms the basis for intelligent and collaborative process and robot control. An AR visualization is being developed for the direct involvement of employees, which shows the process planning and the planned robot actions in real time and thus enables close human-robot collaboration.

Contact: Christoph Petzoldt
Image: BIBA


Hydrogen in Boxes - ISL Successfully Completes PROVIDE Project

The energy transition and the gradual move away from fossil energy sources in Germany require the import of green hydrogen, which can be transported either by pipeline or ship.In the PROVIDE project, ISL has investigated another option: special pressurised gas containers that can be loaded with compressed hydrogen and transported across the oceans. This method offers great flexibility, as the hydrogen containers can be transported as "additional cargo" using the existing infrastructure and means of transport for standard containers. Alternatively, there are concepts that provide special transport ships just for hydrogen containers.

Contact:  Dr. Nils Meyer-Larsen
Image: ISL


Enhanced Physical Internet-Compatible Earth-frieNdly freight Transportation answER

The completed project ePIcenter (Enhanced Physical Internet-Compatible Earth-frieNdly freight Transportation answER), in which BIBA was involved, explored the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence, digitalization and automation in the field of freight transport and handling technologies. AI-based logistics software solutions were developed with the aim of enabling resilient, efficient and more environmentally friendly supply chains. They enable global trade players to collaborate with ports, logistics companies and shippers in an agile manner and to respond appropriately to volatile political, market and climate changes that impact traditional freight routes.

Contact: Heiko Duin
Image: ePIcenter


Successful completion of the MaritIEm project under the leadership of ISL

The increase in traffic volumes in port cities is significantly worsening air quality, as the emission of air pollutants has both ecological and health effects locally. The central focus of MaritIEm was to evaluate the effectiveness of various measures to reduce emissions and thus pollution in port cities. Bremen and Bremerhaven were selected as model cities for the project. After more than three years of intensive research, the results are now available. As part of the project, a data-supported model was developed which, by analysing traffic movements in the seaport, enabled relevant measures to be identified and their effects on pollution and climate impact to be presented.

Contact: Flóra Gulyás
Image: ISL




Expertise from LogDynamics in Demand for the Development of a Land Port in China

Jinhua, a city of 7 million people in the highly industrialized province of Zhejiang in the Yangtze Delta, held a workshop on the topic of “Landport” on  August 16 and 17. Jinhua is one of the starting points of the China-Duisburg container rail link and to Southeast Asia. The city wants to develop an area of more than 40 km2 with a landport for multimodal transportation, a new industrial area and a residential area, for which Tongji University (Shanghai) has been entrusted with the concept planning. To discuss the logistics issues, Jinhua invited the specialists from LogDynamics: Prof. Lemper (ISL), Prof. Uygun (Constructor University), and Prof. Herzog (Tongji University and University of Bremen), whose logistics expertise was reinforced by Mr. Klettner and Dr. Henesey from the Bremen-based company aquinet. The suggestions made by the German experts fell on fertile ground and will lead to further consultations.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog
Image: Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog


One Step Closer to Accreditation with SSAPI

The Erasmus+ CBHE project SSAPI (Strategic Support for Accreditation of Programs and Internationalization at South Asian HEIs) ended after 3.5 challenging years in July 2024 with a successful record: More than 120 training units have been conducted, most of them by the European partners, LogDynamics and University of Evora, in the partner universities in Bhutan, the Maldives, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Asian partners are now one significant step closer to internationally recognized accreditations of at least one of their study programs by preparing all necessary documents on this fundament.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Ingrid Rügge
Image: University of Peradeniya


Training from BIBA in Sri Lanka Using the Example of Automation and Human-Robot Collaboration

The PeneloPe project focuses on the production of large parts using integrated automation methods. With the help of didactic factories, existing problems are to be illustrated and explained to interested persons, e.g. through training. The focus is on the requirements for such systems, application scenarios and the cooperation between humans and robots. 
In cooperation with the SSAPI project, two training courses were held in Sri Lanka. The first part dealt with the availability, modification and use of design parameters. In the second part, the participants created their own robot simulations in order to better understand the complexity of HRC problems.

Contact: Kay Burow
Image: University of Peradeniya


BIBA and LogDynamics Welcome Visitors from Northern Thailand

The research cluster LogDynamics has been cooperating with Mae Fah Luang University in Chiang Rai for years. Researchers from the interdisciplinary IATE working group there have now paid a visit to BIBA and LogDynamics. On July 9 and 10, we welcomed them and our cooperation partners from the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) in Potsdam as well as from the University of Évora for a scientific exchange. The guests visited BIBA and IMSAS - Institute for Microsensors, -actuators and -systems at the University of Bremen. They took the chance to gain an insight into the work of both institutes and to explore opportunities for cooperation.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Ingrid Rügge, Dr.-Ing. Reiner Jedermann
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


International Exchange on Innovation: DIHs from Bosnia and Herzegovina visit BIBA

On July 23rd and 24th, BIBA welcomed guests from Digital Storm and IDEMO DIHs Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH! We started the visit by introducing the participating institutions and their facilities to support SMEs in digitalization and innovation. A particular highlight was the demonstration of smart microgrids for factories using the example of energy self-sufficient pizza production. On the second day, the guests visited the office of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg and were given a tour of the DIGITAL HUB.

Contact: Stefan Wiesner
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


Personnel News


Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow Elected Spokesperson of the DFG Review Board 4.43 Computer Science

The newly elected DFG Review Board 4.43 Computer Science has chosen Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow, Chair of the Combinatorial Optimization and Logistics Group at the University of Bremen, as their spokesperson. In the DFG Review Board elections in autumn 2023, Prof. Megow was re-elected. Over 50,000 researchers participated, submitting votes for 1,631 candidates across 49 boards.
The Computer Science Review Board, with 23 members, elected Prof. Dr. Barbara Hammer of Bielefeld University as deputy spokesperson. The term runs from 2024 to 2028.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow


Felix Hommelsheim is New Junior Fellow at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg

The Institute of Advanced Study Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK) supports excellent early-career researchers within their postdoc programm. From July 2024 to June 2027, Dr. Felix Hommelsheim (FB3, AG Megow) is an Associate Junior Fellow at HWK. As part of the program, he will organize an international workshop on the topic of “New Perspectives in Network Design.”

Contact: Dr. Felix Hommelsheim



ISL Maritime Conference & 70th Anniversary

September 18, 2024, Bremen
On 18 September 2024, the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) invites you to the 14th ISL Maritime Conference.
Look forward to exciting presentations on current research topics under the guiding theme “Logistics in transition: On course for the future”.The 70th anniversary of ISL will also be celebrated on this day. The “Institute for Shipping Research” was founded exactly 70 years ago by the Senate of the Federal State of Bremen. ISL would like to celebrate this milestone in September following the ISL Maritime Conference. 

Contact: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Lemper, Vivienne Kochanowski
Details and registration
Image: ISL


LogDynamics at ENVOCONNECT 2024 - On Course for Sustainable Logistics

September 19-20, 2024, Bremerhaven
ENVOCONNECT is the conference for all sustainability actors in the field of ports and logistics in German-speaking countries. In order to emphasize the important role of sustainability in logistics research in order to make a positive contribution to ecological and social responsibility, the LogDynamics cluster is participating in the trade exhibition accompanying the conference. The cluster will be presenting the latest research findings on improving environmental compatibility in the logistics sector, which help to conserve resources, reduce emissions and improve the efficiency of logistics processes.

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: Envoconnect


Creating Value with the Energy Transition

September 25, 2024, Bremen
To address the climate crisis, it is essential to replace fossil fuels with renewable energies. At the same time, efficient energy management is necessary. For strategic and economic reasons, many manufacturing companies are currently seeking solutions to implement sustainable energy generation and usage.
In the innovation workshop, we demonstrate how the energy transition in production companies can be achieved through the use of sustainable energy systems and the digitization of production. We pay particular attention to the potentials of sector coupling and process conversion.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Matthias Burwinkel
Details and registration
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


BIBA Contributes to the Autumn Internship at the Technology Park

October 7-11, 2024, Bremen
To get future scientists interested in engineering at an early stage, BIBA is once again participating in the Technology Park's autumn internship program. The school students will gain exclusive insights into research projects with theoretical and practical components. This year's focus is on the topics of human-technology interaction and human-robot collaboration.

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: Jan Meier


Cobot from BIBA at the BVL Supply Chain CX 2024

October 23-25, 2024, Berlin
From October 23 to 25, 2024, you can meet the LogDynamics research cluster at the BVL Supply Chain CX in Berlin, booth E/03. CX is the networking event for logistics and supply chain management. This is where decision-makers and other logistics enthusiasts from industry, trade, services and science meet. The LogDynamics cluster will be taking part in the accompanying exhibition on the topic of digitalization in production and logistics. As a technological highlight, we will be exhibiting a collaborative cobot.

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: BVL





BIBA Welcomes Senator Moosdorf: A Dialog on Research, Transfer and Future Technologies in Logistics

On September 5, 2024, BIBA welcomed a very special guests: Senator Kathrin Moosdorf and her team. The Senator for the Environment, Climate and Science of the Federal State of Bremen was informed about BIBA's current activities and the latest results in the field of logistics research.The transfer between science and industry featured prominently on the agenda, not least in the context of BIBA's involvement in the LogDynamics research cluster. As a research and transfer focus of the state of Bremen, LogDynamics stands for a broad interdisciplinary spectrum of research on logistics topics, for international cooperation and for knowledge and technology transfer. Senator Moosdorf was given an insight into selected applications and demonstrators from BIBA and LogDynamics projects during a tour of the BIBA shop floor lab and the LogDynamics Lab.
Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Freitag
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


SMM 2024: The Future of the Maritime Industry Starts Now!

September 3 to 6, the LogDynamics research Cluster was present at the joint stand of the Federal State of Bremen at the SMM 2024 maritime fair in Hamburg. Visitors from the maritime industry learned about our port-related projects and explored the potential of these innovations for their own business in dialog with the LogDynamics experts. Among other things, they learned how artificial intelligence can be used to optimize port handling, what the future holds for automated driving processes and dynamic storage and logistics concepts on automotive terminals, and how an intelligent port logbook contributes to the efficient and sustainable use of port infrastructure.

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: Jan Ehlers/BIS Bremerhaven


Open Day at DFKI: Dive into the World of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics fascinate many people. On August 30, 2024, the open day of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Bremen, the visitors could find out where the research stands and how these technologies can support us today and in the future. 

Contact: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Kirchner 
Image: DFKI


Future Meets Present: The Growmorrow Festival 2024 Invites You to Exchange Ideas

On August 8th, 2024, the big Growmorrow event kicked into its first festival day. At the Pumpwerk in Wilhelmshaven, visitors were able to see innovative ideas and immerse themselves in exciting talks, panels and discussions. Digital expert Sascha Lobo kicked things off with his presentation "How AI is changing our nutrition and medicine". BIBA was present at this inspiring event. At the stand of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg, we showed what will be possible with digitalization and AI in the port of the future. Further events full of visions for the future will follow in Oldenburg and Aurich.

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


How AI Helps to Generate Added Value from Machine Data

When technical experts are among themselves, they sometimes speak in technical terms and communicate with abbreviations. On August 8th, 2024, people with IT, production, data and development expertise met and developer expertise met for a workshop in the newly designed rooms at of SWMS Consulting in Oldenburg. The casual exchange began with a delicious lunchtime snack before a special experiment from a cooperation between SWMS Consulting GmbH and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg was presented. At the center of the cooperation is the Fischertechnik learning factory from the BIBA. This provides data visualization of the SWMS "Lean IoT" solution, which enables manufacturing companies to generate added value from their machine data.

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: Monika Kretschmer


ISL at the 36th Nofoma Conference

The 36th Nofoma Conference took place in Stockholm from the 13th of June to the 14th of June 2024. The theme of this year's conference was ‘Logistics and Supply Chain Management in a Risky and Uncertain World’. The aim of the event was to bring together researchers, practitioners and teachers to share the latest research findings and experiences. Rainer Müller from ISL took part in the conference and represented the ReNEW - Resilience-centric Smart, Green, Networked EU Inland Waterways project. In his presentation ‘Measurement of Supply Chain Resilience in IWT’, he presented a method for measuring and comparing the resilience of supply chains.

Contact: Rainer Müller
Image: ISL


BIBA with Coala at the Bremen Startup Summit

The Bremen Startup Summit took place on June 13 and the Coala team from the BIBA at the University of Bremen was there. With team members Stefan Wellsandt, Mina Foosherian, Indah Lengkong and Sahan Vimukthi Nishshanka, the Coala stand was a complete success. They presented the innovative start-up idea and the prototype of an assistant for onboarding new employees. A special highlight: Stefan presented the concept to the audience in a convincing elevator pitch.
Contact: Mina FoosherianStefan Wellsandt
Image: BIBA


Those Were the Bremen AI Days and BIBA Was in the Middle of It!

The Bremen AI Days of the Transfer Center for Artificial Intelligence BREMEN.AI on June 12 and 13, 2024 at the DHI were all about artificial intelligence and we are thrilled to have been part of this inspiring event.
BIBA presented a demonstrator on the use of AI for greater energy efficiency in production from the ecoKI project. Using the example of a simulated chocolate factory, we showed ways in which AI can be used to identify potential energy savings in production without the need for expert knowledge. This approach met with great interest from both the potential application companies and the technology-enthusiastic pupils.
Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: Aleksandra Himsted


Learning Factory 4.0 as the Highlight of the Digital Tour 2024 in Wilhelmshaven

The digital tour of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg and BIBA made its second stop in Wilhelmshaven on June the 11, 2024. The meeting of small and medium-sized enterprises was all about sustainability and technology.
In addition to the keynote speech "The hype surrounding reporting on sustainability", the entrepreneurs were able to experience a simulation of automated production processes on site using our Learning Factory 4.0 demonstrator. Lernort Technik und Natur e.V. also offered guided tours of its facilities.

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


Digital Day 2024: A Look into the Future of Work with Digital Assistants

On June 7, 2024, the German-wide Digital Day, BIBA, in cooperation with the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg, invited to a virtual demonstration in which we presented the fascinating world of digitalization in the workplace. Using three examples, we showed how digital assistants will change the way we work: Safe human-robot collaboration, AI-based ergonomic support for manual assembly, 

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
DetailsVideo HRC, Video Assembly, Video Voice Assistant
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


ISL Presentation at MARESEC 2024

The 4th European Workshop on Maritime Systems Resilience and Security (MARESEC 2024) took place in Bremerhaven from 6 to 7 June 2024. The event brought experts and researchers from various disciplines together to explore and discuss resilience, security, technology and the associated ethical, legal and social aspects (ELSA) in a maritime context. One highlight was the keynote speech by Prof Dr Frank Arendt, Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics. On 6 June, he spoke about "Resilience of Maritime Transport Chains - The Logistics Perspective", highlighting the challenges and solutions from a logistical and economic perspective.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Frank Arendt
Image: ISL


Digital Tour Bremen: AI as an Opportunity Driver for the Sustainability of Business Models

The digital tour of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Bremen-Oldenburg, in which BIBA is involved in, kicked off in Bremen on 6th of June 2024 and offered exciting insights into digitalization and sustainability. The focus was on the question: “How artificial intelligence as an opportunity driver can influence the sustainability of business models”. In the afternoon, workshops and discussion tables were held in parallel, giving participants the opportunity to engage intensively with the key topics and ask their questions. The workshop offered by BIBA on identifying suitable partners for collaboration on digital business models was well received.

Contact: Aleksandra Himstedt
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt



An Inspiring Day Full of Future Technologies with Students from Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

On May 28, 2024, a group of business administration students from the “Production and Logistics Management” course at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences visited BIBA. The aim of the visit was to familiarize the specialists and managers of tomorrow with the advanced technologies that will shape the future of production and logistics. In two keynote speeches, innovative logistics systems and the digital twin for supply chains were presented, as well as the development of digital products and business models that are driving the current industrial revolution forward. The students also had the opportunity to experience various demonstrators with the latest technologies at first hand.

Contact: Stefan Wiesner
Image: Aleksandra Himstedt


Students Develop New Approaches for Flexible Robotics in the ACROBA Hackathon

At the ACROBA Hackathon at BIBA on April 25 and 26, 2024, students from various degree programs took on the challenge of improving the interaction between humans and robots. Working in interdisciplinary teams, the students used robot data and data from a localization system to develop solutions for more flexible, intuitive and safer human-robot interaction, e.g. to enable hand-to-hand transfer of objects regardless of position.

Contact: Aaron heuerrmann
Image: Artem Schurig





SSMR Vol. 04: World Container Shipping - Shrinking, but still high order backlog

According to latest data from ISL’s Port Database , global container traffic was stagnating in 2023. In total, the container ports included in the database handled 733.6 million TEU in 2023, just 300,000 more than in 2022. By far the highest growth among all top 20 ports was achieved by the port of Tanger in Morocco. It is the first African port to enter the top 20. With a staggering annual average growth rate of 19.9% between 2018 and 2023, the port more than doubled its container handling volume within five years. ISL SSMR 2024-4 highlights the current developments around container shipping.

Contact: Dieter Stockmann
Image: ISL


SSMR Vol. 05: Car handling in ports on constantly high levels

The monthly car throughput figures in the early part of this year confirm the trend that had already become apparent in mid-2021. Since the beginning of 2022, the monthly throughput figures in the ports monitored by ISL have remained between 1.6 million and 2 million vehicles. The annual results of the ports that publish their handling results and are included in the ISL Port Data Base also point to a noticeable recovery, after exceptionally difficult years marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. Leading ports showed significant increases in global car throughput.

Contact: Dieter Stockmann
Image: ISL





Drone for Stocktaking and Quality Inspection of Pallet Contents in the Warehouse

In the DroneStock research project, an unmanned aerial system was developed for automatic stocktaking and quality inspection of pallet contents in indoor block storage facilities. By using a helium-based lighter-than-air drone and intelligent sensor technology, the drone can navigate collision-free and does not need to be separated from humans or other automated systems. Latency-critical calculations, e.g. for collision avoidance, can be carried out directly on the drone using special AI hardware. 

Contact: Benjamin Staar
Image: Camila Mejia