Contributions to Journals

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The publisher who published this publication is now suspected of being a predatory publisher. The contribution was made on the basis of a third-party-funded research project. It is part of the final project report, which was examined by anonymous reviewers. They did not criticize the publication.

Contributions to Journals (reviewed)


Koreis, J.; Loske, D.; Klumpp, M.
Together, we travel: empirical insights on human-robot collaborative order picking for retail warehousing
In: The International Journal of Logistics Management, 36(2025)1 [BibTeX]

Koreis, J.; Loske, D.; Klumpp, M.; Glock, CH.
We belong together-A system-level investigation regarding AGV-assisted order picking performance
In: International Journal of Production Economics, (2025), Elsevier [BibTeX]

Loske, D.; Regattieri, A.; Mangiaracina, R.; Klumpp, M.
The Impact of Product Packaging Characteristics on Order Picking Performance in Grocery Retailing
In: Journal of Business Logistics , 46(2025)1 [BibTeX]


Braghirolli, L. F.; Mendes, L. G.; Engbers, H.; Leohold, S.; Triska, Y.; Flores, M. R.; de Souza, R. O.; Freitag, M.; Frazzon, E. M.
Improving production and maintenance planning with meta-learning-based failure prediction
In: Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 75(2024)1, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 42-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Berenbrink, P.; Hoefer, M.; Kaaser, D.; Lenzner, P.; Rau, M.; Schmand, D.
Asynchronous opinion dynamics in social networks
In: Distributed Computing, 37(2024), Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Bertschinger, N.; Hoefer, M.; Schmand, D.
Flow Allocation Games
In: Mathematics of Operations Research, 50(2024)1 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Engbers, H.; Freitag, M.
Automated Model Selection for Multivariate Anomaly Detection in Manufacturing Systems
In: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, (2024), Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

He, Z.; Wu, Z.; Herzog, O.; Hei, J.; Li, L.; Li, X.
Compound health effects and risk assessment of extreme heat and ozone air pollution under climate change: A case study of 731 urban areas in China
In: Sustainable Cities and Society, 119(2024), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IGS, MLog, TZI)

Hoefer, M.; Schewior, K.; Schmand, D.
Stochastic Probing with Increasing Precision
In: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 38(2024)1, pp. 148-169 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Hoffmann, T. G.; Linke, M.; Praeger, U.; Sonawane, A. D.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.A.; Jedermann, R.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P.V.
Heat transfer in large bins during the apples cool-down proces
In: International Journal of Refrigeration, (2024) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Keiser, D.; Niermann, D.; Freitag, M.
Einrichtung von Montageassistenzsystemen - System zur einfachen Konfiguration von Montageanweisungen und Assistenzfunktionen
In: Industrie 4.0 Science, 40(2024)6, Gito Verlag, Berlin, pp. 33-39 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Oosterwijk, T.; Schmand, D.; Schröder, M.
Bicriteria Nash flows over time
In: Games and Economic Behavior, 147(2024), Elsevier, pp. 19-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Pupkes, B.; Hoppe, N.; Petzoldt, C.; Freitag, M.
Exoskelette in der Intralogistik - Morphologie zur Klassifizierung und systematischen, anwendungsorientierten Auswahl von Exoskeletten
In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 119(2024)6, De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 445-451 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Quandt, M.; Stern, H.; Kreutz, M.; Freitag, M.
Intelligente AR-basierte Assistenzsysteme: Bedarfsgerechter Einsatz von Augmented Reality (AR) in der Intralogistik
In: WT WerkstattsTechnik, 114(2024)6, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 325-333 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Staar, B.; Boger, D.; Lütjen, M.; Hilt, B.; Freitag, M.
Lagerbestandserfassung mit Luftschiff-Drohnen
In: Industrie 4.0 Science, (2024)2, GITO mbH Verlag für Industrielle Informationstechnik und Organisation, Berlin, pp. 58-63 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IAI)

Steinbacher, L. M.; Wegmann, T.; Freitag, M.
Production control with Reinforcement Learning for a matrix-structured production system
In: International Journal of Production Research, (2024)25, Informa UK Limited, London, pp. 1-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Freitag, M.
Kognitive Assistenzsysteme in der Intralogistik
In: Industry 4.0 Science, 40(2024)5, GITO, Berlin, pp. 67-72 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.; Köning, F.; Alsen, H.; Coordes, J.
Entwicklung eines IoT-Frameworks zur automatischen Erfassung von Maschinen- und Prozessdaten in mittelständischen Bäckereibetrieben
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 39(2023)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 36-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Almais, A. T. W.; Susilo, A.; Naba, A.; Sarosa, M.; Crysdian, C.; Wicaksono, H.
Principal Component Analysis-Based Data Clustering for Labeling of Level Damage Sector in Post-Natural Disasters
In: IEEE Access, (2023) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Brusset, X.; Davari, M.; Kinra, A.; La Torre, D.
Modelling ripple effect propagation and global supply chain workforce productivity impacts in pandemic disruptions
In: International Journal of Production Research, 61(2023)8, Taylor & Francis, pp. 2493-2512 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Caraveo Gomez Llanos, A. F.; Vijaya, A.; Wicaksono, H.
Rating ESG key performance indicators in the airline industry
In: Environment, Development and Sustainability, (2023), pp. 1-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Eberle, F.; Hoeksma, R.; Megow, N.; Nölke, L.; Schewior, K.; Simon, B.
Speed-Robust Scheduling: Sand, Bricks, and Rocks
In: Mathematical Programming, 197(2023), Springer, pp. 1009-1048 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Eberle, F.; Megow, N.; Schewior, K.
Online Throughput Maximization on Unrelated Machines: Commitment is No Burden
In: ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 19(2023)1, ACM, pp. 1-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Hamsal, M.; Ichsan, M.; Wicaksono, H.
The impact of environmental turbulence on business sustainability through organisational resilience and dynamic capabilities
In: International Journal of Business Environment, 14(4)(2023), pp. 417-439 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Hapsatou; Haasis, H.-D.; Tsapi, V.
Supply Chain Digitalization of Retail in Africa’s Sub-Saharan Countries: Case of Cameroon
In: International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation, (2023)10 (2023), pp. 91-108 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Herzog, O.
Evidence- and Model-based Urban Planning Opportunities and Challenges
In: Urban Planning forum, (2023)4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Herzog, O.; Jarke, M.; Wu, S. Z.
Cooperating and Competing Digital Twins for Industrie 4.0 in Urban Planning Contexts
In: Special Issue Industry 4.0 – The Global Industrial Revolution: Achievements, Obstacles and Research Needs for the Digital Transformation of Industry, (2023)5(4), Sci 2023 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Hoff-Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, M.; Sprodowski, T.; Freitag, M.
Vehicle compound planning and control system: A planning and control framework for vehicle compounds with online-optimization on the level of individual workers
In: Expert Systems with Applications, (2023)231, elsevier, Oxford UK, pp. 120660 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jedermann, R.
Feasibility of Low Latency, Single-Sample Delay Resampling: A New Kriging Based Method
In: Algorithms, 16(2023)4, MDPI, pp. 203 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Singh, K.; Lang, W.; Mahajan, P.
Digital twin concepts for linking live sensor data with real-time models
In: J. Sens. Sens. Syst., (2023)12(1), pp. 111-121 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jha, R.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Ultrasonic measurement setup for monitoring pre-thawing stages of food
In: Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 12(2023)1, pp. 133-139 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Keiser, D.; Arenz, M.; Freitag, M.; Reiß, M.
Method to Model the Environmental Impacts of Aircraft Cabin Configurations during the Operational Phase
In: Sustainability, 15(2023)6, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, Basel, pp. 27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Keiser, D.; Pupkes, B.; Wagner, J.; Freitag, M.; Mortensen Ernits, R.; Reiß, M.; Becker, A.
Ökobilanzierungen bei Flugzeugherstellern - Ein analytisches Entscheidungsmodell zur Potenzialbewertung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 39(2023)3, GITO, Berlin, pp. 62 - 66 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Keiser, D.; Schnoor, L. H.; Pupkes, B.; Freitag, M.
Life cycle assessment in aviation: A systematic literature review of applications, methodological approaches and challenges
In: Journal of Air Transport Management, 110(2023)102418, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.; Ohlendorf, J.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Zimnol, F.; Greulich, A.
Ice prediction for wind turbine rotor blades with time series data and a deep learning approach
In: Cold Regions Science and Technology, 206(2023), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 103741 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Mekonnen Gobachew, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Scenario-Based Optimization of Supply Chain Performance under Demand Uncertainty
In: Sustainability, 15(2023)13(2023), pp. 10603 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Mekonnen Gobachew, A.; Haasis, H.-D.; Berhan, E.
Case assessment and identification of pharmaceutical supply chain performance measures and metrics
In: African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, (2023)15(2023), pp. 524-531 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Niermann, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Doernbach, T.; Isken, M.; Freitag, M.
Software framework concept with visual programming and digital twin for intuitive process creation with multiple robotic systems
In: Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 82(2023)102536, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Petzoldt, C.; Harms, M.; Freitag, M.
Review of task allocation for human-robot collaboration in assembly
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 36(2023)11, Taylor & Trancis, Abingdon, pp. 1675-1715 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sarafanov, E.; Fatahi Valilai, O. F.; Wicaksono, H.
Causal Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Project Management
In: Intelligent Systems Conference, (2023), Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 245-264 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Steinbacher, L. M.; Düe, T.; Veigt, M.; Freitag, M.
Automatic Model Generation for Material Flow Simulations of Third-Party Logistics
In: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, (2023), Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Steinbacher, L. M.; Rippel, D.; Schulze, P.; Rohde, A.-K.; Freitag, M.
Quality-based scheduling for a flexible job shop
In: Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 70(2023), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 202-216 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sukoco, B. M.; Putra, R. A.; Muqaffi, H. N.; Lutfian, M. V.; Wicaksono, H.
Comparative study of ASEAN research productivity
In: SAGE Open, 13(1)(2023) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Uygun, Y.; Schupp, F.; Gotsadze, N.; Gzirishvili, L.; Tindjou, S.
A Holistic Model for Understanding the Dynamics of Outsourcing
In: International Journal of Production Research, 61(2023)4(2023), Open Access [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Constructor University)

Veigt, M.; Freitag, M.
Supervised learning to support the process planning of contract logistics projects
In: Production Engineering - Research and Development, (2023), Springer, Berlin [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Steinbacher, L.; Freitag, M.
KI als Planungsassistenz in der Kontraktlogistik - Überwachtes Lernen zur Vorhersage von Prozessschritten in der Planung von Logistikprozessen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 39(2023)1, Gito, Berlin, pp. 9-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wang, H.; Kurosu, M.; Haasis, H.-D.; Zhao, R.; Wen, S.
Cargo Terminal Intelligent-Scheduling Strategies Based on Improved Bee Colony Algorithms
In: Applied Sciences, 13(2023)15(2023), pp. 8750 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)


Abels, A.; Pitschmann, E.; Schmand, D.
Prophet-Inequalities over Time
(2022), ArXiv, pp. 1-39 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Berndt, S.; Eberle, F.; Megow, N.
Online load balancing with general reassignment cost
In: Operations Research Letters, 50(2022)3, pp. 322-328 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Böhm, M.; Hoeksma, R.; Megow, N.; Nölke, L.; Simon, B.
On Hop-Constrained Steiner Trees in Tree-Like Metrics
In: SIAM J. Discrete Math, 36(2022)2, pp. 1249-1273 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Böhm, M.; Megow, N.; Schlöter, J.
Throughput Scheduling with Equal Additive Laxity
In: In Operations Research Letters, 50(2022)5, pp. 463-469 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Brinker, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Power in the Context of SCM and Supply Chain Digitalization: An Overview from a Literature Review
In: Logistics, 6(2022)25, pp. 1-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Brinker, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Power in the Context of SCM and Supply Chain Digitalization: An Overview from a Literature Review
In: Logistics, 2022(2022)6, pp. 1-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Deng, Q.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Systematic Procedure for Utilization of Product Usage Information in Product Development
In: Information, 2022(2022)13(6), MDPI, pp. 267 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eberle, F.; Megow, N.; Schewior, K.
Online Throughput Maximization on Unrelated Machines: Commitment is No Burden.
In: ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 19(2022)1, pp. 1-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Görges, M.; Freitag, M.
Design and Evaluation of an Integrated Autonomous Control Method for Automobile Terminals
In: Logistics, 6(2022)4, MDPI, Basel, pp. 27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gumz, J.; Fettermann, D. C.; Frazzon, E. M.; Kück, M.
Using Industry 4.0’s Big Data and IoT to Perform Feature-Based and Past Data-Based Energy Consumption Predictions
In: Sustainability, 14(2022)20, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hoppe, N.; Rolfs, L.; Petzoldt, C.; Putzka, A.; Freitag, M.
Konzept für ein automatisiertes Spezifikationstool für fahrerlose Transportsysteme. Planung und anforderungsgerechte Auswahl von FTS
In: Werkstattstechnik online, 112(2022)4, VDI Fachmedien GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf, pp. 232-237 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Istiqomah, S.; Sutopo, W.; Hisjam, M.; Wicaksono, H.
Optimizing Electric Motorcycle-Charging Station Locations for Easy Accessibility and Public Benefit: A Case Study in Surakarta
In: World Electric Vehicle Journal, 13(2022)12, pp. 232 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: INDEED, Constructor University)

Kinra, A.; Hald, K. S.
Building the Supply Chain Resilience of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
In: In Effektivitet, (2022), pp. 4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Kinra, A.; Ulengin, F.; Rothengatter, W.
Advances in Thoughts and Approaches for Transport and Logistics Systems Performance Evaluation
In: Transport Policy, 124(2022)4, pp. 1-4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Lütjen, M.; Broda, E.; Uhlenkamp, J.; Wilhelm, J.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Mehrdimensionales Reifegradmodell für digitale Zwillinge. Methode zur systematischen Klassifikation und Bewertung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 38(2022)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 7-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Mortensen Ernits, R.; Reiß, M.; Bauer, M.; Becker, A.; Freitag, M.
Individualisation of Inflight Catering Meals—An Automation Concept for Integrating Pre-Ordered Meals during the Flight for All Passengers
In: Aerospace, 9(2022)11, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 736 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Petzoldt, C.; Keiser, D.; Schöbel, N.; Freitag, M.
Planung von Assistenzsystemen für die industrielle Montage - Methodisches Vorgehensmodell zur Bedarfsermittlung und anforderungsorientierten Auswahl von informatorischen und physischen Montageassistenzsystemen
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 117(2022)3, De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 157-163 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Petzoldt, C.; Lütjen, M.; Panter, L.; Niermann, D.; Vur, B.; Quandt, M.; Rolfs, L.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Jathe, N.; Freitag, M.
Operator 5.0: Intelligente Arbeitsergonomie im Automobilumschlag - Konzept zur Mensch-Technik-Interaktion mit autonomen Transportsystemen und sensorischen Exoskeletten
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 117(2022)10, De Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 644-650 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Petzoldt, C.; Niermann, D.; Maack, E.; Sontopski, M.; Vur, B.; Freitag, M.
Implementation and Evaluation of Dynamic Task Allocation for Human–Robot Collaboration in Assembly
In: Applied Sciences, 12(2022)24, MDPI, Basel, pp. 12645 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Popescu, M.; Mronga, D.; Bergonzani, I.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.
Experimental Investigations into Using Motion Capture State Feedback for Real-Time Control of a Humanoid Robot
In: Sensors - Open Access Journal, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 22(2022)24, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Szczerbicka, H.; Freitag, M.
Demand-Driven Supply of Offshore Wind Turbine Components by Cascading Simulation and Optimization
In: Simulation Notes Europe, 32(2022)3, ARGESIM, Vienna, pp. 151-159 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rohde, A.-K.; Pupkes, B.; Lütjen, M.; Mortensen Ernits, R.; Keiser, D.; Freitag, M.
Intelligente Steuerung von Besucherströmen - Rahmenkonzept für einen sicheren Messebetrieb unter Berücksichtigung von geeigneten Abständen und Routenplanung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 38(2022)4, GITO, Berlin, pp. 48 - 52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schmand, D.; Schröder, M.; Vargas Koch, L.
A greedy algorithm for the social golfer and the Oberwolfach problem.
In: European Journal of Operational Research, 300(2022)1, pp. 310-319 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Digitalisierung für mehr Transparenz und Resilienz in der Logistik
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 38(2022)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Steinbacher, L.; Pering, E.; Freitag, M.
Transfer und Reinforcement Learning in der Produktionssteuerung
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 117(2022)9, DeGruyter, Berlin, pp. 609-613 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Leder, R.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Unterstützung von Wartungs- und Instandhaltungsprozessen für LNG-Schiffsarmaturen - Menschzentrierte Entwicklung und Evaluation eines AR-Assistenzsystems
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 38(2022)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 6-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Teucke, M.; Broda, E.; Freitag, M.
Effiziente Geschäftsprozesse beim Containertransport
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 38(2022)3, GITO, Berlin, pp. 11-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Trapp, M.; Kreutz, M.; Böttjer, A.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Passgenaue Schuhe mittels 3D-Druck
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 38(2022)4, GITO, Berlin, pp. 15-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Tsapi, V.; Assene, M.-N.; Haasis, H.-D.
The Complexity of the Meat Supply Chain in Cameroon: Multiplicity of Actors, Interactions and Challenges
In: Logistics, 6(2022)86, pp. 1-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Uhlenkamp, J.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Broda, E.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Digital Twins: A Maturity Model for their Classification and Evaluation
In: IEEE Access, 10(2022), IEEE, pp. 69605-69635 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Vyas, S.; Maywald, L.; Kumar, S.; Jankovic, M.; Mueller, A.; Kirchner, F.
Post-Capture Detumble Trajectory Stabilization for Robotic Active Debris Removal
In: Advances in Space Research, Elsevier Ltd, 1(2022), pp. 1-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Wiebe, F.; Babel, J.; Vyas, S.; Kumar, S.; Kirchner, F.; Boukheddimi, M.; Popescu, M.; Harnack, D.
Torque-limited simple pendulum: A toolkit for getting familiar with control algorithms in underactuated robotics
In: Journal of Open Source Software, The Open Journal, 7(2022)74, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Wilhelm, J.; Hoppe, N.; Freitag, M.
Konzept für ein modulares, rekonfigurierbares Montagesystem
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 38(2022)4, GITO, Berlin, pp. 33-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wilhelm, J.; Hoppe, N.; Petzoldt, C.; Rolfs, L.; Freitag, M.
Evaluation of Performance and Cargo-Shock of an Autonomous Handling System for Container Unloading
In: Logistics Research, 15(2022)1, BVL, Bremen, pp. 1-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Abdenebaoui, L.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
A Graph-Transformational Approach to Swarm Computation
In: Entropy, 23(2021)453 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Behrens, L.; Wiesner, S. A.
Empirische Studie zu dynamischen Produktionsplattformen - Potenziale für den Einsatz von dynamischen Plattformen während der COVID-19 Pandemie
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 7(2021)1, GITO Verlag, pp. 7-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Biedermann, L.; Kotzab, H.
Supply Chain Risk Management und Supply Chain Resilienz
In: WiSt, 50(2021)4, pp. 4-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Bohas, A.; Morley, M. J.; Kinra, A.
Perlmutter revisited: Revealing the anomic mindset
In: Journal of International Business Studies, 52(2021), pp. 1695-1723 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Böhm, M.; Hoeksma, R.; Megow, N.; Nölke, L.; Simon, B.
On Hop-Constrained Steiner Trees in Tree-Like Metrics
In: SIAM J. Discrete Math, (2021) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Cen, M.; Schander, A.; Vargas Gleason, M. G.; Lang, W.
An Assessment of Surface Treatments for Adhesion of Polyimide Thin Films
In: Polymers, 13(2021)1955 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Chaising, S.; Haasis, H.-D.
Cloud Computing for Logistics and Procurement Services for SMEs and Raw Material Supplier
In: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 38(2021)4, pp. 459-474 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Chen, L.; Megow, N.; Rischke, R.; Stougie, L.; Verschae, J.
Optimal Algorithms for Scheduling under Time-of-Use Tariffs
In: Annals of Operations Research, 304(2021)1, pp. 85-107 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Daum, B.; Gottlieb, G.; Safdar, N.; Brod, M.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Rolfes, R.
A numerical investigation of the statisticalsize effect in non-crimp fabric laminatesunder homogeneous compressive loads
In: Journal of Composite Materials, 56(2021)5, SAGE Publications , pp. 665-683 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eberlein, S.; Oelker, S.; Jacovis, S.; Beckmann, V.; Freitag, M.
Automatisierung von Containerterminals - Erfolgsfaktoren für das Management der Automatisierung von Straddle Carriern
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 37(2021)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 6-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Egbert, L.; Zitnikoc, A.; Tietjen, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Ansatz zur Zustandsbeschreibung technischer Bauteile. Prognose der Restnutzungsdauer auf zeitdiskret erfassten Bauteilzuständen mithilfe mobiler Sensorik
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 7(2021)2, GITO Verlag, pp. 35-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eger, L.; Wiesner, S. A.
Entwicklung eines Frameworks für den Entwurf dynamischer Produktionsplattformen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 7(2021)5, GITO Verlag, pp. 35-39 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Fottner, J.; Clauer, D.; Hormes, F.; Freitag, M.; Beinke, T.; Overmeyer, L.; Gottwald, S. N.; Elbert, R.; Sarnow, T.; Schmidt, T.; Reith, K. B.; Zadek, H.; Thomas, F.
Autonomous Systems in Intralogistics - State of the Art and Future Research Challenges
In: Logistics Research, 14(2021)1, BVL, Bremen, pp. 41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frasquet, M.; Brusset, X.; Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.
Transforming retail channels n the digital era: marketing and operations perspectives
In: International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 49(2021)7, pp. 813-816 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Gaiardelli, P.; Pezzotta, G.; Rondini, A.; Romero, D.; Jarrahi, F.; Bertoni, M.; Wiesner, S. A.; Wuest, T.; Larsson, T.; Zaki, M.; Jussen, P.; Boucher, X.; Bigdeli, A.; Cavalieri, S.
Product-service systems evolution in the era of Industry 4.0
In: Service Business, 15(2021)1, Springer, pp. 177-207 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Coe, R. G.; Manuel, L.; Chai, W.; Leira, B.; Clarindo, G.; Guedes Soares, C.
A benchmarking exercise for environmental contours
In: Ocean Engineering, 236(2021), Elsevier, pp. 1-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Mackay, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Reducing conservatism in highest density environmental contours
In: Applied Ocean Research, 117(2021), Elsevier, pp. 102936 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hillebrand, M.; von Enzberg, S.; Herzog, O.
Selbstheilende Systeme in der Smart Factory
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 37(2021)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 12-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Hribernik, K.; Cabri, G.; Mandreoli, F.; Mentzas, G.
Autonomous, context-aware, adaptive Digital Twins—State of the art and roadmap
In: Computers in Industry, 133(2021), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Keiser, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Vogler, H.
Mitarbeiterzentrierte Assistenzsysteme für die manuelle Montage - Systematische Evaluation von Montageassistenzsystemen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 37(2021)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 11 - 15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Keiser, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Münkner, M.; Freitag, M.
Bestimmung des Automatisierungsgrades in der Montage: Methodisches Werkzeug für den Einsatz in der Montagegrobplanung
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 116(2021)6, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khalid, A.; Khan, Z. H.; Idress, M.; Kirisci, P. T.; Ghrairi, Z.; Thoben, K.-D.; Pannek, J.
Understanding vulnerabilities in cyber physical production systems
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 34(2021)9, pp. 1-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kinra, A.; Ulengin, F.; Kotzab, H.; Brusset, X.
Advances in thoughts and approaches for transport and logistics systems performance evaluation
In: Transport Policy, (2021) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Global Supply Chain Management, Chair of Logistics Management)

Knoke, B.; Thoben, K.-D.
Training simulators formanufacturing processes: Literature review and systematisation of applicability factors
In: Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 29(2021)1, Wiley Online Library, pp. 1-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kotzab, H.; Bäumler, I.; Gerken, P.
The big picture on supply chain integration – insights from a bibliometric analysis
In: Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, (2021) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; Lye, A.
Transformation of Variants of Petri Nets into Context-Dependent Fusion Grammars
In: Information and Computation, (2021) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Krishnappa, L.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Brink, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Investigating the factors influencing the shear behaviour of 0/90∘ non-crimp fabrics to form a reference shear test
In: Composite Materials, (2021)13, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kück, M.; Freitag, M.
Forecasting of customer demands for production planning by local k-nearest neighbor models
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 231(2021)107837, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mackay, E.; Haselsteiner, A. F.
Marginal and total exceedance probabilities of environmental contours
In: Marine Structures, 75(2021), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mahadevan, K.; Bäumler, I.; Kotzab, H.
Frame conditions, mindsets and skills in supply chain management from Taylorism to industry 4.0
In: World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 10(2021)4, pp. 305-323 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Marbach, A.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Text Mining for Supply Chain Risk Management in the Apparel Industry
In: Applied Sciences, 11(2021)5, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Medini, K.; Peillon, S.; Orellano, M.; Wiesner, S. A.; Liu, A.
System Modelling and Analysis to Support Economic Assessment of Product-Service Systems
In: Systems, 9(2021)1, MDPI, pp. 1-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mekonnen, A.; Kitaw, D.; Berhan, E.; Haasis, H.-D.
ABC/XYZ Analysis for Kanban System Implementation in Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: A Case of Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Agency
In: International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 14(2021)3, pp. 63-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Oelker, S.; Sander, A.; Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
Evaluation of the Impact of Weather-Related Limitations on the Installation of OffshoreWind Turbine Towers
In: Energies, 14(2021)3778, MDPI, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Oelker, S.; Sander, A.; Kreutz, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
Evaluation of the Impact of Weather-Related Limitations on the Installation of Offshore Wind Turbine Towers
In: Energies, 14(2021)13, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Petzoldt, C.; Keiser, D.; Siesenis, H.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Ermittlung und Bewertung von Einsatzpotentialen der Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration - Methodisches Vorgehensmodell für die industrielle Montage
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 116(2021)1, de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 8-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Petzoldt, C.; Panter, L.; Niermann, D.; Vur, B.; Freitag, M.; Doernbach, T.; Isken, M.; Acharya, A. S.
Intuitive Interaktionsschnittstelle für technische Logistiksysteme - Konfiguration und Überwachung von Prozessabläufen mittels multimodaler Mensch-Technik-Interaktion und digitalem Zwilling
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 37(2021)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 42-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Praeger, U.; Jedermann, R.; Sellwig, M.; Neuwald, D. A.; Truppel, I.; Scaar, H.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Geyer, M.
Influence of room layout on airflow distribution in an industrial fruit store
In: International Journal of Refrigeration, 131(2021), pp. 714-722 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Quandt, M.; Freitag, M.
A Systematic Review of User Acceptance in Industrial Augmented Reality
In: Frontiers in Education, 6(2021)1, Frontiers, Lausanne, pp. 17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Quandt, M.; Panter, L.; Staar, B.; Steinbacher, L.; Freitag, M.
Augmented Reality zur Steigerung der Arbeitssicherheit von Mobilkranen - Arbeitsraumbezogene Warnstrategien auf Basis von Trajektorienprognose und Kollisionserkennung
In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 116(2021)10, Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, pp. 1-6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Reich, J.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Brusset, X.
Strategic global supply chain network design: How decision analysis combining MILP and AHP on a Pareto front can improve decision-making
In: International journal of production research, 58(2021), pp. 1557-1572 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, Global Supply Chain Management)

Rippel, D.; Foroushani, F. A.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
A Crew Scheduling Model to Incrementally Optimize Workforce Assignments for Offshore Wind Farm Constructions
In: Energies, 14(2021)21, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rolfs, L.; Schweers, D.; Hoppe, N.; Petzoldt, C.; Shahwar, Z.; Freitag, M.
Integration eines omnidirektionalen FTF in eine Produktionsprozesssteuerung - Evaluierung der industriellen IoT-Plattform OPIL
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 116(2021)3, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, pp. 161-165 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schmand, D.; Schröder, M.; Vargas Koch, L.
A greedy algorithm for the social golfer and the Oberwolfach problem
In: European Journal of Operational Research, (2021) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Sullivan, B. P.; Arias Nava, E.; Desai, S.; Sole, J.; Rossi, M.; Ramundo, L.; Terzi, S.
Defining Maritime 4.0: Reconciling principles, elements and characteristics to support maritime vessel digitalisation
In: IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing, 3(2021)1, Open Access Journal, pp. 23-26 [BibTeX]

Unseld, H.; Kotzab, H.; Gerken, P.
Ein emissionsfreier Multimodaler Digitaler Netzverkehr bis 2050 – Strategische Option für kurze Bahntransportstrecken?
In: Journal für Mobilität und Verkehr, 9(2021), pp. 31-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Veigt, M.; Steinbacher, L.; Freitag, M.
Planungsassistenz in der Kontraktlogistik - Ein Konzept zur KI-basierten Planungsunterstützung innerhalb einer digitalen Plattform
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 37(2021)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 11-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

von Stietencron, M.; Hribernik, K.; Lepenioti, K.; Bousdekis, A.; Lewandowski, M.
Towards logistics 4.0: an edge-cloud software framework for big data analytics in logistics processes
In: International Journal of Production Research, 59(2021)20, pp. 1-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wilhelm, J.; Petzoldt, C.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Review of Digital Twin-based Interaction in Smart Manufacturing: Enabling Cyber-Physical Systems for Human-Machine Interaction
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 34(2021)10, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 1031-1048 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Ait Alla, A.; Kreutz, M.; Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulated-based methodology for the interface configuration of cyber-physical production systems
In: International Journal of Production Research, 58(2020)17, Taylor & Francis Online, London, pp. 5388-5403 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ait Alla, A.; Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Freitag, M.
Simulation of contrary maintenance strategies for offshore wind turbines
In: Journal of Simulation, 14(2020)1, Taylor & Francis Online, London, pp. 76-82 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Bäumler, I.; Kotzab, H.
The emergence of intelligent transportation systems from a continental and technological perspective
In: World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 9(2020)3, pp. 199-216 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Bayrak, S.; Paulkowski, D.; Stöckelhuber, K. W.; Staar, B.; Mayer, B.
A Comprehensive Study about the Role of Crosslink Density on the Tribological Behavior of DLC Coated Rubber
In: Materials, 13(2020)23, MDPI, Basel, pp. 15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beaumont, O.; Canon, L.-C.; Eyraud-Dubois, L.; Lucarelli, G.; Marchal, L.; Mommessin, C.; Simon, B.; Trystram, D.
Scheduling on Two Types of Resources: a Survey
In: ACM Computing Surveys, 53(2020)3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
The Impact of Information Sharing on Installation Processes of Offshore Wind Farms - Process Modelling and Simulation Based Analysis
In: International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (IJSTL), 12(2020)1/2, Inderscience, pp. 117-145 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Chen, L.; Eberle, F.; Megow, N.; Schewior, K.; Stein, C.
A General Framework for Handling Commitment in Online Throughput Maximization
In: Mathematical Programming, 183(2020)1, pp. 215-247 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Dastyar, H.; Rippel, D.; Freitag, M.
Optimization of Supplier Development under Market Dynamics
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020(2020)2, Hindawi, London, pp. 1-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Dastyar, H.; Rippel, D.; Pannek, J.; Thoben, K.-D.; Freitag, M.
A Numerical Study on the Effects of Trust in Supplier Development
In: Processes, 8(2020)3, MDPI, Basel, pp. 300 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, BIBA, IGS)

Duin, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Causal cross-impact analysis for identification and assessment of strategic options for industrial clusters
In: International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 22(2020)3, pp. 272-300 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dürr, C.; Erlebach, T.; Megow, N.; Meißner, J.
An Adversarial Model for Scheduling with Testing
In: Algorithmica, 82(2020)12, pp. 3630-3675 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Fiedler, A.; Sackmann, D.; Haasis, H.-D.
Multiagentensysteme im Supply Chain Management
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 36(2020)5, pp. 43-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Focke, J.; Megow, N.; Meißner, J.
Minimum Spanning Tree under Explorable Uncertainty in Theory and Experiments
In: ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 25(2020)1 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Franke, M.; Krause, S.; Thoben, K.-D.; Himmler, A.; Hribernik, K. A.
Adaptive Test Feedback Loop: A Modeling Approach for Checking Side Effects during Test Execution in Advised Explorative Testing
In: SAE International; Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility, 2(2020)3, pp. 1182-1188 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frazzon, E. M.; Agostino, I. R. S.; Broda, E.; Freitag, M.
Manufacturing networks in the era of digital production and operations: A socio-cyberphysical perspective
In: Annual Reviews in Control, 49(2020), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 288-294 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Giefer, L. A.; Staar, B.; Freitag, M.
FPGA-Based Optical Surface Inspection of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Quantized Neural Networks
In: Electronics, 9(2020)11, MDPI, Basel, pp. 15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Grudpan, S.; Wattanakul, S.; Choosri, N.; Palee, P.; Wongta, N.; Malaka, R.; Klaphajone, J.
Virtual Reality Games for Stroke Rehabilitation: A Feasibility Study
In: International Conference on Entertainment Computing, (2020), pp. 163-175 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Characterization and design evaluation of membrane-based calorimetric MEMS sensors for two-dimensional flow measurement
In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 20(2020)9, pp. 4602-4609 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Thoben, K.-D.
Predicting wave heights for marine design by prioritizing extreme events in a global model
In: Journal of Renewable Energy, 156(2020), pp. 1146-1157 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

He, Z.; Haasis, H.-D.
A Theoretical Research Framework of Future Sustainable Urban Freight Trans-port for Smart Cities
In: Sustainability, 12(2020)5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Imran, M.; Hafeez, G.; Khan, I.; Usman, M.; Shafiq, Z.; Qazi, A. B.; Khalid, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Heuristic-Based Programable Controller for Efficient Energy Management Under Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage System in Smart Grid
In: IEEE Access, 8(2020), pp. 139587-139608 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Keiser, D.; Petzoldt, C.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Einsatz von Gamification zur Motivationssteigerung in manuellen Montageassistenzsystemen - Methodik zur Auswahl geeigneter Spiel-Design-Elemente
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 36(2020)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 49 - 52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khan, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Spatially induced effects and sustainability for special economic zones: implications for zones in Pakistan under China Pakistan Economic Corridor
In: Regional Science Inquiry Journal, 12(2020)2, pp. 179-194 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Kinra, A.; Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Buch, R.; Sick Nielsen, T. A.; Pereira, F.
Examining the potential of textual big data analytics for public policy decision-making: A case study with driverless cars in Denmark
In: Transport Policy, 98(2020), pp. 68-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Global Supply Chain Management, BIBA, IGS)

Kinra, A.; Ivanov, D.; ;
Ripple effect quantification by supplier risk exposure assessment
In: International Journal of Production Research, 58(2020)18, pp. 5559-5578 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Modeling and Analyzing Graph Algorithms by Means of Graph Transformation Units
In: Journal of Object Technology, 19(2020)3, pp. 1-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Lye, A.
A Categorial Approach to Reaction Systems: First Steps
In: Theoretical Computer Science, (2020) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreutz, M.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Einführung von Digitalen Zwillingen - Entwicklung einer Vorgehensweise zur Technologiemigration
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 36(2020)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 40-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Luttermann, S.; Kotzab, H.; Halaszovich, T.
The impact of logistics performance on exports, imports and foreign direct investment
In: World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 9(2020)1, pp. 27-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Richrath, M.; Franke, M.; Brink, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards automation of wind energy rotor blade production: a review of challenges and application examples
In: Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science, (2020), pp. 1-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Praeger, U.; Jedermann, R.; Sellwig, M.; Neuwald, D. A.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Truppel, I.; Scaar, H.; Geyer, M.
Airflow distribution in an apple storage room
In: Journal of Food Engineering, 269(2020) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Reich, J.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.; Brusset, X.
Strategic global supply chain network design – how decision analysis combining MILP and AHP on a Pareto front can improve decision-making
In: International Journal of Production Research, (2020) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, Global Supply Chain Management)

Rohde, A.-K.; Steinbacher, L.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Bosse, R.; Bosse, G.; Reimold, F.
Qualitätsorientiertes Steuerungskonzept für die Feinkostlebensmittelproduktion
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 36(2020)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 53 - 57 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rolfs, L.; Hoppe, N.; Petzoldt, C.; Wilhelm, J.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Steuerung adaptiver Systeme mittels digitalem Zwilling – Mensch-Technik-Interaktion während des Produktlebenszyklus am Beispiel der Containerentladung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 36(2020)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Servos, N.; Liu, X.; Teucke, M.; Freitag, M.
Travel Time Prediction in a Multimodal Freight Transport Relation Using Machine Learning Algorithms
In: Logistics, 4(2020)1, MDPI, Basel, CH, pp. 22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sprodowski, T.; Mehrez, M. W.; Pannek, J.
Dynamic-Priority-based DMPC with an Occupancy Grid for Mobile Systems
In: International Journal of Control, (2020)0, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 1-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Sprodowski, T.; Pannek, J.
Analytical Aspects of Distributed MPC based on an Occupancy Grid for Mobile Robots
In: Applied Sciences, 10(2020)3, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Sprodowski, T.; Sagawa, J.; Maluf, A. S.; Freitag, M.; Pannek, J.
A multi-product job shop scenario utilising Model Predictive Control
In: Expert Systems with Applications, 162(2020), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 113734 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL)

Staar, B.; Bayrak, S.; Paulkowski, D.; Freitag, M.
A U-Net Based Approach for Automating Tribological Experiments
In: Sensors, 20(2020)22, MDPI, Basel, pp. 13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stark, R.; Anderl, R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Wartzack, S.
WiGeP-Positionspapier: „Digitaler Zwilling“
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 115(2020), pp. 47-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Steinbacher, L. M.; Trapp, M.; Freitag, M.
Intelligente Infrastrukturen in der Hafenlogistik - Beispiel einer intelligenten Beleuchtungssteuerung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 36(2020)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 24-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Freitag, M.
Human Factors-basierte Arbeitsgestaltung in Cyber-Physischen Produktionssystemen - Anwendung und Bewertung einer neuen Methode zur Evaluation der Gestaltung von Benutzerschnittstellen
In: ZWF Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 115(2020)6, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 434-437 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Teucke, M.; Veigt, M.; Engbers, H.; Klose, M.; Freitag, M.
Kontinuierliche Planung von Logistikflächen - Unterstützung durch ein digitales Assistenzsystem
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 110(2020)4, VDI Fachmedien GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf, pp. 195-200 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uhlenkamp, J.-F.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Wie Digitale Zwillinge Unternehmensgrenzen überwinden. Ein Beitrag zur Gestaltung von Digitalen Zwillingen mit unternehmensübergreifenden Anwendungen im Produktlebenszyklus
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 115(2020), pp. 84-89 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Hardi, E.; Koerdt, M.; Herrmann, A. S.; Freitag, M.
Investigation of using RFID for cure monitoring of glass fiber‑reinforced plastics
In: Production Engineering, 14(2020)4, Springer, Berlin, pp. 499-507 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wilhelm, J.; Petzoldt, C.; Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.
Modularer digitaler Zwilling für adaptive Systeme - Mensch-Technik-Interaktion zur Steuerung semi-autonomer Systeme am Beispiel der Containerentladung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 36(2020)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 24-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ye, J.
Regional Orientated Global Logistics Networks Redesign with Respect to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
(2020) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Yumurtacı, I.; Kotzab, H.; Köstepen, K.; Halaszovich, T.
Assessing consumer logistics functions in grocery shopping: Evidence from an emerging market
In: Journal of Marketing Channels, 26(2020)1, pp. 72-86 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)


Abed, F.; Chen, L.; Disser, Y.; Megow, N.; Meißner, J.; Richter, A. T.; Rischke, R.
Scheduling Maintenance Jobs in Networks
In: Theoretical Computer Science, 754(2019), pp. pp. 107-121 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Arango Castellanos, J.; Dhanasekaran Velayutha Rajan, H.; Rohde, A.-K.; Denhof, D.; Freitag, M.
Design and simulation of a control algorithm for peak-load shaving using vehicle to grid technology
In: SN Applied Sciences, 1(2019), Springer International Publishing, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Schamann, A.; Feldmann, K.
Beruflich-betriebliche Weiterbildung 4.0 - Gamification im E-Learning in Verbindung mit individueller Spieleapplikation für die mitarbeiterorientierte Weiterbildung der Zukunft
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 35(2019)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 13-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Chaising, S.; Haasis, H.-D.
Cloud Computing for Logistics and Procurement Services for SMEs and Raw Material Suppliers
In: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, (2019) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Dastyar, H.; Pannek, J.
Numeric Evaluation of Game-Theoretic Collaboration Modes in Supplier Development
In: Applied Sciences, 9(2019)20, pp. 4331 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Eberle, F.; Fischer, F.; Matuschke, J.; Megow, N.
On index policies for stochastic minsum scheduling.
In: Operations Research Letters, 47(2019)3, pp. 213-218 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Giefer, L. A.; Lütjen, M.; Rohde, A.-K.; Freitag, M.
Determination of the Optimal State of Dough Fermentation in Bread Production by Using Optical Sensors and Deep Learning
In: Applied Sciences, 9(2019)20, MDPI, Basel, CH, pp. 16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Giefer, L.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Babr, M.; Freitag, M.
Deep Learning-Based Pose Estimation of Apples for Inspection in Logistic Centers Using Single-Perspective Imaging
In: Processes, 2019(2019)7, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Görges, M.; Freitag, M.
Dynamisierung von Planungsaufgaben auf Automobilterminals - Potenziale selbststeuernder logistischer Prozesse zur Flexibilisierung der Flächenmasterplanung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 35(2019)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 23-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Halaszovich, T.; Kinra, A.
The Impact of Distance, National Transportation Systems and Logistics Performance on FDI and International Trade Patterns: Results from Asian Global Value Chains
In: Transport Policy, (2019) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Hald, K. S.; Kinra, A.
How the Blockchain enables and constrains supply chain performance
In: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 49(2019)4, pp. 376-397 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Characterization and design evaluation of membrane-based calorimetric MEMS sensors for two-dimensional flow measurement
In: IEEE Sensors Journal, (2019) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Lehmkuhl, J.; Pape, T.; Windmeier, K. L.; Thoben, K.-D.
ViroCon: A software to compute multivariate extremes using the environmental contour method
In: SoftwareX (Open Access), (2019)9, pp. 95-101 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Oelker, S.; Ströer, L.; Thoben, K.-D.; Wiedemann, K.; De Ridder, E.; Lehmann, S.
Lifting Wind Turbine Components From a Floating Vessel: A Review on Current Solutions and Open Problems
In: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 141(2019)1, ASME, New York City, pp. 050801-1 - 050801-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

He, Z.; Haasis, H.-D.
Integration of Urban Freight Innovations: Sustainable Inner-Urban Intermodal Transportation in the Retail/Postal Industry
In: Sustainability, 11(2019)6, pp. 1749 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Kottala, S. Y.; Kotzab, H.
An empirical investigation of supply chain operations reference model practices and supply chain performance: Evidence from manufacturing sector
In: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(2019), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, United Kingdom [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, IGS)

Kottala, S. Y.; Kotzab, H.
Intellectual foundation of supply chain management performance models: a bibliometric analysis and synthesis
In: International Journal of Comparative Management, 2(2019)1 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Chair of Logistics Management, IGS)

Kotzab, H.; Darkow, I.-L.; Bäumler, I.; Georgi, C.
Coordination, cooperation and collaboration in logistics and supply chains: a bibliometric analysis
In: Production, 29(2019) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Krasteva, Y.; Kotzab, H.; Lienbacher, E.
Analyzing logistical challenges to address food waste in the grocery retail sector
In: Global Business Management Review, 11(2019)2, pp. 77-103 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Rozenberg, G.
Graph transformation through graph surfing in reaction systems
In: Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, (2019)109, pp. 100481 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kwon, E.; Pehlken, A.; Thoben, K.-D.; Bazylak, A.; Shu, L. H.
Visual Similarity to Aid Alternative-Use Concept Generation for Retired Wind-Turbine Blades
In: Journal of Mechanical Design; ASME Digital Collection, 141(2019)3, pp. 1-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Leith, M.; Boyle, L.; van der Zwet, A.; Scott, G.; Jimoyiannis, A.; Jandric, P.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Tanny, N. S.; Hummel, H.
What’s In a game? A game-based approach to exploring 21st-century European identity and values
In: Journal of Open Review of Educational Research; An Open Access Journal, 6(2019)1, pp. 12-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Development of Operator Theory in Capacity Adjustment of Disturbed and Time-Delayed Job Shop Systems
In: Applied Sciences, 9(2019)11, pp. 2249 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Lütjen, M.; Fechner, J.; Freitag, M.; Podein, M.
Ultraschallschweißen von biologisch abbaubaren Kunststofffolien - Untersuchung biobasierter Kunststoffbeutel für die Handhabung von Trockeneis im TK-Lebensmittelversand
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, (2019)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 47-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Maiyar, L. M.; Cho, S.; Tiwari, M. K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Kiritsis, D.
Optimising online review inspired product attribute classification using the self-learning particle swarm-based Bayesian learning approach
In: International Journal of Production Research, 57(2019)10, Taylor & Francis, pp. 3099-3120 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Praeger, U.; Jedermann, R.; Sellwig, M.; Neuwald, D. A.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Truppel, I.; Scaar, H.; Geyer, M.
Airflow distribution in an apple storage room
In: Journal of Food Engineering, 2020(2019)269, pp. 109746 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Rippel, D.; Jathe, N.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Evaluation of Loading Bay Restrictions for the Installation of Offshore Wind Farms Using a Combination of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming and Model Predictive Control
In: Applied Sciences, 9(2019)23, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rohde, A.-K.; Denhof, D.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Freitag, M.
Versorgungstechnik 4.0 - Vorausschauende Steuerung und Regelung von Energieverbrauchern am Beispiel eines universitären Vorlesungsraums
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 35(2019)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 6-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rolbiecki, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Richrath, M.
Influence of handling effects on the permeability of preforms - Einfluss von Handhabungseffekten auf die Permeabilität von Vorformen
In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 50(2019)12, pp. 1588-1597 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stern, H.; Becker, T.
Menschliche Arbeit in Cyber-Physischen Produktionssystemen: Vorstellung einer Methode zur Evaluationvon Gestaltungsprinzipien für Benutzerschnittstellen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 35(2019)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 51-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, PSLS)

Stern, H.; Becker, T.
Concept and Evaluation of a Method for the Integration of Human Factors into Human-Oriented Work Design in Cyber-Physical Production Systems
In: Sustainability, 11(2019)4508, MDPI, Basel, pp. 33 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, PSLS)

Teller, C.; Brusset, X.; Kotzab, H.
Physical and digital market places – where marketing meets operations
In: International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 47(2019)12, pp. 1-9 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Toenjes, A.; Sonnenberg, H.; Plump, C.; Drechsler, R.; von Hehl, A.
Measurement and evaluation of calorimetric descriptors for the suitability for evolutionary high-throughput material development
In: Measurement and evaluation of calorimetric descriptors for the suitability for evolutionary high-throughput material development, 9(2019)2, pp. 149 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Vargas Gleason, M. G.; Jedermann, R.; Dimassi, A.; Lang, W.
Embedded Wireless Sensor Systems for Resin Flow Monitoring in Glass and Carbon Fiber Composites
In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019(2019)19(22), pp. 10654-10661 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Veigt, M.; Staar, B.; Schukraft, S.; Freitag, M.
Data Analytics in der Produktionsplanung - Einsatz von Data Analytics Methoden zur Identifikation von Einflussfaktoren auf die Termintreue
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 109(2019)4, VDI Fachmedien GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf, pp. 230-234 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wünsche, S.; Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.; Bourlakis, M.
Major Capabilities Required for Logistics Practitioners (Special Feature: Logistics Work Style Reform)
In: Logi biz, 19(2019)2, pp. 46-51 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Yumurtacı, I.; Kotzab, H.; Köstepen, K.; Halaszovich, T.
Assessing consumer logistics functions in grocery shopping: Evidence from an emerging market
In: Journal of Marketing Channels, 26(2019)1, pp. 72-86 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Yumurtacı, I.; Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.
Supply Chain Relationship Quality and its Impact on Firm Performance
In: Production Planning and Control, (2019) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Zhang, H.; Smeddinck, J.; Malaka, R.; Shu, Y.; Chen, C.; He, B.; Fu, Z.; Lawo, M.
Wireless non-invasive motion tracking of functional behavior
In: Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 54(2019), pp. 29-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, TZI, ISL, until 2016 TZI, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Freitag, M.; Pannek, J.
Stability of Predictive Control in Job Shop System with Reconfigurable Machine Tools for Capacity Adjustment
In: Logistics Research, 12(2019)3, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA, IGS)


Anke, J.; Wellsandt, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Modelling of a Smart Service for Consumables Replenishment
In: Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISAJ), 13(2018)17, pp. pp. 1-21 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
The effect of various parameters of solution methodology on a flexible integrated supply chain model
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018(2018), pp. 1-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Bernardo Pinto, M.; Pannek, J.
Robust Solution Approach for the Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem
In: Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018(2018), pp. 1-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Chen, L.; Megow, N.; Schewior, K.
An O(log m)-Competitive Algorithm for Online Machine Minimization
In: SIAM Journal on Computing, 47(2018)6, pp. pp. 2057-2077 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Döring, T.; Porzel, R.; Malaka, R.; Bosse, S.; Lehmhus, D.; Lang, W.; Busse, M.
Human–Computer Interaction with Novel and Advanced Materials
In: Material‐Integrated Intelligent Systems‐Technology and Applications: Technology and Applications, (2018), Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, pp. 629-644 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IMSAS, IFAM)

Eberlein, S.; Oelker, S.; Schumacher, J.; Freitag, M.
Automatisierung von Containerterminals Konzept für den Aufbau einer Pilotanlage für automatisierte Straddle Carrier und emulationsbasierte Untersuchung der Skalierbarkeit
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 34(2018)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frazzon, E. M.; Albrecht, A.; Pires, M.; Israel, E.; Kück, M.; Freitag, M.
Hybrid approach for the integrated scheduling of production and transport processes along supply chains
In: International Journal of Production Research, 56(2018)5, Taylor & Francis, pp. 2019-2035 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frazzon, E. M.; Kück, M.; Freitag, M.
Data-driven production control for complex and dynamic manufacturing systems
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 67(2018)1, Elsevier, London, pp. 4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Galipoglu, E.; Kotzab, H.; Yumurtacı, I.; Pöppelbuß, J.
Omni-Channel Retailing Research – State of the art and intellectual foundation
In: International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 48(2018)4, pp. pp. 365-390 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Juniorprofessur Industrienahe Dienstleistungen, Chair of Logistics Management)

Geyer, M.; Praeger, U.; Truppel, I.; Scaar, H.; Neuwald, D. A.; Jedermann, R.; Gottschalk, K.
Measuring Device for Air Speed in Macroporous Media and Its Application Inside Apple Storage Bins
In: Sensors, 18(2018)2, pp. pp.576 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Geyer, M.; Truppel, I.; Praeger, U.; Neuwald, D. A.; Sellwig, M.; Jedermann, R.
Das Projekt COOL - Energieeinsparung bei der Lagerung von Äpfeln durch optimiertes Luftströmungsmanagement
In: Obstbau, 9(2018), pp. pp. 511-513 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Halldorsson, M.; Megow, N.; Stein, C.
Scheduling (Dagstuhl Seminar 18101)
In: Dagstuhl Reports, 8(2018)3, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, pp. 1-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Hribernik, K.; Klein, P.; Thoben, K.-D.
Semantische Interoperabilität von Produktnutzungsinformationen – Kundengetriebene Entwicklung von Product-Service-Systems
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 4(2018)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. pp 48-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jedermann, R.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Lang, W.
Design Parameters for the Housing of Two-Dimensional Air Flow Sensors
In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(2018)24, pp. pp. 10154-10162 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jonsdottir, J.; Bertoni, R.; Lawo, M.; Montesano, A.; Bowman, T.; Gabrielli, S.
Serious games for arm rehabilitation of persons with multiple sclerosis. A randomized controlled pilot study
In: Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 19(2018), Elsevier, pp. 25-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ISL, until 2016 TZI)

Keszocze, O.; Niemann, P.; Friedemann, A.; Drechsler, R.
On the complexity of design tasks for Digital Microfluidic Biochips
In: Microelectronics Journal, 78(2018), Elsevier, pp. pp. 35-45 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Keszocze, O.; Soeken, M.; Drechsler, R.
The complexity of error metrics
In: Information Processing Letters, 139(2018), Elsevier, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Khalid, A.; Kirisci, P. T.; Ghrairi, Z.; Thoben, K.-D.; Pannek, J.
Security Framework for Industrial Collaborative Robotic Cyber Physical Systems
In: Computers in Industry, 97(2018), Elsevier, pp. 132-145 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL)

Khaliq, K. A.; Raza, S. M.; Chughtai, O.; Pannek, J.
Experimental Validation of an Accident Detection and Management Application in Vehicular Environments Using VANET and IoT
In: Computers & Electrical Engineering, 71(2018), Elsevier, pp. 137-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Kirisci, P. T.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Method for Designing Physical User Interfaces for Intelligent Production Environments
In: Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, 2018(2018), pp. pp. 1-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Voßkuhl, M.; Tebbe, M.; Häveker, M.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
Experimental Adaptation of a Training Simulator for Manual Welding Processes towards the Teach-In of Welding Robots
In: Simulation Notes Europe, 28(2018)1, pp. pp. 27-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Liu, P.; Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
Application of Reconfigurable Machine Tools in the Capacity Control of Job Shop Systems
In: International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 11(2018)3, Inderscience, pp. 206-221 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Lütjen, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Schumacher, J.; Rippel, D.; Freitag, M.
Kostenoptimierte Gestaltung von Produktionssystemen - Einsatzrisiken neuartiger Produktionstechnologien und -prozesse
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 34(2018)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 62-66 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Mehmood, Y.; Khan, A. M.; Ahmed, S.; Hafeez, A.; Kamal, T.; Khan, A.
Method for Handling Massive IoT Traffic in 5G Networks
In: Sensors, 18(2018)11, pp. 1-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Megow, N.; Verschae, J.
Dual techniques for scheduling on a machine with varying speed
In: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics , 32(2018)3, pp. pp. 1541-1571 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Pirayesh, A.; Doumeingts, G.; Seregni, M.; Gusmeroli, S.; Westphal, I.; Gonzalles, L.; Hans, C.; José Núnez Arino, M.; Canepa Eugenio, A.; Laskurain, A.
Conceptual Framework for Product Service Systems
In: Systems, 6(2018)2 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rohde, A.-K.; Freitag, M.
Automatisierte Containertransportsysteme zur Anbindung seehafennaher Logistikknoten
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 34(2018)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 59-61 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sarma, H.; Porzel, R.; Smeddinck, J.; Malaka, R.; Samaddar, A. B.
A Text to Animation System for Physical Exercises
In: The Computer Journal, (2018), British Computer Society [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Sprodowski, T.; Mehrez, M.; Worthmann, K.; Mann, G.; Gosine, R.; Sagawa, J.; Pannek, J.
Differential Communication with Distributed MPC based on an Occupancy Grid
In: Information Sciences, 453(2018), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 426-441 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, BIBA)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blank, R.; Rao, A. A.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
A Fungus Spores Dataset and a Convolutional Neural Networks based Approach for Fungus Detection
In: IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 17(2018)3, IEEE, pp. 281-290 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Teller, C.; Reiner, G.; Kotzab, H.
Retail Store Operations and Food Waste
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, 185(2018)6, pp. pp. 981-997 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Teucke, M.; Broda, E.; Börold, A.; Freitag, M.
Using Sensor-Based Quality Data in Automotive Supply Chains
In: Machines, 6(2018)4, MDPI, Basel, pp. 22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Trapp, M.; Staar, B.; Veigt, M.; Oelker, S.; Freitag, M.
Automatisierte Drahtseilprüfung - Sensorintegration in die Überprüfung von Drahtseilen und Entwicklung einer intelligenten Auswerteeinheit
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 34(2018)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 29-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Hardi, E.; Koerdt, M.; Ansorge, G.; Wendisch, K.-H.; Krocyznski, S.; Herrmann, A.; Freitag, M.
RFID-Curing-Transponder - RFID als ein neuer Ansatz zur Aushärtungsüberwachung von Komponenten aus glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 34(2018)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 7-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Bernardo Pinto, M.; Daudi, M.
Diversity in Employment of Electric Commercial Vehicles in Urban Freight Transport: A Literature Review
In: Logistics Research, 11(2018)10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Design of Novel Ceramic Preconcentrator and Integration in Gas Chromatographic System for Detection of Ethylene Gas from Ripening Bananas
In: Sensors, 18(2018)8, pp. 2589 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Combining MPC and Integer Operators for Capacity Adjustment in Job Shop Systems with RMTs
In: International Journal of Production Research, (2018), pp. 1-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
Resource Sharing in the Logistics of the Offshore Wind Farm Installation Process based on a Simulation Study
In: International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, (2017)7, e-Navigation Journal, Gwangyang, pp. 42-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Nienaber, N.; Schamann, A.; Feldmann, K.
Anwendungsspezifische Auswahl von Text-Mining-Methoden - Identifikation von Qualifizierungsbedarfen für Servicetechniker
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 12-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.; Rieger, T.
Information System for the Coordination of Offshore Wind Energy Maintenance Operations under Consideration of Dynamic Influences
In: International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, 8(2017), e-Navigation Journal, Gwangyang, pp. 48-59 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Freitag, M.; Rieger, T.
Offshore-Servicelogistik 4.0 - Einsatzpotenziale für die Offshore-Windenergie durch Industrie 4.0-Ansätze
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 43-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Schamann, A.; Freitag, M.; Feldmann, K.; Brandt, M.
Text-Mining and Gamification for the Qualification of Service Technicians in the Maintenance Industry of Offshore Wind Energy
In: International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy, (2017)6, e-Navigation Journal, Gwangyang, pp. 44-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bengler, B.; Martin, F.; Bryan-Kinns, N.; Frauenberger, C.; Makhaeva, J.; Spiel, K.; Vishkaie, R.; Jones, L.; Shorey, P.; Girouard, A.; Yoon, S.; Zhang, Y.; Huo, K.; Ramani, K.; Sousa, M.; Mendes, D.; Paulo, S.; Matela, N.; Jorge, J.; Lopes, D.; Wenig, D.; Schöning, J.; Olwal, A.; Oben, M.; Malaka, R.; Kwon, H.; Schnädelbach, H.; Koleva, B.; Benford, S.; Schofield, T.; Schofield, G.; Oki, M.; Tsukada, K.; Harrison, D.; Banks, R.; Regan, T.; Grayson, M.
Demo hour
In: interactions, 25(2017)1, ACM, pp. 8-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

De Gea Fernández, J.; Mronga, D.; Günther, M.; Kirchner, F.
Multimodal sensor-based whole-body control for human-robot collaboration in industrial settings
In: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 94(2017) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

De Gea Fernández, J.; Mronga, D.; Günther, M.; Kirchner, F.
iMRK: Demonstrator for Intelligent and Intuitive Human–Robot Collaboration in Industrial Manufacturing
In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, (2017), Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Dede, J.; Förster, A.; Hernández-Orallo, E.; Herrera-Tapia, J.; Kuladinithi, K.; Kuppusamy, V.; Manzoni, P.; bin Muslim, A.; Udugama, A.; Vatandas, Z.
Simulating Opportunistic Networks: Survey and Future Directions
In: IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, PP(2017)99, IEEE, pp. 1-1 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Disser, Y.; Klimm, M.; Megow, N.; Stiller, S.
Packing a Knapsack of Unknown Capacity
In: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31(2017)3, pp. 1477-1497 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Finke, S.; Kotzab, H.
An inland-depots-for-empty-containers-model for the hinterland
In: Maritime Business Review, 2(2017)2, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 126-141 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Fleischmann, B.; Gietz, M.; Kopfer, H.
Transport- und Tourenplanung
In: Handbuch Logistik , 4(2017), Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Fleischmann, B.; Kopfer, H.
Systeme der Transportlogistik
In: Handbuch Logistik, 4(2017), Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Förster, A.; bin Muslim, A.; Udugama, A.
Reactive User Behavior and Mobility Models
In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.06395, (2017) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Förster, A.; Dede, J.; Könsgen, A.; Udugama, A.; Zaman, I.
Teaching the Internet of Things
In: GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, 20(2017)3, ACM, pp. 24-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Förster, A.; Udugama, A.; Könsgen, A.; Virdis, A.; Kirsche, M.
Proceedings of the 4th OMNeT++ Community Summit, University of Bremen-Germany, September 7-8, 2017
In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.03745, (2017) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Güller, M.; Uygun, Y.; Karakaya, E.; Hegmanns, T.
Simulation-based performance evaluation of the cellular transport system
In: Journal of Simulation, (2017) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Constructor University)

Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Reduction of power consumption and expansion of the measurement range by pulsed excitation of thermal flow sensors
In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 265(2017), pp. 313-320 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Haselsteiner, A. F.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Wosniok, W.; Thoben, K.-D.
Deriving environmental contours from highest density regions
In: Coastal Engineering, 123(2017), pp. 42-51 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Heger, J.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.
Online-scheduling using past and real-time data. An assessment by discrete event simulation using exponential smoothing
In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 19(2017), Elsevier, pp. 158-163 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Herrlich, M.; Tavakol, P.; Black, D.; Wenig, D.; Rieder, C.; Malaka, R.; Kikinis, R.
Instrument-mounted displays for reducing cognitive load during surgical navigation
In: International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 12(2017)9, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1599-1605 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Ho Thi Thu, H.; Haasis, H.-D.
Improving value chain through efficient port logistics
In: Management Studies, 5(2017)4, pp. 321-335 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Hüseyinoğlu, I. Ö. Y.; Galipoglu, E.; Kotzab, H.
Social, local and mobile commerce practices in omni-channel retailing: Insights from Germany and Turkey
In: International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 45(2017)7/8, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 711-729 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Intayoad, W.; Becker, T.; Temdee, P.
Social Context-Aware Recommendation for Personalized Online Learning
In: Wireless Personal Communications, 97(2017)1, pp. 163-179 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Lang, W.
Challenges and opportunities in remote monitoring of perishable products
In: Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 14(2017), pp. 18-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Kang, Y.; Chen, D. Y.; Lawo, M.; Xia Hou, S. J.
A Wearable Swallowing Detecting Method Based on Nanometer Materials Sensor
In: Advances in Science and Technology, 100(2017), Trans Tech Publications, pp. 120-129 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Khalilov, B.; Förster, A.; Udugama, A.
Radio Irregularity Model in OMNeT++
In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.07035, (2017) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Kim, S. K.; Kirchner, E. A.; Stefes, A.; Kirchner, F.
Intrinsic interactive reinforcement learning – Using error-related potentials for real world human-robot interaction
In: Scientific Reports, 7(2017)1 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Knoke, B.; Missikoff, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Collaborative open innovation management in virtual manufacturing enterprises
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 30(2017)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 158-166 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Knoke, B.; Thoben, K.-D.
Integration of Simulation-based Training for Welders
In: Simulation Notes Europe, 27(2017)1, pp. 37-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kück, M.; Ehm, J.; Hildebrandt, T.; Freitag, M.; Frazzon, E. M.
Adaptive PPS durch simulationsbasierte Optimierung - Selektion geeigneter Prioritätsregeln basierend auf Echtzeitinformationen einer Werkstattfertigung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, (2017)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 288-292 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Megow, N.; Meißner, J.; Skutella, M.
Randomization Helps Computing a Minimum Spanning Tree under Uncertainty
In: SIAM Journal on Computing, 46(2017)4, pp. 1217-1240 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: CSLog)

Mehmood, Y.; Ahmad, F.; Yaqoob, I.; Adnane, A.; Imran, M.; Guizani, S.
Internet-of-things-based smart cities: Recent advances and challenges
In: IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(2017)9, IEEE, pp. 16-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Guizani, M.; Timm-Giel, A.; Imran, M.; Haider, N.
M2M communications in 5g: State-of-the-art architecture, recent advances, and research challenges
In: IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(2017)9, IEEE, pp. 194-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Nabati, E.; Thoben, K.-D.; Daudi, M.
Stakeholders in the middle of life of complex products: understanding the role and information needs
In: International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 10(2017)3, Inderscience, pp. 231-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Haselsteiner, A. F.; Ait Alla, A.
Logistikszenarien für die Errichtung von Offshore-Windparks - Herausforderungen der Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtung neuer Logistikkonzepte
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 24-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Papireddy Vinayaka, P.; Kahali Moghaddam, M.; Blank, R.; van den Driesche, S.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
Sensor Sticker for Detection of Fungi Spore Contamination on Bananas
In: Advances in Science and Technology, 100(2017), pp. 130-133 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Prockl, G.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.
Internationalisation within liner shipping: An examination of the sales network structures of shipping lines
In: Maritime Business Review, 2(2017)3, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 279-298 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Quandt, M.; Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Freitag, M.
Simulation Based Investigation of the Impact of Information Sharing on the Offshore Wind Farm Installation Process
In: Journal of Renewable Energy, (2017)1, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, New York, pp. 11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Quandt, M.; Beinke, T.; Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Bischoff, F.; Nguyen, V. B.; Issmer, A.
Augmented Reality für Prozessdurchführung und -dokumentation
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 52-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Richrath, M.; Franke, J.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Effektor für die automatisierte Direktablage von Textilien in der Rotorblattfertigung
In: Lightweight Design, 10(2017)5, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, pp. 48-53 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Local Characterisation of Variances for the Planning and Configuration of Process Chains in Micro Manufacturing
In: Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 43(2017), Elsevier, London, pp. 79 - 87 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sarma, H.; Samaddar, A. B.; Porzel, R.; Smeddinck, J. D.; Malaka, R.
Updating Bayesian Networks Using Crowds
In: Neural Network World, 27(2017)5, Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Prague, pp. 529-540 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Scaar, H.; Praeger, U.; Gottschalk, K.; Jedermann, R.; Geyer, M.
Experimental and numerical analysis of airflow in fruit and vegetable cold stores - Experimentelle und numerische Analyse der Luftströmung in Obst- und Gemüselagern
In: Landtechnik – Agricultural Engineering, 72(2017)1 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Schukraft, S.; Oelker, S.; Werthmann, D.; Freitag, M.; Görges, M.; Gencer, E.; Malek, A.
Interaktive Planung und Steuerung für den Automobilumschlag - Lösungsansatz für die Steigerung der Effizienz und Flexibilität der Logistikabwicklung auf See- und Binnenhäfen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 11-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schukraft, S.; Veigt, M.; Freitag, M.
Adaptive Produktionsplanung und-steuerung.
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 112(2017)3, Carl Hanser Verlag, pp. 126-128 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Shorey, P.; Girouard, A.; Yoon, S.; Zhang, Y.; Huo, K.; Ramani, K.; Sousa, M.; Mendes, D.; Paulo, S.; Matela, N.; Jorge, J.; Lopes, D.; Wenig, D.; Schöning, J.; Olwal, A.; Oben, M.; Malaka, R.
Demo hour
In: interactions, 24(2017)6, ACM, pp. 8-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Söbke, H.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Stefan, I. A.
Prime Example Ingress Reframing the Pervasive Game Design Framework (PGDF)
In: International Journal of Serious Games, 4(2017)2, pp. 39-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Soeken, M.; Gaillardon, P.-E.; Shirinzadeh, S.; Drechsler, R.; De Micheli, G.
A PLiM computer for the internet of things
In: Computer, 50(2017)6, IEEE, pp. 35-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Staar, B.; Kück, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.; Simic, A.; Freitag, M.
Statistische Detektion von Anomalien in Bilddaten von Mikrobauteilen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 2(2017)33, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 52-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Stabbert, T.; Fröhlich, T.; Alexandrovsky, D.; Malaka, R.
Extending Augmented Sandboxes with Virtual Reality Interaction
In: Mensch und Computer 2017-Workshopband, (2017), Gesellschaft für Informatik eV [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Stelter, S.; Bartels, G.; Beetz, M.
Multidimensional Time Series Shapelets Reliably Detect and Classify Contact Events in Force Measurements of Wiping Actions
In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(2017)1, IEEE, pp. 320-327 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Blanke, M.; Papireddy Vinayaka, P.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Fungus Detection Through Optical Sensor System Using Two Different Kinds of Feature Vectors for the Classification
In: lEEE Sensors, 17(2017)16, pp. 5341-1748 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Tasto, M.
Fortlaufende Grenzerfahrungen
In: HANSA International Maritime Journal, 154(2017), pp. 30-31 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Tasto, M.
Kaum Fahrt über Grund
In: Rendite + Investments in Sachwerte - Ein Cash.Special, (2017), pp. 46-49 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Tasto, M.
LR2-Tanker dominieren Ablieferungen
In: HANSA International Maritime Journal, 154(2017), pp. 26-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Tasto, M.
Ungebrochenes Bulkerwachstum
In: HANSA International Maritime Journal, 154(2017), pp. 24-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Tasto, M.
Umschlag übertrifft Erwartung deutlich
In: HANSA International Maritime Journal, 154(2017), pp. 86-87 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Thoben, K.-D.; Wiesner, S.; Wuest, T.
Industrie 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing - A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
In: International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT), 11(2017)1, pp. 4-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Udugama, A.; Förster, A.; Dede, J.; Kuppusamy, V.; bin Muslim, A.
Opportunistic Networking Protocol Simulator for OMNeT++
In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.02210, (2017) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Werthmann, D.; Brandwein, D.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.
Towards a standardised information exchange within finished vehicle logistics based on RFID and EPCIS
In: International Journal of Production Research, 55(2017)14, Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 4136-4152 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Werthmann, D.; Schukraft, S.; Teucke, M.; Veigt, M.; Freitag, M.; Hülsmann, M.; Piotrowski, J.; Winkler, M.; Winter, R.
EPCIS-basierter Austausch von Sensordaten - Erhöhung der Agilität und Robustheit von Supply Chains durch die Vernetzung der Produktions- und Logistikprozesse
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 20-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University)

Werthmann, D.; Warns, A.; Freitag, M.
Verbesserungspotenziale in der Fahrzeugdistribution. Empirische Erhebung über Herausforderungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Automobilherstellern und Logistikdienstleistern
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 61-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S.; Marilungo, E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Cyber-Physical Product-Service Systems – Challenges for Requirements Engineering
In: International Journal of Automation Technology (IJAT), 11(2017)1, FUJI Technology Press Ltd., pp. 17-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Woehrle, H.; Kirchner, F.
CAEMO - A Flexible and Scalable High Performance Matrix Algebra Coprocessor for Embedded Reconfigurable Computing Systems
In: Microprocessors and Microsystems, 56(2017) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Worthmann, K.; Mehrez, M.; Mann, G.; Gosine, R.; Pannek, J.
Interaction of open and closed loop control in MPC
In: Automatica, 82(2017), Pergamon, pp. 243-250 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Yaqoob, I.; Hashem, I. A. T.; Mehmood, Y.; Gani, A.; Mokhtar, S.; Guizani, S.
Enabling Communication Technologies for Smart Cities
In: IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(2017)1, IEEE, pp. 112-120 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Lang, W.
Peak Height and Resolution Determination of Ethylene Gas Chromatographic System
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 73-76 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zaidi, N. A.; Tahir, M. W.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
A Gas Chromatographic System for the Detection of Ethylene Gas Using Ambient Air as a Carrier Gas
In: Sensors, 17(2017)10, pp. 2283 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)


Abdenebaoui, L.; Kreowski, H.-J.
Modeling of decentralized processes in dynamic logistic networks by means of graph-transformational swarms
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Ahlrichs, C.; Samà, A.; Lawo, M.; Cabestany, J.; Rodríguez-Martín, D.; Pérez-López, C.; Sweeney, D.; Quinlan, L. R.; Ò Laighin, G.; Counihan, T.; Browne, P.; Hadas, L.; Vainstein, G.; Costa, A.; Annicchiarico, R.; Alcaine, S.; Mestre, B.; Quispe, P.; Bayes, À.; Rodríguez-Molinero, A.
Detecting freezing of gait with a tri-axial accelerometer in Parkinson’s disease patients
In: Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 54(2016)1, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 223-233 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Barz, A.; Buer, T.; Haasis, H.-D.
Quantifying the Effects of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Networks by Means of a Facility Location-Allocation Model
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)1, Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, Computational Logistics)

Becker, T.; Illigen, C.; McKelvey, B.; Hülsmann, M.; Windt, K.
Using an Agent-based Neural-Network Computational Model to Improve Product Routing in a Logistics Facility
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 174(2016), Elsevier, pp. 156–167 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, Jacobs University, Jacobs University)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
A memetic algorithm with extended random path encoding for a closed-loop supply chain model with flexible delivery
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)22, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Bendul, J. C.; Rosca, E.; Pivovarova, D.
Sustainable Supply Chain Models for Base of the Pyramid
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, (2016) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Tahir, M. W.; Yong, J.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Comparison of several optical methods for an automated fungal spore sensor system concept
In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(2016)14, IEEE, pp. 5596-5602 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Blank, R.; Vinayaka, P. P.; Tahir, M. W.; Yong, J.; Vellekoop, M. J.; Lang, W.
Comparison of several optical methods for an automated fungal spore sensor system concept
In: IEEE Sensors, (2016) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Behavioral factors influencing partner trust in logistics collaboration: a review
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

El-Berishy, N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Development and implementation of a green logistics-oriented framework for batch process industries: two case studies
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)1, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Franke, J.; Richrath, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Forscher automatisieren Rotorblattfertigung
In: MM Maschinen Markt, 2016(2016)35, CW Composites World, pp. 30-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Hildebrandt, T.
Automatic design of scheduling rules for complex manufacturing systems by multi-objective simulation-based optimization
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 65(2016)1, Elsevier, London, pp. 433-436 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Funke, J.; Kopfer, H.
A Model for an Inland Multi-size Container Transportation Problem
In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 89(2016), Elsevier, pp. 70-85 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Georgise, F. B.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
SCOR model application in developing countries: challenges & requirements
In: Production Planning & Control , 28(2016)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 17-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A new method for autonomous control of complex job shops – Integrating order release, sequencing and capacity control to meet due dates
In: Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 42(2016), Elsevier, London, pp. 11-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Pulsed Excitation of Thermal Flow Sensors for Reduced Power Consumption and Expanded Measurement Range
In: Procedia Engineering, 168(2016), Elsevier, pp. 762-765 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Holweg, C.; Teller, C.; Kotzab, H.
Unsaleable Grocery Products, their Residual Value and Instore Logistics
In: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 46(2016)6/7, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 634-658 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Jonathan, J.; Buer, T.
Population-based Negotiation of Contract Clauses and Transportation Request Assignments
In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(2016)12, Elsevier, pp. 1862–1867 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Computational Logistics)

Khalid, A.; Kirisci, P. T.; Ghrairi, Z.; Thoben, K.-D.; Pannek, J.
A methodology to develop collaborative robotic cyber physical systems for production environments
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)23, Springer, pp. 1-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL)

Khan, A. M.; Lawo, M.
From Physiological data to Emotional States: Conducting a User Study and Comparing Machine Learning Classifiers
In: Sensors & Transducers Journal, 201(2016)6, IFSA Publishing, S. L., pp. 78-88 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, IAI)

Khan, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
Producer-buyer interaction under mass customization: analysis through automotive industry
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)17, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 17-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Khoi Tran, N.; Haasis, H.-D.; Buer, T.
Container shipping route design incorporating the costs of shipping, inland/feeder transport, inventory and CO2 emission
In: Maritime Economics & Logistics, 19(2016)4, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 667-694 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, Computational Logistics)

Kilubi, I.; Haasis, H.-D.
26 Years of Strategic Technology Partnering: Investigating Trends, Patterns and Future Prospects in Research through Frequency Analysis
In: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 13(2016)2, World Scientific Publishing, pp. 1-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Kilubi, I.; Haasis, H.-D.
Supply Chain Risk Management Research: Avenues for further studies
In: International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience, 2(2016)1, Inderscience, pp. 55-71 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Kimms, A.; Kopfer, H.
Collaborative planning in transportation
In: Operations Research-Spektrum, 38(2016)1, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-2 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kück, M.; Ehm, J.; Freitag, M.; Frazzon, E. M.
Adaptives simulationsbasiertes Optimierungsverfahren - Konzept zur Planung und Steuerung dynamischer Produktionssysteme
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 26-31 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
What Can MEMS Do for Logistics of Food? Intelligent Container Technologies: A Review
In: IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(2016)18, IEEE, pp. 6810 - 6818 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Leidner, D.; Dietrich, A.; Beetz, M.; Albu-Schäffer, A.
Knowledge-enabled parameterization of whole-body control strategies for compliant service robots
In: Autonomous Robots , 40(2016)3, Springer US, pp. 519-536 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Li, F.; Schwarz, L.; Haasis, H.-D.
A framework and risk analysis for supply chain emission trading
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)1, Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Planung und Simulation einer CFK-Serienfertigung - Entwurf von Steuerungskonzepten mit dem Ziel der automatischen Modellgenerierung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik – Online, (2016)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 224-229 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Thoben, K.-D.; Lhachimi, S.; Zeeb, H.
Integrierte Modellbildung zur Beschreibung, Simulation und Analyse humanitärer Hilfseinsätze - Aktuelle Gestaltungsansätze aus den Bereichen Logistik, Public Health und Informatik
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 61-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Trapp, M.; Jelsch, O.
Tiefkühlversand im Online-Lebensmittelhandel - Untersuchung der Umweltverträglichkeit mittels Ökobilanzierung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 43-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Mehmood, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Data aggregation of mobile M2M traffic in relay enhanced LTE-A networks
In: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2016(2016)1, Springer [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehmood, Y.; Marwat, S. N. K.; Kuladinithi, K.; Förster, A.; Zaki, Y.; Timm-Giel, A.
M2M Potentials in Logistics and Transportation Industry
In: Logistics Research, 9(2016)15, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Franke, J.; Rolbiecki, M.; Schmohl, T.; Thoben, K.-D.; Ischtschuk, L.
Preforming in großer Dimension - innovativer Ansatz in der Rotorblattfertigung
In: Konstruktion - Zeitschrift für Produktentwicklung und Ingenieur-Werkstoffe, 68(2016)3, pp. 75-79 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Paes, C. E.; Bernardo Pinto, M.; da Silva Lima, R.; Leal, F.
Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Brazilian Public Education Institutions: Implementation Through Action Research on a University Campus
In: Systemic Practice and Action Research, (2016) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Pantke, F.; Edelkamp, S.; Herzog, O.
Symbolic discrete-time planning with continuous numeric action parameters for agent-controlled processes
In: Mechatronics. System-Integrated Intelligence: New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, 34(2016), Elsevier, pp. 38-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Geometrieorientierter Prozesskettenentwurf für die Mikrofertigung
In: Industrie Management, 32(2016)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 50-53 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sprodowski, T.; Pannek, J.
Harmonisierung von Elektromobilität und verteilten Energienetzen. Ein verteilter Regelungsansatz mit modellprädiktiver Regelung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 12-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Sprodowski, T.; Pannek, J.
Harmonisierung von Elektromobilität und verteilten Energienetzen
In: Industrie Management, 32(2016)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 12-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Stoyanov, T.; Vaskevicius, N.; Mueller, C. A.; Fromm, T.; Krug, R.; Tincani, V.; Mojtahedzadh, R.; Kunaschk, S.; Mortensen Ernits, R.; Rohde, M.
No More Heavy Lifting: Robotic Solutions to the Container Unloading Problem
In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 23(2016)4, IEEE, pp. 94-106 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Tan, Y.; Hildebrandt, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Configuration and the advantages of the shifting bottleneck procedure for optimizing the job shop total weighted tardiness scheduling problem
In: Journal of Scheduling, 19(2016)4, Springer US, New York, USA, pp. 429-452 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Teller, C.; Kotzab, H.; Grant, C.; Holweg, C.
The Importance of Key Supplier Relationship Management in Supply Chains
In: International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 44(2016)2, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 109-123 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Thamer, H.; Loibl, F.; Uriarte, C.; Freitag, M.
Robotik als Schlüsselkomponente für die Logistik 4.0 - Flexible Robotersysteme für dynamische Logistikprozesse
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Vinayaka, P. P.; van den Driesche, S.; Blank, R.; Tahir, M. W.; Frodl, M.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
An Impedance-Based Mold Sensor with on-Chip Optical Reference
In: Sensors, 16(2016)10, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 1603 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Wagner, D.; Becker, T.
Dynamische Netzwerkanalyse - Ein Werkzeug zur Untersuchung struktureller Veränderungen in Materialflussnetzwerken
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 34-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Shpitalni, M.
Design of deep convolutional neural network architectures for automated feature extraction in industrial inspection
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 65(2016)1, Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Wellsandt, S.; Nabati, E.; Wuest, T.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
A survey of product lifecycle models: towards complex products and service offers
In: International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 9(2016)4, pp. 353-390 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Werthmann, D.; Schmohl, T.; Schmidt, K.; Freitag, M.
Kletterroboter zum Anbringen von RFID-Transpondern an Holzpaletten
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 19-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wiesner, S.; Thoben, K.-D.
Requirements for models, methods and tools supporting servitisation of products in manufacturing service ecosystems
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 30(2016)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 191-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Worch, J.-H.; Bálint-Benczédi, F.; Beetz, M.
Perception for Everyday Human Robot Interaction
In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, 30(2016)1, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 21-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Younas, U.; Khan, B.; Ali, S. M.; Arshad, C. M.; Farid, U.; Zeb, K.; Rehman, F.; Mehmood, Y.; Vaccaro, A.
Pakistan geothermal renewable energy potential for electric power generation: A survey
In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 63(2016), Elsevier, pp. 398-413 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Zhang, R.; Liu, S.; Kopfer, H.
Tree search procedures for the blocks relocation problem with batch moves
In: Flexible Service and Manufacturing Journal, 28(2016)3, Springer, pp. 397-424 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Ziebuhr, M.; Kopfer, H.
Solving an integrated operational transportation planning problem with forwarding limitations
In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 87(2016), Elsevier, pp. 149-166 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)


Adel, R.; Wiesner, S. A.
Conceptual approach for value driven performance in servitising companies
In: International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 21(2015)4, pp. 504-531 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ahlrichs, C.; Samà, A.; Lawo, M.; Cabestany, J.; Rodríguez-Martín, D.; Pérez-López, C.; Alcaine, S.; Mestre, B.; Quispe, P.; Costa, A.; Mazz, I.; Lewy, H.; Bayes, À.; Counihan, T.; Rodríguez-Molinero, A.
Real-world continuous monitoring of tremor in Parkinsons Disease: a study with 92 patients wearing a wrist-worn accelerometer
In: IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2015(2015)Jan., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ISL, until 2016 TZI)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Stanescu, I. A.; Arnab, S.; Ger, P. M.; Lim, T.; Serrano-Laguna, A.; Lameras, P.; Hendrix, M.; Kiili, K.; Ninaus, M.; Sara de Freitas, S.; Mazzetti, A.; Dahlbom, A.; Degano, C.
Learning Analytics Architecture to Scaffold Learning Experience through Technology-based Methods
In: International Journal of Serious Games, 2(2015)1, pp. 29-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Becker, T.; Kück, M.; Hardemann, F.
Chancen und Risiken von Shared Resources in Produktionsnetzwerken
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, BIBA)

Becker, T.; Wagner, D.
Stufenweise Einführung von dezentraler Steuerung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 28-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: PSLS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Karimi, H. R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Lütjen, M.; Teucke, M.
A survey on retail sales forecasting and prediction in fashion markets
In: Systems Science & Control Engineering: An OpenAccess Journal, 3(2015)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 154-161 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Beinke, T.; Freitag, M.; Zint, H.-P.
Ressourcen-Sharing für eine bezahlbare Energiewende Betrachtung der Produktions- und Errichtungslogistik der Offshore-Windenergie
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 7-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Bendul, J. C.; Skorna, A. C. H.
Exploring impact factors of shippers’ risk prevention activities: A European survey in transportation
In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, (2015), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Brüning, M.; Hartono, N. T.; Bendul, J. C.
Collaborative Recovery from Supply Chain Disruptions: Characteristics and Enablers
In: Research in Production & Logistics, 5(2015)3, pp. 225-237 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Carvalho, M. B.; Bellotti, F.; Berta, R.; De Gloria, A.; Sedano, C. I.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Hu, J.; Rauterberg, M.
An activity theory-based model for serious games analysis and conceptual design
In: Computers & Education, 87(2015), Elsevier, pp. 166-181 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duin, H.; Gorldt, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
Kompetenzentwicklung durch Serious Gaming im Rahmen von Industrie 4.0
In: praeview; Zeitschrift für innovative Arbeitsgestaltung und Prävention, 6(2015)2, pp. 24-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dumstorff, G.; Lang, W.
Materialintegrierte Mikrosensoren - Generierung von Messdaten aus dem Material heraus durch integrierte Mikrosensoren
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 33-36 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Ehm, J.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Marinitsch, W.
IKT in der Intralogistik - Sicherheit und Effizienz von Flurförderzeugen durch intelligenten IKT-Einsatz steigern
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 17-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ehm, J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.; Frazzon, E. M.
Graph-based integrated production and intermodal transport scheduling with capacity restrictions
In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, (2015)0, Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

El Kadiri, S.; Grabot, B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Hribernik, K.; Emmanouilidis, C.; von Cieminski, G.; Kiritsis, D.
Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information systems
In: Computers in Industry, (2015), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Becker, T.; Duffie, N. A.
Dynamics of resource sharing in production networks
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 64(2015)1, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 435-438 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, PSLS)

Freitag, M.; Kück, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.
Potenziale von Data Science in Produktion und Logistik: Teil 2 - Vorgehensweise zur Datenanalyse und Anwendungsbeispiele
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 39-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Kück, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Lütjen, M.
Potenziale von Data Science in Produktion und Logistik: Teil 1 - Eine Einführung in aktuelle Ansätze der Data Science
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 22-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Freitag, M.; Lappe, D.
Perspektiven von Shared Resources in der Produktion - Eine Analogie zwischen Web 2.0 und Industrie 4.0 als Basis für gemeinsam genutzte Ressourcen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 39-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Galipoglu, E.; Kotzab, H.; Pöppelbuß, J.
Multi-Channel-Systeme im Wandel
In: WiSt - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 44(2015)8, Vahlen, pp. 434 - 441 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Juniorprofessur Industrienahe Dienstleistungen, Chair of Logistics Management)

Gath, M.; Herzog, O.; Vaske, M.
Concurrent and Distributed Shortest-Path Searches in Multiagent-Based Transport Systems
In: Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XX, 9420(2015), Springer International Publishing, pp. 140-157 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Coupling order release methods with autonomous control methods – an assessment of potentials by literature review and discrete event simulation
In: International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 3(2015)1, Universitat Politècnica de València, València, pp. 43-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Planorientierte autonome Fertigungssteuerung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 105(2015)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Haass, R.; Dittmer, P.; Veigt, M.; Lütjen, M.
Reducing food losses and carbon emission by using autonomous control – A simulation study of the intelligent container
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 164(2015)1, Elsevier, San Francisco, US, pp. 400–408 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Halldorsson, A.; Hsuan, J.; Kotzab, H.
Complementary theories to supply chain management revisited – from borrowing theories to theorizing
In: Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 20(2015)6, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 574 - 586 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Application of autonomous control in event logistics
In: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 22(2015)2, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Olney, UK, pp. 171-192 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khaliq, K. A.; Hussain, S.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Novel Data Link Layer Encoding Scheme for Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Network
In: Procedia Computer Science, 52(2015), Elsevier, pp. 665-669 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Kilubi, I.; Haasis, H.-D.
Supply Chain Risk Management Enablers – A Framework Development through Systematic Review of Literature from 2000 – 2015
In: International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 10(2015)1, pp. 35-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Kirisci, P. T.; Pannek, J.; Ghrairi, Z.; Thoben, K.-D.; Lawo, M.
Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration in cyber-physischen Arbeitsumgebungen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 43-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL)

Kotzab, H.; Unseld, H. G.
Ein getakteter komibinierter Ladungsverkehr? Disruptive Innovationen für einen zeitpräzises Anlieferkonzept für Unternehmen mit robuster Produktion über ein multimodales Logistiknetzwerk
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kunze, L.; Beetz, M.
Envisioning the qualitative effects of robot manipulation actions using simulation-based projections
In: Artificial Intelligence, (2015), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Lehmhus, D.; Wuest, T.; Wellsandt, S.; Bosse, S.; Kaihara, T.; Thoben, K.-D.; Busse, M.
Cloud-Based Automated Design and Additive Manufacturing: A Usage Data-Enabled Paradigm Shift
In: Sensors, 15(2015)12, pp. 32079-32122 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IFAM)

Lütjen, M.; Rippel, D.
GRAMOSA framework for graphical modelling and simulation-based analysis of complex production processes
In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 81(2015)1-4, Springer, London, pp. 171-181 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mehmood, Y.; Görg, C.; Muehleisen, M.; Timm-Giel, A.
Mobile M2M Communication Architectures, Upcoming Challenges, Applications, and Future Directions
In: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2015(2015)1, Springer International Publishing [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Meyer, M.; Hütt, M.-T.; Bendul, J. C.
The elementary flux modes of a manufacturing system: a novel approach to explore the relationship of network structure and function
In: International Journal of Production Research, 53(2015), Taylor & Francis [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, Jacobs University)

Molzow-Voit, F.; Plönnigs, F.; Quandt, M.
Robotik-Einsatz in Logistikunternehmen. Kernarbeitsprozesse, Weiterbildungsmodule und Lessons Learned
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 65-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mortensen Ernits, R.; Kunaschk, S.; Rohde, M.; Freitag, M.
Autonome Entladung von Kaffeesäcken aus Überseecontainern durch ein innovatives Greifverfahren
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 51-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Freitag, M.
Konzept einer preagierenden Instandhaltungsstrategie - Effiziente Instandhaltung und automatisierte Logistik in der Betriebsphase von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 40-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Franke, J.; Schmohl, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Automation strategies in rotor blade production: preforming vs. direct textile layup
In: JEC Composite Magazin, 99(2015), pp. 35-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pannek, J.; Sprodowski, T.; Gerdts, M.; Michael, J.
Kooperative Regelung vernetzter Fahrzeuge: Hierarchische und verhandlungsbasierte Strategien im Straßenverkehr
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 7-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Plattfaut, R.; Niehaves, B.; Ortbach, K.; Malsbender, A.; Voigt, M.; Pöppelbuß, J.
Service Innovation Performance and Information Technology: An Empirical Analysis from the Dynamic Capability Perspective
In: International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(2015)4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Juniorprofessur Industrienahe Dienstleistungen)

Pöppelbuß, J.; Plattfaut, R.; Niehaves, B.
How Do We Progress? An Exploration of Alternate Explanations for BPM Capability Development
In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 36(2015) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Juniorprofessur Industrienahe Dienstleistungen)

Ramirez-Amaro, K.; Beetz, M.; Cheng, G.
Transferring skills to humanoid robots by extracting semantic representations from observations of human activities
In: Artificial Intelligence, (2015), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Ramirez-Amaro, K.; Beetz, M.; Cheng, G.
Understanding the intention of human activities through semantic perception: observation, understanding and execution on a humanoid robot
In: Advanced Robotics, 29(2015)5, Taylor & Francis, pp. 345-362 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Riazuelo, L.; Tenorth, M.; Di Marco, D.; Salas, M.; Gálvez-López, D.; Mösenlechner, L.; Kunze, L.; Beetz, M.; Tardós, J. D.; Montano, L.; Montiel, J. M. M.
RoboEarth Semantic Mapping: A Cloud Enabled Knowledge-Based Approach
In: IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(2015)2, IEEE, pp. 432-443 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Rohde, A.-K.; Freitag, M.
RoboScan' 14 - Neueste Erkenntnisse der Onlinestudie zum Markt der Robotik-Logistik
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 57-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rügge, I.; Himstedt, A.
Multidimensionale Diversität in der Logistikausbildung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 61-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lappe, D.; Grundstein, S.
Capacity adjustment based on reconfigurable machine tools - Harmonising throughput time in job-shop manufacturing
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 64(2015)1, Elsevier, London, pp. 403-406 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Schukraft, S.; Grundstein, S.; Freitag, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Zielsystem zur Bewertung von Kopplungsstrategien: Beurteilung der logistischen Zielerreichung und Planeinhaltung beim Einsatz autonomer Steuerungsmethoden
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 23-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Schukraft, S.; Grundstein, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.
Evaluation approach for the identification of promising methods to couple central planning and autonomous control
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (2015), Taylor & Francis, pp. 1-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Staar, B.; Lütjen, M.
Qualitätsprüfung im Mikrobereich - Vorstellung einer Lösung zur automatisierten Messung von Mikrobauteilen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 28-31 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sterzik, S.; Kopfer, H.; Yun, W. Y.
Reducing hinterland transportation costs through container sharing
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (FSM), 27(2015)2-3, Springer US, pp. 382-402 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Stommel, M.; Beetz, M.; Xu, W.
Model-Free Detection, Encoding, Retrieval, and Visualization of Human Poses From Kinect Data
In: IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(2015)2, IEEE, pp. 865-875 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Tenorth, M.; Beetz, M.
Representations for robot knowledge in the KnowRob framework
In: Artificial Intelligence, (2015), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Tenorth, M.; Winkler, J.; Beßler, D.; Beetz, M.
Open-EASE: A Cloud-Based Knowledge Service for Autonomous Learning
In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz , 29(2015)4, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 407-411 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Uriarte, C.; Thamer, H.; Freitag, M.
Celluveyor - Omnidirektionale zellulare Fördertechnik
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Vernon, D.; Beetz, M.; Sandini, G.
Prospection in Cognition: The Case for Joint Episodic-Procedural Memory in Cognitive Robotics
In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2(2015)19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Wang, X.; Kopfer, H.
Rolling horizon planning for a dynamic collaborative routing problem with full-truckload pickup and delivery requests
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (FSM), 27(2015), Springer US [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Wei, W.; Liu, A.; Lu, S. C.-Y.; Wuest, T.
A multi-principle module identification method for product platform design
In: Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 16(2015)1, Zhejiang University Press, pp. 1-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Westerheim, H.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Interoperability in supply chain and logistics: What can the Common Framework do? - A scientific evaluation
In: International Journal of Advanced Logistics, 4(2015)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 9-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Zastrau, D.; Schlaak, M.; Bruns, T.; Elsner, R.; Herzog, O.
The Relation between Storm Risk and Wind and Wave Forecast Accuracy in the North Atlantic Ocean
In: International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6(2015)2, pp. 83-87 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zastrau, D.; Schlaak, M.; Herzog, O.; Bruns, T.
Automated Uncertainty Estimation of Predictions for Wind Energy
In: Wind Energy, 2015(2015), pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, R.; Yun, W. Y.; Kopfer, H.
Multi-size container transportation by truck: modeling and optimization
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (FSM), 27(2015)2-3, Springer US, pp. 403-430 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)


Ait Alla, A.; Teucke, M.; Lütjen, M.; Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Karimi, H. R.
Robust Production Planning in Fashion Apparel Industry under Demand Uncertainty via Conditional Value at Risk
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(2014)1, Hindawi, New York, pp. 10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Bellotti, F.; Nadolski, R.; Berta, R.; Carvalho, M. B.
Deploying Serious Games for Management in Higher Education: lessons learned and good practices
In: European Alliance for Innovation (EAI) Endorsed Transactions on Serious Games, 14(2014)3, ICST, pp. 1-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Wiesner, S.; Garcia Sanchez, R.; Kyvsgaard, P.; Fiucci, G.; Rudnianski, M.; Basanez, J. A.
Business models for Serious Games developers - transition from a product centric to a service centric approach
In: International Journal of Serious Games, 1(2014)2, Serious Games Society [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Becker, T.; Meyer, M.; Windt, K.
A Manufacturing Systems Network Model for the Evaluation of Complex Manufacturing Systems
In: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63(2014)3, pp. 5-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, Jacobs University)

Blings, J.; Molzow-Voit, F.; Plönnigs, F.; Quandt, M.; Rohde, M.; Augustin, S.
Zielgruppenspezifische, modulare Weiterbildungskonzepte - Einsatzpotenziale von Robotik in der Logistik
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 19(2014)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 28-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Chankov, S. M.; Becker, T.; Windt, K.
Towards Definition of Synchronization in Logistics Systems
In: Procedia CIRP, 17(2014), Elsevier, pp. 594-599 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, Jacobs University)

Decker, A.; Redecker, M. A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Wissensmanagementsystem zur Verbesserung der Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz in der Produktion
In: Mühle + Mischfutter, Die Fachzeitschrift für Getreideverarbeitung und Tiernahrungs-Produktion Verfahrenstechnik im Schüttgut-, Lebensmittel- und Non-Food-Bereich, 151(2014)4, Verlag Moritz Schäfer, Detmold, pp. 106-109 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Echelmeyer, W.; Bonini, M.; Rohde, M.
From Manufacturing to Logisitics: Development of a Kinematic for Autonomous Unloading of Containers
In: Advanced Materials Research, 903(2014)1, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp. 245-251 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eich, M.; Bonnin, F.; Garcia-Fidalgo, E.; Ortiz, A.; Bruzzone, G.; Koveos, Y.; Kirchner, F.
A Robot Application for Marine Vessel Inspection
In: Journal of Field Robotics, 31(2014)2, Wiley, pp. 319-341 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Fantoni, G.; Santochi, M.; Dini, G.; Tracht, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Fleischer, J.; Lien, T. K.; Seliger, G.; Reinhart, G.; Franke, J.; Hansen, H. N.; Verl, A.
Grasping devices and methods in automated production processes
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 63(2014)2, Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 679-701 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Franke, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Binderapplikation für biegeweiche Materialien
In: MM Maschinen Markt, CW Composites World, Sonderausgabe, (2014), Vogel Business Media, pp. 15-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Garcia Sanchez, R.; Pehlken, A.; Lewandowski, M.
On the sustainability of wind energy regarding material usage
In: Acta Technica Cornviniensis, Tome VII, Romania, 7(2014)1, pp. 69-76 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Supply Chain Integration in the Manufacturing Firms in Developing Country: An Ethiopian Case Study
In: Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2014(2014), Hindawi, pp. 13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Integrating developing country manufacturing industries into global supply chain
In: Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management JIEM, 7(2014)1, pp. 174-193 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Integration Aspects of Autonomous Control in Event Logistics
In: Research in Production and Logistics, 4(2014)1, Universität Posen, Posen, pp. 5 - 20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Janssen, S.; Pankoke, I.; Klus, K.; Schmitt, K.; Stephan, U.
Two underestimated threats in food transportation - Mold and Acceleration
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Theme issue: Intelligent Food Logistics, 372(2014)2017, pp. 20130312 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Janssen, S.; Tessmann, T.; Lang, W.
High sensitive and selective Ethylene Measurement by using a large-capacitiy-on-chip preconcentrator device
In: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 197(2014), pp. 405-413 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Lloyd, C.; Pötsch, T.
Communication techniques and challenges for wireless food quality monitoring
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372(2014)2017 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Mack, M.; Kreyenschmidt, J.
Intelligent containers for the entire supply chain - Monitoring the product quality and temperature of meat products along the supply chain
In: Fleischwirtschaft International, 28(2014)2, Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 24-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Praeger, U.; Geyer, M.; Lang, W.
Remote quality monitoring in the banana chain
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372(2014)2017, pp. 20130303 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.; Grant, D. B.; Friis, A.
Supply Chain Management Resources, Capabilities and Execution
In: Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, 26(2014)7, Taylor & Francis Online, pp. 525 – 542 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Lappe, D.; Toonen, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Kapazitätssteuerung auf Basis von Werkzeugmaschinen - Durchlaufzeitharmonisierung in der Werkstattfertigung durch den Einsatz rekonfigurierbarer Werkzeugmaschinen
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 17-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lappe, D.; Veigt, M.; Franke, M.; Kolberg, D.; Schlick, J.; Stephan, P.; Guth, P.; Zimmerling, R.
Vernetzte Steuerung einer schlanken Intralogistik - Simulationsbasierte Potentialanalyse einer bedarfsorientierten Materialversorgung in der Fertigung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 104(2014)3, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 112-117 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Ait Alla, A.
Risk-optimized Design of Production Systems by Use of GRAMOSA
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(2014)1, Hindawi, New York, pp. 9 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Pattanashetti, P.
Remote Manufacturing - Eine Einführung in die nächste Generation delokalisierter Produktion
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 16-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mack, M.; Dittmer, P.; Veigt, M.; Kus, M.; Nehmiz, U.; Kreyenschmidt, J.
Quality tracing in meat supply chains
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372(2014)2017, Royal Society Publishing, London, pp. 14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Comnets)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Meyer, S.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Congestion Aware Handover in LTE System for Load Balancing in Transport Network
In: ETRI Journal, 36(2014)5, Electronics Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, pp. 761-771 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.; Timm-Giel, A.
Analysis of Radio Resource Allocation in LTE Uplink
In: Wireless Personal Communications, 79(2014)3, Springer US, New York, pp. 2305-2322 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Meinecke, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A representation scheme for integrated production and outbound distribution models
In: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 18(2014)3, Inderscience, Genève, pp. 283-301 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Meisel, F.; Kopfer, H.
Synchronized routing of active and passive means of transport
In: OR Spectrum, 36(2014)2, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 297-322 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Nguyen, K. T.; Haasis, H.-D.
Empirical analysis of the container liner shipping network on the East-West corridor (1995–2011)
In: NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking, 15(2014)3, Springer US, pp. 121-153 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Oelker, S.; Beinke, T.
Informationsquellen für die Entwicklung von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 40-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Hong, B.; Lang, W.
Cokriging for cross-attribute fusion in sensor networks
In: Information Fusion, (2014), Elsevier [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Pannek, J.; Frazzon, E. M.
Supply Chain Optimization via Distributed Model Predictive Control
In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 14(2014)1, Wiley, Hershey, pp. 905-906 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Pannek, J.; Worthmann, K.
Stability and Performance Guarantees for Model Predictive Control Algorithms without Terminal Constraints
In: ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 4(2014)94, pp. 317-330 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DIL)

Pehlken, A.; Decker, A.; Kirchner, A.; Kottwoski, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
Energy Efficiency in processing of natural raw materials under consideration of uncertainties
In: Journal of Cleaner Production, (2014) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pehlken, A.; Rolbiecki, M.; Decker, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Assessing The Future Potential Of Waste Flows – Case Study Scrap Tires
In: International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 9(2014)1, WIT Press, pp. 90-105 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Lütjen, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A Framework for the Quality-Oriented Design of Micro Manufacturing Process Chains
In: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(2014)7, Emerald, pp. 1028-1048 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rippel, D.; Moumi, E.; Lütjen, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kuhfuß, B.
Application of Stochastic Regression for the Configuration of a Micro Rotary Swaging Processes
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(2014), Hindawi, New York, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rolbiecki, M.; Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Decker, A.; Thoben, K.-D.; Ischtschuk, L.
Intelligente Materialbereitstellung zur automatisierten Herstellung textiler Preforms
In: Lightweight Design, 7(2014)2, Springer Automotive Media, pp. 42-49 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kück, M.; Lappe, D.
Prediction of customer demands for production planning - Automated selection and configuration of suitable prediction methods
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 63(2014)1, Elsevier, London, pp. 417-420 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Teucke, M.; Werthmann, D.; Warns, A.
Mobile Computersysteme für den demografischen Wandel in der Arbeitswelt
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 47-51 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thamer, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
3D-Objekterkennung von heterogenen Stückgütern - Flexible Automatisierung basierend auf 3D-Bildverarbeitung
In: Industrie Management, 31(2014)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 35-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Toonen, C.; Lappe, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.
Kapazitätsanpassungen durch Werkzeugmaschinen - Einsatz rekonfigurierbarer Werkzeugmaschinen für die Kapazitätssteuerung in der Fertigung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 104(2014)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 244-249 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Wang, X.; Kopfer, H.
Collaborative Transportation Planning of Less-than-Truckload Freight
In: OR Spectrum, 36(2014)2, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 357-380 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Wang, X.; Kopfer, H.; Gendreau, M.
Operational transportation planning of freight forwarding companies in horizontal coalitions
In: European Journal of Operational Research, 237(2014)3, North-Holland, pp. 1133-1141 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Weimer, D.; Becker, T.
Vorhersage von Retourensendungen im Online-Handel mittels maschinellem Lernen
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 47-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, PSLS)

Weimer, D.; Huferath-von Luepke, S.; Tausendfreund, A.; Bergmann, R. B.; Goch, G.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Dimensional In Situ Shape and Surface Inspection of Metallic Micro Components in Micro Bulk Manufacturing
In: Advanced Materials Research, 1018(2014), Trans Tech Publications, Zürich, pp. 493-500 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Werthmann, D.; Teucke, M.; Lewandowski, M.; Freitag, M.
Benutzerschnittstellen im Kontext von Industrie 4.0
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 39-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Windt, K.; Knollmann, M.
Consequences of planned lead time adaptions in scope of the Lead Time Syndrome of Production Control
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 63(2014)1, Elsevier, pp. 405-408 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, Jacobs University)

Wuest, T.; Irgens, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
An approach to monitoring quality in manufacturing using supervised machine learning on product state data
In: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25(2014)5, Springer US, pp. 1167-1180 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Tinscher, R.; Porzel, R.; Thoben, K.-D.
Experimental Research Data Quality in Materials Science
In: International Journal of Advanced Information Technology (IJAIT), 4(2014)6, pp. 1-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI)

Yusuf, Y. Y.; Gunasekaran, A.; Musa, A.; Dauda, M.; El-Berishy, N.; Cang, S.
A Relational Study of Supply Chain Agility, Competitiveness and Business Performance in the Oil and Gas Industry
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 147 Part B(2014), pp. 531-543 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zastrau, D.; Schlaak, M.; Bruns, T.; Elsner, R.; Herzog, O.
Differences in Wind Forecast Accuracy in the German North and Baltic Seas
In: Journal of Environmental Science and Development., 5(2014)6, IACSIT Press, pp. 575-580 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zastrau, D.; Schlaak, M.; Elsner, R.; Herzog, O.
Unsicherheit von Wellenvorhersagen in der deutschen Bucht
In: Schiff&Hafen, (2014)11, DVV Media Group GmbH, Hamburg, pp. 40-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)


Ahlrichs, C.; Lawo, M.
Parkinson's Disease Motor Symptoms in Machine Learning: A Review.
In: Health Informatics: An International Journal (HIIJ), 2(2013)3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IAI)

Barketau, M.; Kopfer, H.; Pesch, E.
A Lagrangian lower bound for the container transshipment problem at a railway hub for a fast branch-and-bound algorithm
In: Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS), 64(2013), pp. 1614-1621 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Baumann, T.; Haasis, H.-D.; Nehlsen, T.
Human Decision Making in Business. Implications and Application Operations of Neuroscience for Business Decisions
In: Business Systems Review, 2(2013)1, pp. 1-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.
Globalisierung des Windenergiemarkts - Potenziale für Praxis und Forschung – Analyse anhand zweier exemplarischer Beispiele
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 49-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Quandt, M.; Schweizer, A.
Planungsicherheit von der Produktion bis zur Montage
In: Offshore-Report - Transport und Logistik 2013, (2013)1, DVZ Media Group GmbH, Hamburg, pp. 26-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Blunck, H.; Windt, K.
Komplexität schafft Spielraum für Selbststeuerung
In: wt-online 2-2013 SONDERHEFT INDUSTRIE 4.0, 2(2013), pp. 109-113 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Breuer, C.; Siestrup, G.; Haasis, H.-D.; Wildebrand, H.
Collaborative Risk Management in Sensitive Logistics Nodes
In: Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 19(2013)7/8, pp. 331-351 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Buer, T.; Homberger, J.; Gehring, H.
A collaborative ant colony metaheuristic for distributed uncapacitated multi-level lot-sizing
In: International Journal of Production Research 2013, 51(2013)17, pp. 5253-5270 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Computational Logistics)

Buer, T.; Kopfer, H.
A Pareto-metaheuristic for a bi-objective winner determination problem in a combinatorial reverse auction
In: Computers & Operations Research, 41(2013), pp. 208-220 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Computational Logistics, LfL HB)

Chew, E. P.; Günther, H.-O.; Kim, K. H.; Kopfer, H.
Maritime container logistics and onshore transportation systems (Part 3)
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (FSM), 25(2013)4, Springer US, pp. 463-465 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Dannies, A.; Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Smart dynamic software components enabling decision support in Machine-to-machine networks
In: IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 10(2013)1, No 3, pp. 540-550 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Franke, M.; Zimmerling, R.; Hribernik, K.; Lappe, D.; Veigt, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Anforderungen an Datenintegrationslösungen in CPS
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 18(2013)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 23-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Gath, M.; Edelkamp, S.; Herzog, O.
Agent-based Dispatching enables Autonomous Groupage Traffic
In: Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research (JAISCR), 3(2013)1, pp. 27-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, TZI)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Assessing the Existing Performance Measures & Measurement Systems in Developing Countries: An Ethiopian Study
In: Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: Industrial Engineering, 13(2013)2, Global Journals Inc. (USA) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Implementing SCOR model Best Practices for Manufacturing Industries in Developing Countries
In: International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology, 6(2013)3, pp. 13-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Görges, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Autonome Produktionssteuerung bei zentraler Produktionsplanung
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 108(2013)12, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 992-994 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Agent-Based Disposition In Event Logistics
In: Research in Production and Logistics, 3(2013)2, Poznan University of Technology Faculty of Engineering Management Chair of Production Engineering and Logistics, Posen, Poland, pp. 137-150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Informationstransparenz in der Veranstaltungslogistik
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 39-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Selbststeuerndes Routing für Verleihartikel
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 44-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hartmann, J.; Metzger, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Detektion kritischer Störungen in Supply Chains
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 26-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Heger, J.; Hildebrandt, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Dispatching rule selection with Gaussian processes
In: Central European Journal of Operations Research, 23(2013)1, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 235-249 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Issa, S.; Lang, W.
Minimum Detectable Air Velocity by Thermal Flow Sensors
In: Sensors 2013, 13(2013)8, pp. 10944-10953 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Geyer, M.; Praeger, U.; Lang, W.
Sea transport of bananas in containers - Parameter identification for a temperature model
In: Journal of Food Engineering, 115(2013)3, pp. 330-338 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Kopfer, H. W.; Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions of a heterogeneous vehicle fleet
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (FSM), 26(2013)1-2, Springer US, pp. 221-248 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Graph Tuple Transformation
In: Electronic Communications of the EASST, 62(2013) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Krüger, G.; Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.
Chargenrückverfolgbarkeit im Saatgutbereich
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 37-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Dittmer, P.; Veigt, M.
Quality driven distribution of intelligent containers in cold chain logistics networks
In: Production Engineering Research and Development, 7(2013)2, Springer-Verlag, pp. 291–297 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Teucke, M.; Isenberg, M.-A.; Thamer, H.; Uriarte, C.; Kunaschk, S.
Design of SmartGate Technologies for Enhanced Material Handling
In: International Journal of Advanced Logistics, 2(2013)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 26-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Maier, M.; Siegel, D.; Thoben, K.-D.; Niebuhr, N.; Hamm, C.
Transfer of Natural Micro Structures to Bionic Lightweight Design Proposals
In: Journal of Bionic Engineering, 10(2013)4, pp. 469-478 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Toward learning autonomous pallets by using fuzzy rules, applied in a Conwip system
In: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 64(2013)5, Springer, London, pp. 1131-1150 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Application of learning pallets for real-time scheduling by the use of radial basis function network
In: Neurocomputing, 101(2013), Elsevier, pp. 82-93 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Karimi, H. R.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Using Metaheuristic and Fuzzy System for the Optimization of Material Pull in a Push-Pull Flow Logistics Network
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013(2013)1, Hindawi, New York, pp. 1-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.; Thoben, K.-D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Bridging lean to agile production logistics using autonomous carriers in pull flow
In: International Journal of Production Research (IJPR), 52(2013)16, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 4711-4730 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Meinecke, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Klassifikation von Verfahren zur Lösung des integrierten Planungsproblems von Produktion und Transport
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 57-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Nguyen, K. T.; Haasis, H.-D.
Literature survey of network optimization in container liner shipping
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (FSM), (2013), Springer US [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Oelker, S.; Beinke, T.
Von der Beschaffung bis zur Instandhaltung
In: Offshore-Report - Transport und Logistik 2013, (2013)1, DVZ Media Group GmbH, Hamburg, pp. 11-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Oelker, S.; Rohde, A.-K.
Reaktionsvermögen von Logistiknetzwerken
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 57-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Rolbiecki, M.; Schmohl, T.; Franke, J.; Thoben, K.-D.; Ischtschuk, L.
Innovationen in der Handhabungs- und Textiltechnik zur Rotorblattfertigung
In: Lightweight Design, 6(2013)5, Springer Automotive Media, pp. 50-57 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pickardt, C.; Hildebrandt, T.; Branke, J.; Heger, J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Evolutionary generation of dispatching rule sets for complex dynamic scheduling problems
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 145(2013)1, Elsevier, Amsterdam, NL, pp. 67-77 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pötsch, T.
Performance Evaluation of CoAP using the RPL Routing Protocol
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2013), pp. 45-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Pröpster, M.; Grundstein, S.; Reinhart, G.
Taktzeitanpassung bei Nachfrageschwankungen
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 108(2013)3, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 128-132 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Reinhart, G.; Engelhardt, P.; Geiger, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Gorldt, C.; Hribernik, K.; Lappe, D.; Veigt, M.
Cyber-Physische Produktionssysteme - Produktivitäts- und Flexibilitätssteigerung durch die Vernetzung intelligenter Systeme in der Fabrik
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 103(2013)2, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 84-89 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hildebrandt, T.; Tan, Y.
Effective and efficient scheduling of dynamic job shops - combining the shifting bottleneck procedure with variable neighborhood search
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 62(2013)1, Elsevier, London, pp. 423-426 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rippel, D.
Eine Methode zum Design von Mikroprozessketten
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schönlein, M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Wirth, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Measurement and optimization of robust stability of multiclass queueing networks: Applications in dynamic supply chains
In: European Journal of Operational Research, 229(2013)1, Elsevier B.V, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 179-189 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Silva, V. M. D.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Piotrowski, J.
The Problem of Collaboration in Manufactured Goods Exportation Through Autonomous Agents and System Dynamic Theories
In: International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 20(2013)1, pp. 114-125 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sterzik, S.; Kopfer, H.
A tabu search heuristic for the inland container transportation problem
In: Computers & Operations Research, 40(2013)4, pp. 953-962 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Teucke, M.; Lütjen, M.; Ait Alla, A.
Absatzprognose von einsaisonalen Produkten mittels eines Community-Ansatzes
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Lappe, D.; Hribernik, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Entwicklung eines Cyber-Physischen Logistiksystems
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Automatische Registrierung simulierter 3D Sensordaten komplexer Mikrobauteile
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 49-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Learning Defect Classifiers for Textured Surfaces Using Neural Networks and Statistical Feature Representations
In: CIRP Procedia (Proceedings of the CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CMS), 7(2013), Elservier, London, pp. 347-352 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Westphal, I.; Nehls, J.; Wiesner, S. A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Steigerung der Attraktivität von Elektroautomobilen durch neue Produkt-Service-Kombinationen
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 19-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Converting knowledge into sustainability performance of freight villages
In: Logistics Research, 6(2013)2-3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 63-88 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Integration of Knowledge Management Approach to the Planning Stage of Freight Villages: Towards Sustainable Development
In: International Journal of Applied Logistics (IJAL), 4(2013)2, pp. 46-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Wuest, T.; Dittmer, P.; Veigt, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Ressourceneffiziente Fertigungssteuerung - Qualitätsbasierte Auftragszuordnung durch Produktzustandsbetrachtung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 103(2013)2, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 100-103 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Yusuf, Y. Y.; Gunasekaran, A.; Musa, A.; El-Berishy, N.; Abubakar, T.; Ambursa, H. M.
The UK Oil and Gas Supply Chains: An Empirical Analysis of Adoption of Sustainable Measures and Performance Outcomes
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 146(2013), pp. 501-514 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Yusuf, Y. Y.; Musa, A.; Dauda, M.; El-Berishy, N.; Kovvuri, D.; Abubakar, T.
A Study of the Diffusion of Agility and Cluster Competitiveness in the Oil and Gas Supply Chains
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 147 Part B(2013), pp. 498-513 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.; Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Comparing mining and manufacturing supply chain processes: challenges and requirements
In: Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, (2013), Taylor & Francis [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Naveed, A.; Westerholt, J.; Geisler, M.
Nutzerorientierte Dokumentation der Intelligente Cargo Lösung - Ein neuer Ansatz für die benutzerfreundliche technische Dokumentation durch Einbindung in eine Spielszenario
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Becker, T.; Beber, M. E.; Windt, K.; Hütt, M.-T.
The impact of network connectivity on performance in production logistic networks
In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 5(2012)4, pp. 309-318 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Beinke, T.; Beinker, D.
Lean Management in der Kleinserienfertigung - Effizienzsteigerung bei der Produktion von Windkrafttürmen
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, (2012)7, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 666-670 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Brandwein, D.; Uckelmann, D.; Beenken, B.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
RFID zur elektronischen Fahrzeugidentifikation – Strukturierte Untersuchung passiver UHF-Systeme zur Fahrzeugidentifikation
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Chew, E. P.; Günther, H.-O.; Kim, K. H.; Kopfer, H.
Maritime container logistics and onshore transportation systems (Part 2)
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal (FSM), 24(2012)3, Springer US, pp. 211-213 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Dang, Q. V.; Yun, W. Y.; Kopfer, H.
Positioning Empty Containers under Dependent Demand Process, to appear
In: Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62(2012)3, pp. 708–715 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Görges, M.; Naujok, L.
Autonomous control methods in logistics - A mathematical perspective
In: Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(2012)7, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 2947-2960 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ZeTeM, BIBA)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Kosmykov, M.; Mironchenko, A.; Naujok, L.
Stability of interconnected impulsive systems with and without time-delays using Lyapunov methods
In: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 6(2012)3, pp. 899-915 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Duin, H.; Hans, C.
Serious Games - Impulse für Innovation und E-Learning
In: IM - Zeitschrift für Information Management and Consulting, 27(2012)3, pp. 68-72 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Adapting the SCOR Model to Suit the Different Scenarios: A Literature Review & Research Agenda
In: International Journal of Business and Management, 7(2012)6, pp. 2-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Iber, M.; Windt, K.
Order Related Acoustic Characterization of Production Data
In: LogDynamics Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, 5(2012)3-4, Springer-Verlag, pp. 89-98 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Issa, S.; Lloyd, C.; Lang, W.
Calibration of Thermal Flow Sensors by New Test Device for Low Airflow Rates
In: LogDynamics Research Report , 3(2012), pp. 23-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jeken, O.; Duffie, N.; Windt, K.; Blunck, H.; Chehade, A.; Rekersbrink, H.
Dynamics of Autonomously-Acting Products and Work Systems in Production and Assembly
In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 5(2012)4, pp. 267-275 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, BIBA)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Polynomial Graph Transformability
In: Theoretical Computer Science, 429(2012), pp. 193-201 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Lawo, M.; Warden, T.; Uckelmann, D.; Werthmann, D.
Verknüpfung virtueller und realer Logistikkomponenten – Ein Ansatz für Forschungsumgebungen in der Logistik
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 45-49 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA)

Lawo, M.; Warden, T.; Uckelmann, D.; Werthmann, D.
Verknüpfung virtueller und realer Logistikkomponenten
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 45-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA)

Lewandowski, M.; Oelker, S.
Mobile Systeme zur Erfassung von Lebenslaufdaten
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lloyd, C.; Lang, W.
DASH7 Inspired Wireless Airflow Sensing Inside Refrigerated Container
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 3(2012), pp. 27-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Lütjen, M.; Piotrowski, J.
City Logistik - Intelligenter Güterverkehr per Straßenbahn
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 47-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lütjen, M.; Rippel, D.; Weimer, D.; Gandecki, S.; Kleefeld, S.
Herausforderungen der Mikrohandhabung
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 51-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Maier, M.; Schulz, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Verfahren zur funktionalen Ählichkeitssuche technischer Bauteile in 3D-Datenbanken
In: Datenbank-Spektrum, 12(2012)2, Springer-Verlag, pp. 131-140 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Özsahin, M.-E.; Schukraft, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Wandlungsfähige Logistikstrukturen - Eine Vorgehensmethode zur Konfiguration und Bewertung wandlungsfähiger Logistikstrukturen in bestehenden Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, (2012)9, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 608-612 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Prockl, G.; Pflaum, A.; Kotzab, H.
3PL factories or lernstatts? Value-creation-models for 3PL service providers
In: International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 42(2012)6, pp. 544-561 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Rohde, M.; Kunaschk, S.; Lütjen, M.; Ahrlich, F.; Pallasch, A.-K.
Intuitive robot programming for automation of low standardized logistic processes
In: International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, 6(2012)1, universitypress, pp. 137-145 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Haasis, H.-D.; Daschkovska, K.
The cost-benefit model for secure container network
In: International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (IJSTL), 4(2012)2, pp. 157-171 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, MLog, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Heger, J.; Meinecke, C.; Bergmann, J.
Integration of demand forecasts in ABC-XYZ analysis: practical investigation at an industrial company
In: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 61(2012)4, Emerald, Bingley, pp. 445-451 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kosmykov, M.; Makuschewitz, T.; Wirth, F.; Schönlein, M.; Dashkovskiy, S.
Approximation und Robustheit dynamischer Produktionsnetzwerke
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 51-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, ZeTeM)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kück, M.
Auswahl von Prognoseverfahren für Kundenbedarfe - Erstellung einer Datenbank mit Handlungsempfehlungen zur Auswahl geeigneter Prognoseverfahren
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 61-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lappe, D.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Toonen, C.
Hybride Steuerung logistischer Prozesse - Konzept und Potential einer kombinierten zentralen und autonomen Steuerung der Auftragsabwicklung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 102(2012)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 240-245 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schukraft, S.; Özsahin, M.-E.; Lo, L.
Identifikation von potenziellen Wandlungstreibern - Potenzielle Wandlungstreiber am Beispiel eines Unternehmens der Bekleidungsindustrie
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 19-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Weimer, D.; Thamer, H.
Automated Surface Inspection of Cold Formed Micro Parts
In: CIRP Annals 2012 - Manufacturing Technology, Annals of the International Academy for Production Engineering, 61(2012)1, Elsevier, London, pp. 531-534 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Werthmann, D.; Lappe, D.; Otterstedt, N.
Ortungsgestützte Steuerung von Qualitätssicherungsprozessen
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 22-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Revenue management in road-based freight transportation
In: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Managemen, 42(2012)4, pp. 388-403 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Sklorz, A.; Janssen, S.; Lang, W.
Application of a miniaturised packed gas chromatography column and a SnO2 gas detector for analysis of low molecular weight hydrocarbons with focus on ethylene detection
In: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 180(2012), pp. 43-49 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Sowade, S.; Rippel, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Modeling Concept for the Infrastructure of Autonomous Logistic Processes
In: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 5(2012)4, Elsevier, pp. 254–266 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Teller, C.; Kotzab, H.; Grant, D.
Improving the Execution of Supply Chain Management in Organizations
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 140(2012)2, pp. 713-720 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Thoben, K.-D.; Klein, D.; Seifert, M.; Wuest, T.
Approaches to describe distortion along process chains
In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 43(2012)1-2, pp. 178-185 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thoben, K.-D.; Klein, D.; Wuest, T.; Zoch, H.-W.
Knowledge and planning system for distortion engineering
In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 43(2012)1-2, pp. 192-198 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Tracht, K.; Weikert, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rippel, D.
Produktdatenmanagement in interdisziplinären Forschungsvorhaben
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 107(2012)11, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 836-839 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Weimer, D.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Präzise Detektion von Oberflächenfehlern im Mikrobereich
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 61-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Werthmann, D.; Lappe, D.; Otterstedt, N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Ortungsgestütztes Produktionsleitsystem für die Nacharbeit bei Automobilherstellern
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 102(2012)3, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 6 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wojtusiak, J.; Warden, T.; Herzog, O.
Machine learning in agent-based stochastic simulation: Inferential theory and evaluation in transportation logistics
In: Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 64(2012)12, pp. 3658-3665 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wojtusiak, J.; Warden, T.; Herzog, O.
The Learnable Evolution Model in Agent-based Delivery Optimization
In: Memetic Computing, 4(2012)3, pp. 165-181 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wuest, T.; Klein, D.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Method to describe interdependencies of state characteristics related to distortion
In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 43(2012)1-2, pp. 186-191 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Exploitation of Material Property Potentials to Reduce Rare Raw Material Waste: A Product State Based Concept for Manufacturing Process Improvement
In: Journal of Mining World Express (MWE), 1(2012)1, pp. 13-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Ahlrichs, C.; Kohlsdorf, D.; Lawo, M.; Kalkbrenner, G.
IT-ASSIST: Towards Usable Applications for Elderly People
In: International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 3(2011)1, ICI Global, pp. 33-41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Ahlrichs, C.; Lawo, M.; Iben, H.
An Abstract User Interface Framework for Mobile and Wearable Devices
In: International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 3(2011)3, IGI-Global, pp. 28-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Seifert, M.; Wiesner, S. A.
Qualifizierungskonzept zur Begleitung der Einführung von IuK-Technologien in der Logistik
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 77-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Qualifizierung und Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 106(2011)10, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 716-720 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Chew, E. P.; Günther, H.-O.; Kim, K. H.; Kopfer, H.
Maritime container logistics and onshore transportation systems (Part 1)
In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 23(2011)4, Springer US, pp. 361-363 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Görges, M.; Kosmykov, M.; Mironchenko, A.; Naujok, L.
Modeling and stability analysis of autonomously controlled production networks
In: Logistics Research, 3(2011)2-3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 145-157 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ZeTeM, BIBA)

Eschenbächer, J.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Improving distributed innovation processes in virtual organisations through the evaluation of collaboration intensities
In: Product Planning & Control - The Management of Operations, 22(2011)5-6, Taylor&Francis, pp. 473-487 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Heitkötter, J.; Pallasch, A.-K.; Beck, T.; Kröger, S.; Podrygala, A.
Ökologie in der Kontraktlogistik - Ein praxistaugliches Instrument zur Überwachung und Optimierung von Ressourcenverbräuchen
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 29-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hesmer, A.; Hribernik, K.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Supporting the ideation processes by a collaborative online based toolset
In: International Journal of Technology Management, 55(2011)3-4, Inderscience Publishers, pp. 218-225 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hitesh, G.; Kotzab, H.; Prockl, G.
Levels of Internationalization in the Container Shipping Industry : An As-sessment of the Port Networks of the Large Container Shipping Companies
In: Journal of Transport Geography, 19(2011) 6, pp. 1431-1442 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Jedermann, R.; Becker, M.; Görg, C.; Lang, W.
Testing network protocols and signal attenuation in packed food transports
In: International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet), 9(2011)3, pp. 170-181 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets)

Jeon, S. M.; Kim, K. H.; Kopfer, H.
Routing automated guided vehicles in container terminals through the Q-learning technique
In: Logistics Research, 3(2011)1, Springer-Verlag, pp. 19-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kopfer, H.; Schönberger, J.
Autonomy and decentralized decision making in logistics: new ideas, technological innovations, enhanced decision support, and initial applications
In: Logistics Research, special issue , 3(2011)2-3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 67-70 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kotzab, H.; Munch, H.; de Faultrier, B.; Teller, C.
Environmental Retail Supply Chains: When Global Goliaths become Environmental Davids
In: International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 39(2011)9, pp. 658-681 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.
Wie leistungsfähig ist Ihre Supply Chain? : So lassen sich Lieferketten analysieren und verbessern
In: Zeitschrift für Führung und Organisation, 80(2011)2, pp. 114-120 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kotzab, H.; Teller, C.; Grant, D.; Sparks, L.
Antecedents for the Adoption and Execution of Supply Chain Management
In: Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(2011)4, pp. 231-245 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Graph Multiset Transformation - A New Framework for Massively Parallel Computation Inspired by DNA Computing
In: Natural Computing, 10(2011)1, Springer Netherlands, pp. 961-986 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; von Totth, C.
Modeling Production Networks with Discrete Processes by Means of Communities of Autonomous Units
In: Logistics Research, 3(2011)2-3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 159-175 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.; Mrugala, D.; Jabbari, A.; Krieg-Brückner, B.; Schill, K.
The Intelligent Container - A Cognitive Sensor Network for Transport Management
In: IEEE Sensors Journal Special Issue on Cognitive Sensor Networks, 11(2011)3, pp. 688-698 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Lanza, G.; Moser, R.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Özsahin, M.-E.; Schukraft, S.; Meil, P.; Rasp, F.
Planung und Optimierung wandlungsfähiger globaler Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 57-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lawo, M.; Herzog, O.; Boronowsky, M.; Knackfuß, P.
The Open Wearable Computing Group
In: IEEE Pervasive Computing , 10(2011)2, pp. 78-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lawo, M.; Xing, X.; Boronowsky, M.; Herzog, O.
Wearable Computing in Europe - wearIT@work
In: Communications of the China Computer Federation, 7(2011)8, pp. 18-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lemburg, J.; Kirchner, F.
Conceptual and Embodiment Design of Robotic Prototypes
In: International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (IJHR), 08(2011)3, pp. 419-437 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Lewandowski, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A Framework for Systematic Design and Operation of Condition-Based Maintenance Systems: Application at a German Seaport
In: International Journal of Industrial Engineering, (2011)9, International Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vienna, VA, United States [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lüdtke, A.; Jerosch, K.; Schlüter, M.; Herzog, O.
Development of a machine learning technique for automatic analysis of seafloor image data: Case example Pogonophora coverage at mud canoes
In: Computers and Geosciences, (2011) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Oelker, S.; Greulich, J.; Keller, L.
Sichere Überhöhenrahmen in Seehafenterminals - Verriegelung elektronisch erfasst
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, (2011)4, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 192-193 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, IGS)

Pallasch, A.-K.; Seithe, H.
Der Kompetenzatlas - Spielerisches Herangehen an komplexe Themen
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 47-51 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rekersbrink, H.; Wenning, B.-L.
Selbststeuerung in der Transportlogistik - Evaluation einer Selbststeuerungsmethode anhand dynamischer Pickup and Delivery Probleme
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 30-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Comnets)

Rohde, M.; Kunaschk, S.; Pallasch, A.-K.
Intuitive Roboterprogrammierung
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 55-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ronthaler, M.; Aggarwal, A.; Mronga, D.; Eich, M.
AILA - ein Dual-Arm Roboter für die Logistik - Mobile autonome System erschließen neue Anwendungsfelder für die Robotik
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 35-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Ronthaler, M.; De Gea Fernández, J.; Vögele, T.
Automatisierung in der Schuhindustrie
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 59-61 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Beinke, T.
Nachhaltige Mitarbeiterentwicklung - Unterstützung durch den Einsatz eines Managementsystems
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Dashkovskiy, S.; Görges, M.; Naujok, L.
Stability analysis of autonomously controlled production networks
In: International Journal of Production Research, 49(2011)16, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 4857-4877 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, ZeTeM)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Görges, M.; Jagalski, T.; Sowade, S.
Vorgehensmodell zur Entwicklung von Selbststeuerungsstrategien
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 55-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Harjes, F.; Kieselhorst, T.
Klassifikation von Produktionssituationen - Künstliche neuronale Netze zur Klassifikation in der Werkstattfertigung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 101(2011)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 231-236 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lappe, D.; Werthmann, D.
Sonderladungsträgermanagement in der Automobilindustrie
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 77-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lappe, D.; Werthmann, D.; Ruthenbeck, C.
Vorgehensmodell zur Weiterentwicklung eines Wearable Computing Systems
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 17-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Frazzon, E. M.; Lima Jr., O. F.
An approach for the sustainable integration of production and transportation
In: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 10(2011)2, Inderscience Enterprises Limited, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 158–179 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Makuschewitz, T.; Wirth, F.; Schönlein, M.; Dashkovskiy, S.; Kosmykov, M.
A Comparison of Mathematical Modelling Approaches for Stability Analysis of Supply Chains
In: International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 10(2011)2, Inderscience Enterprises Limited, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 208–223 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, ZeTeM)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Meinecke, C.
Nutzen von Informationstransparenz im Seehafenterminal
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 16(2011)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 56-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.
A New Approach for Handling Perturbations in Supply Chains
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 19-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.
Wandlungsfähigkeit durch selbststeuernde Produktionssysteme
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Lappe, D.
Logistische Zielerreichung in Werkstattfertigungen - Untersuchung des Einflusses von Zusammensetzung und Dimensionierung des Logistiksystems
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 101(2011)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 261-266 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K.; Liu, H.
Modelling Dynamic Bottlenecks in Production Networks
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Special Issue: 6th CIRP-Sponsored International Conference of Digital Enterprise Technology (DET2009) – Enterprise Informatics, 24(2011)5, Taylor & Francis, pp. 391-404 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Wirth, F.; Dashkovskiy, S.; Makuschewitz, T.; Schönlein, M.; Kosmykov, M.
Structure-preserving model reduction of large-scale logistics networks: Applications for supply chains
In: The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, 84(2011)4, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 501-520 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, ZeTeM)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Wirth, F.; Makuschewitz, T.; Schönlein, M.
Robust capacity allocation in dynamic production networks
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 60(2011)1, Elsevier, pp. 445–448 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Decision Support Systems and the Coordination of Supply Consortium Partners
In: Computers in Industry, 62(2011)6, pp. 587-596 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schweizer, A.; Beinke, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Das Logistiknetzwerk der Offshore-Windenergie - Herausforderung Bewältigung dynamischer Einflüsse
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 13-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Silva, V. M. D.; Loureiro, S. A.; Novaes, A. G. N.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Kollaborativer Seetransport
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 55-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Toshniwal, V.; Duffie, N. A.; Jagalski, T.; Rekersbrink, H.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Assessment of fidelity of control-theoretic models of wip regulation in networks of autonomous work systems
In: CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, 60(2011)1, CIRP, Paris, pp. 485-488 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wang, X.; Yuan, S.; Laur, R.; Lang, W.
Dynamic localization based on spatial reasoning with RSSI in wireless sensor networks for transport logistics
In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 171(2011)2, Elsevier, pp. 421-428 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: LfL HB, IMSAS, IGS)

Warden, T.; Visser, U.
Real-time Spatio-temporal Analysis of Dynamic Scenes
In: Knowledge and Information Systems, 27(2011)0, pp. 1-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wiesner, S. A.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Wissensmanagement für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen – Ein geschäftsprozessorientierter Ansatz
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 31-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Klein, D.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Der Werkstückzustand im Informationsmanagement
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 16(2011)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 26-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Alamin Dow, A. B.; Lang, W.
A micromachined preconcentrator for ethylene monitoring system
In: Sensors and Actuators, 151(2010)1, pp. 304-307 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Brenner, N.
Prinzipien und Techniken der Mikrohandhabung
In: Industrie Management , 26(2010)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 20-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Brenner, N.; Landsberg, N.
Open Source Software für Geschäftsprozesse
In: Industrie Management , 26(2010)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 59-61 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Burwinkel, M.; Pfeffermann, N.
Die Zukunft der Robotik-Logistik liegt in der Modularisierung
In: Logistik für Unternehmen, 10(2010), Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 21-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University, IGS)

Chew, E. P.; Günther, H.-O.; Kim, K. H.; Kopfer, H.
IT-based Planning and Control of Seaport Container Terminals and Freight Transportation Systems
In: OR Spectrum, 32(2010)3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 423-426 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Naujok, L.
ISDS small-gain theorem and construction of ISDS Lyapunov functions for interconnected systems
In: Systems & Control Letters, 59(2010)5, pp. 299-304 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Pavlichkov, S.
Adding an integrator and uniform ISS stabilization for switched MIMO triangular systems with unknown switched signal and right invertible input-output maps
In: Vestnik Kharkov. Univ, (2010)931, pp. 99-112 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Rüffer, B. S.
Local ISS of large-scale interconnections and estimates for stability regions
In: Systems & Control Letters, 59(2010)4, pp. 241-247 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Rüffer, B. S.; Wirth, F.
Small gain theorems for large scale systems and construction of ISS Lyapunov functions
In: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 48(2010)6, pp. 4089-4118 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Duffie, N. A.; Shi, L.
Dynamics of wip regulation in large production networks of autonomous work systems
In: IEEE Trans. on Automation Science & Engineering, 7(2010)3, pp. 665-670 [BibTeX]

Eschenbächer, J.
Supporting the selection of ICT Systems within enterprise relationships by analysing collaboration intensities
In: Information and Communication Technologies for the Advanced Enterprise - an international journal, 1(2010)1, pp. 31-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Eschenbächer, J.; Turkuma, P.; Thoben, K.-D.
Choosing the best model of living labs collaboration for companies analysing service innovations
In: Journal of Projectics / Proyéctica / Projectique, 5(2010)2, pp. 31-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gehrke, J. D.; Herzog, O.; Langer, H.; Malaka, R.; Porzel, R.; Warden, T.
An Agent-Based Approach to Autonomous Logistic Processes
In: Künstliche Intelligenz, 24(2010)2, pp. 137-141 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, TZI)

Georgi, C.; Darkow, I.-L.; Kotzab, H.
The intellectual foundation of the Journal of Business Logistics and its evolution between 1978 and 2007
In: Journal of Business Logistics, 31(2010)2, pp. 63-109 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Gould, J.; Macharis, C.; Haasis, H.-D.
Emergence of security in supply chain management
In: Journal of Transportation Security, 3(2010)4, Springer US, pp. 287-302 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Haasis, H.-D.; Mackenthun, F.; Nobel, T.
Welche Auswirkungen hat der Klimawandel auf die Logistik?
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen, 62(2010)5, pp. 44-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Halfar, H.
Intelligente Automobillogistik - RFID verdrängt Barcode in der Fahrzeugdistribution
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 50-51 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hans, C.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Improving Reverse Logistics Processes Using Item-level Product Lifecycle Management
In: International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 4(2010)4, pp. 338 - 359 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hongler, M. O.; Gallay, O.; Hülsmann, M.; Cordes, P.; Colmorn, R.
Centralized versus decentralized control - A solvable stylized model in transportation
In: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, , 389(2010)19, pp. 4162-4171 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Hribernik, K.; Windelband, L.; Hunecker, F.; Hans, C.; Thoben, K.-D.
Entwicklungsstand des „Internet der Dinge“ in der Praxis am Beispiel der Automobil- und Lebensmittellogistik
In: Industrie Management , 26(2010)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 27-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Isenberg, M.-A.; Schweizer, A.; Özsahin, M.-E.
Transparenz im RO-RO-Terminal - Vollautomatisches Ladungsträgermanagement mit RFID
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 48-49 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Karimi, H. R.; Dashkovskiy, S.; Duffie, N. A.
Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis for Large Scale Production Networks of Autonomous Work Systems
In: Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 10(2010)1, pp. 55-63 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Karimi, H. R.; Duffie, N. A.; Dashkovskiy, S.
Local Capacity H-Infinity Control for Production Networks of Autonomous Work Systems with Time-Varying Delays
In: IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 7(2010)4, IEEE, pp. 849-857 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Kok, A. L.; Meyer, C. M.; Kopfer, H.; Schutten, J. M. J.
A Dynamic Programming Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and the European Community Social Legislation
In: Transportation Science, 44(2010)4, pp. 442-454 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kopfer, H.; Meyer, C. M.
Ein Optimierungsmodell für die wöchentliche Tourenplanung unter Einbeziehung der EU-Sozialvorschriften
In: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 80(2010)7, pp. 755-775 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.; von Totth, C.
Stepping from graph transformation units to model transformation units
In: Electronic Communications of the EASST, 30(2010)1, EASST, pp. 24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Krohne, F.
Nachhaltiges Anlaufmanagement bei den KMU - Realisierung effizienter Produktanlaufprozesse durch KMU-spezifisches Wissensmanagement
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105(2010)4, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 288-293 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lawo, M.; Ahlrichs, C.; Kalkbrenner, G.; Kohlsdorf, D.
Nutzerschnittstellen für die Zielgruppe der über 70 jährigen
In: Tagungsband der eHealth 2010, 01(2010) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lewandowski, M.; Oelker, S.; Baltrusch, M.
Beispiel für zustandsorientierte Instandhaltung- Straddle-Carrier in Seehäfen
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, 50(2010)11, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 552-553 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Lorenz, S.; Haasis, H.-D.; Jattke, A.
Wissensmanagement in internationalen, unternehmensübergreifenden Forschungsprojekten
In: Wissensmanagement: das Magazin für Führungskräfte, 12(2010)5, Büro für Medien Lehnert, Augsburg, pp. 39-41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Mrugala, D.; Dannies, A.; Lang, W.
A Wearable Computing System for Dynamic Lacating of Parking Spaces
In: IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science , (2010)7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Pasher, E.; Popper, Z.; Raz, H.; Lawo, M.
WearIT@ work: a wearable computing solution for knowledge-based development
In: Int. J. Knowledge-Based Development, 1(2010)1 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Reiner, G.; Teller, C.; Kotzab, H.
Analyzing the Efficient Execution of In-Store Logistics Processes in Grocery Retailing - The Case of Dairy Products
In: Production and Operations Management, 22(2010)4, Production and Operations Management Society, pp. 924-939 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Chair of Logistics Management)

Rohde, M.; Echelmeyer, W.
Kooperationsszenario zwischen Forschung und Industrie: Paketroboter
In: Scholz-Reiter, B.; Gorldt, C., (eds.): Bremer Value Reports für Produktion und Logistik - Ausgabe 5, 3(2010)1, BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Bremen, pp. 2–18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Ronthaler, M.
Pfiffige Roboter
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010), pp. 24-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Ruthenbeck, C.; Lappe, D.; Lampe, W.
Informationsmanagement in der Automobillogistik – Ein proaktiver Ansatz für das Informationsmanagement in globalen Lieferketten
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Harjes, F.
Simulation neuronaler Netze – Open Source in der Produktionsregelung
In: Industrie Management , 26(2010)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 21-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Harjes, F.; Becker, J.
Hybride Steuerungsstrategien in der Werkstattfertigung
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105(2010)12, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 1079-1083 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Harjes, F.; Hamann, T.
Automatisierung des Lernens neuronaler Netze in der Produktionssteuerung
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105(2010)1, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 101-105 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Heger, J.; Meinecke, C.; Bergmann, J.
Materialklassifizierung unter Einbeziehung von Bedarfsprognosen
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 15(2010)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 57-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; König, F.
Entwicklung der Kernkompetenz Anlaufmanagement – Mit der Adaption von „lean“ Prinzipien den „Fast Ramp-up“ erreichen
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management3, 15(2010)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 42-45 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Krohne, F.; Ebert, K.; Helmich, J.
Reaktionsstrategiemodell für ein effizientes Anlaufmanagement - Maßnahmen und Methoden zur systematischen Verbesserung von Produktanläufen bei KMU
In: wt Werstattstechnik online, 100(2010)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 323-328 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.; Lappe, D.; Thamer, H.; Brenner, N.
Logistische Qualitätslenkung in der Mikrokaltumformung - Einsatz von Fuzzy-Regelung zur Optimierung von Stichprobenintervallen
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 13-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.; Lübke, K.; Thamer, H.; Hildebrandt, T.
Klassifikation von Oberflächenunvollkommenheiten in der Mikrokaltumformung
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105(2010)1, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 42-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.; Thamer, H.
Oberflächenprüfung von Mikrobauteilen
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 43-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Meinecke, C.; Ruthenbeck, C.
Planungsmethode für die unternehmensübergreifende Auftragsabwicklung
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 39-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Piotrowski, J.; Rügge, I.
Das LogDynamics Research Cluster - Erfolgreiche Bündelung der Logistikforschung in Bremen
In: RFID im Blick - das Magazin für kontaktlosen Datentransfer, Sonderausgabe RFID in Bremen 2010, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 10-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rekersbrink, H.; Görges, M.
Dynamic flexible flow shop problems—Scheduling heuristics vs. autonomous control
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 59(2010)1, CIRP, Paris, pp. 465-468 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rippel, D.; Sowade, S.; Hildebrandt, T.
Auswahl von Open Source Tools zur modellgetriebenen Simulationserzeugung
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Harjes, F.; Meinecke, C.
Informationsmanagement in der Logistik unterstützt durch Wearable Computing - Ein neuer Ansatz für das Informationsmanagement am Beispiel der Automobillogistik
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schweizer (Virnich), A.; Isenberg, M.-A.; Özsahin, M.-E.
Developing potentials in load carrier management on RoRo terminals by using RFID and GPS
In: International Journal of Logistics and Transport, 4(2010)1, pp. 135-141 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Schweizer, A.; Lütjen, M.; Lampe, W.
Wetterabhängige Errichtungsplanung und Supply-Chain-Steuerung von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
In: Industrie Management , 26(2010)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 62–66 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.; Hildebrandt, T.; Rippel, D.
Modeling of Orders in Autonomously Controlled Logistic Systems
In: Production Engineering, 4(2010)4, Springer-Verlag, pp. 319-325 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Tervo, J. T.; Lappe, D.
Einfluss der Abtastrate auf Ergebnisse der ereignisdiskreten Simulation
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105(2010)3, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 211-215 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Tervo, J. T.; Lappe, D.
Einfluss der Abtastrate auf die Fehlerentstehung in der Auswertung ereignisdiskret simulierter Werkstattfertigungen
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 44-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schönberger, J.
Adaptive Demand Peak Management in Online Transport Process Planning
In: OR Spectrum, 32(2010)3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 831-859 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Sitek, P.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Qualitätsmanagement in dynamischen Unternehmensnetzwerken
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 23-36 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sitek, P.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Qualitätsmanagement in dynamischen Unternehmensnetzwerken - Anforderungen an Qualitätsmanagementsysteme
In: Industrie Management, 10(2010)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sitek, P.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Towards an inter-organisational perspective to manage quality in temporary enterprise networks
In: International Journal for Quality and Reliability Management, 27(2010)2, pp. 231-246 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sklorz, A.; Schäfer, A.; Lang, W.
Merging Ethylene NDIR Gas Sensors with Preconcentrator-Devices for Sensitivity Enhancement
In: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 170(2010), Eurosensors XXIV, pp. 21–27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Teucke, M.; Özsahin, M.-E.; Lo, L.
Lange Lieferkette optimiert - Nutzung von RFID in der Bekleidungslogistik
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 22-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.
Das LogDynamics Lab - Von der Forschung in die Praxis
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 13-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.
Global RF Lab Alliance
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.; Hamann, T.
Nutzenpotenziale in der Supply-Chain - Einsatz der RFID-Technologie in der Getränkelogistik
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 46-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.; Harrison, M.
Integrated billing mechanisms in the Internet of Things to support information sharing and enable new business opportunities
In: International Journal of RF Technologies, 2(2010)2, IOS Press, pp. 73-90 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wehrheim, M.; Haasis, H.-D.
To buy or not to buy
In: Containerisation International, 43(2010)10, pp. 30-31 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Wenning, B.-L.; Pesch, D.; Timm-Giel, A.; Görg, C.
Environmental monitoring-aware routing: Making environmental sensor networks more robust
In: Telecommunication Systems, 43(2010)1-2, Springer US, pp. 3-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Westphal, I.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Managing collaboration performance to govern virtual organizations
In: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 21(2010)3, Springer US, pp. 311-320 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Windt, K.; Becker, T.; Jeken, O.; Gelessus, A.
A classification pattern for autonomous control methods in logistics
In: Logistics Research, 2(2010)2, Springer-Verlag, pp. 109-120 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Windt, K.; Jeken, O.; Becker, T.
Selbststeuerung in der Produktion - Verbesserte Logistikleistung durch Ausschöpfung von Flexibilitätspotentialen in Fertigung und Montage
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105(2010)5, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 439-443 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Windt, K.; Jeken, O.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Teucke, M.
Erschließung von Flexibilitätspotentialen in Globalen Produktionsnetzen durch selbststeuernde Produkte
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 23-36 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, BIBA)

Windt, K.; Philipp, T.; Böse, F.; Becker, T.
Application of the three-component evaluation system for autonomous control in logistics
In: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, (2010)224, pp. 1267-1276 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, BIBA)

Windt, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Jeken, O.; Teucke, M.
Selbststeuernde Produkte in globalen Produktionsnetzen - Erschließung von Flexibilitätspotenzialen
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 23-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, BIBA)

Zarvic, N.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A task-resource dependency perspective on partner selection during the formation of networked business constellations
In: International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 7(2010)5, pp. 399-414 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Zhang, R.; Yun, W. Y.; Kopfer, H.
Heuristic-Based Truck Scheduling for Inland Container Transportation
In: OR Spectrum, 32(2010)3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 787-808 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)


Bloos, M.; Kopfer, H.
Efficiency of Transport Collaboration Mechanisms
In: Communications of SIWN, 6(2009)1, pp. 23-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Böse, F.; Piotrowski, J.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Autonomously controlled storage management in veficle logistics - applications of RFID and mobile computing systems
In: International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, 1(2009)1, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 57-76 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Delhoum, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
The influence of decision patterns of inventory control on the bullwhip effect based on a simulation game of a production network
In: Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, 20(2009)8, Taylor & Francis, pp. 666–677 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Duffie, N. A.; Shi, L.
Maintaining constant wip-regulation dynamics in production networks with autonomous work systems
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 58(2009)1, pp. 399-402 [BibTeX]

Duin, H.; Eschenbächer, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Strategische Planung in Unternehmensnetzwerken
In: Industrie Management, 9(2009)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Echelmeyer, W.; Heitkötter, J.; Pallasch, A.-K.
Flexible, dynamische und ganzheitliche Lösungen für die Logistik von morgen
In: Schweizer Logistik Katalog 2009 - Das Jahrbuch für Materialfluss und Logistik, (2009), Binkert Medien AG, Laufenburg, pp. 68-69 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Echelmeyer, W.; Pallasch, A.-K.; Rohde, M.
Die Logistikfabrik der Zukunft – ein ganzheitliches Konzept
In: Industrie Management , 25(2009)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 13-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gorldt, C.; Lewandowski, M.; Dittmer, P.; Podlich, A.
Strategisches Management von Ladungsträgern im Güterverkehr
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gsell, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Administration and operation of product-related content
In: International journal of product development, 8(2009)2, pp. 211-223 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hölscher, K.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Autonomous units to model interacting sequential and parallel processes
In: Fundamenta informaticae, 93(2009)3, pp. 233-257 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Jabbari, A.; Jedermann, R.; Muthuraman, R.; Lang, W.
Application of Neurocomputing for Data Approximation and Classification in Wireless Sensor Network
In: Sensor Journal, special issue on Neural Networks and Sensors, 9(2009)4, pp. 3056-3077 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Lang, W.
Optimal Sample Rate for Wireless Sensor Actuator Network
In: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 36(2009)4, pp. 387-393 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Sklorz, A.; Lang, W.
SCAR Target-Oriented Routing Algorithm Based on Sequential Coordinates for Autonomous Wireless Sensor Network
In: Journal of Networks, 4(2009)6, pp. 421-427 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Sklorz, A.; Lang, W.
Energy Consumption Comparision between Autonomous and Central Wireless Sensor Networks
In: Communications of SIWN, 6(2009)6, pp. 166-170 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Ruiz-Garcia, L.; Lang, W.
Spatial temperature profiling by semi-passive RFID loggers for perishable food transportation
In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 65(2009)2, Elsevier, pp. 145-154 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Karimi, H. R.; Maaß, P.
Delay-range-dependent exponential H_infinity synchronization of a class of delayed neural networks
In: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 41(2009)3, pp. 1125-1135 [BibTeX]

Kopfer, H.; Wang, X.
Combining Vehicle Routing with Forwarding - Extension of the Vehicle Routing Problem by Different Types of Sub-contraction*
In: Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 35(2009)1, pp. 1-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Krajewska, M. A.; Kopfer, H.
Transportation planning in freight forwarding companies - Tabu Search algorithm for the integrated operational transportation planning problem
In: European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 197(2009)2, Elsevier, pp. 741-751 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kuladinithi, K.; An, C.; Timm-Giel, A.; Görg, C.
Performance evaluation on radio disjoint multipath routing
In: European Transactions on Telecommunications. Special Issue on the 5th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium (PGTS 2008), 20(2009)7, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 668-678 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Kuske, S.; Gogolla, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Ziemann, P.
Towards an integrated graph-based semantics for UML
In: Software and Systems Modeling, 8(2009)3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 385-401 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Lawo, M.
Intelligente Kleidung alarmiert den Arzt: Tragbare IT-Assistenten sollen chronisch Kranken ein sicheres Leben in vertrauter Umgebung ermöglichen
In: Digital Dental News, 06(2009)3, pp. 34-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lehmhus, D.; Lawo, M.; Langer, H.; Busse, M.; Burblies, A.; Lang, W.
Simulation techniques for the description of smart structures and sensorial materials
In: Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, 9(2009)4, pp. 143-148 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IFAM, IMSAS)

McKelvey, B.; Wycisk, C.; Hülsmann, M.
Designing an electronic auction market for complex 'smart parts' logistics: Options based on LeBaron's computational stock market
In: International Journal of Production Economics, , 120(2009)2, pp. 476-494 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Morales Kluge, E.
Wearable Computing in der industriellen Arbeitswelt
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 39-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pehlken, A.; Decker, A.; Müller, D. H.; Thoben, K.-D.; Rolbiecki, M.; Todt, S.
Modellierung von Stoffstromeigenschaften im Recycling
In: Müll und Abfall, Fachzeitschrift für Abfall und Ressourcenwirtschaft, 41(2009)8, pp. 386-391 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Podlich, A.; Weise, T.; Menze, M.; Gorldt, C.
Intelligente Wechselbrückensteuerung für die Logistik von Morgen
In: Electronic Communications of the EASST, 17(2009)0, pp. 10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rekersbrink, H.; Makuschewitz, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A distributed routing concept for vehicle routing problems
In: Logistics Research, 1(2009)1, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 45-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Böse, F.; Lampe, W.; Virnich, A.
Auf dem Weg zur Selbststeuerung der Prozesse
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 21-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Böse, F.; Teucke, M.; Virnich, A.
Ladungsträgermanagement auf RoRo-Terminals
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Brenner, M.; Lütjen, M.; Keck, M.
Dreidimensionales Layout für Mikrofabriken
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 104(2009)9, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 791-795 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Burwinkel, M.; Isenberg, M.-A.; Heger, J.; Lampe, W.
Automatische Konsolidierung von Seecontainern - Beschleunigung des Beladevorganges mittels dynamischer Beladungsplanung und automatischer Beladung
In: Werkstattstechnik online, 99(2009)3, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 166-171 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Frazzon, E. M.; Makuschewitz, T.
Integration von Produktions- und Transportsystemen entlang globaler Supply Chains
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Görges, M.; Philipp, T.
Autonomously controlled production systems – Influence of autonomous control level on logistic performance
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 58(2009)1, pp. 395–398 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hinrichs, U.
Lernen in Netzwerken – Generierung und Transfer von Wissen zur Steuerung von komplexen Systemen
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kolditz, J.; Hildebrandt, T.
Engineering autonomously controlled logistic systems
In: International Journal of Production Research, 47(2009)6, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 1449-1468 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lewandowski, M.; Dittmer, P.; Oelker, S.
Neue Instandhaltungsstrategien in der Hafenlogistik – Ein Fallbeispiel für die zustandsorientierte Instandhaltung von Hafenumschlaggeräten
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.
Digital Factory – Ansätze integrierter Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung
In: Industrie Management , 25(2009)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin , pp. 19-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Morales Kluge, E.
Technologiegetriebene Veränderungen bewältigen
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Özsahin, M.-E.; Harjes, F.; Kirchner, F.; Albiez, J.; Ronthaler, M.; Lampe, W.
Automatisierte Sicherheits- und Inventurkontrolle auf Automobilterminals
In: Industrie Management, 5(2009)25, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DFKI)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Tervo, J. T.
Frühzeitige Beeinflussung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Werkstattfertigungen
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Virnich, A.; Isenberg, M.-A.; Özsahin, M.-E.; Lampe, W.
Innovative Identifikationstechnologien unterstützen das Ladungsträgermanagement auf High & Heavy RoRo-Terminals
In: ISIS Special - AutoID/RFID, (2009)1, Nomina, München, pp. 136-139 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Online Decision Making and Automatic Decision Model Adaptation
In: Computers & Operations Research, 36(2009)6, pp. 1740-1750 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Transport system responsiveness improvement
In: International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 39(2009)1, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 63-79 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Uckelmann, D.; Hamann, T.; Zschintzsch, M.
Performance increase and benefit compensation in supply chains by partial information sharing and billing based on identification of returnable transport items
In: International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, 1(2009)1, Taylor & Francis, pp. 23-43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Wang, N.; von Kopylow, C.; Lübke, C.; Goch, G.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kirchheim, A.; Albertin, E.
Schnelle Qualitätsprüfung mikroumgeformter Bauteile
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 65-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wang, X.; Bischoff, O.; Laur, R.; Paul, S.
Localization in Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks using Multilateration with RSSI for Logistic Applications
In: Procedia Chemistry : Proceedings of the Eurosensors XXIII conference, 1(2009)1, Elsevier, pp. 461-464 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Weise, T.; Podlich, A.; Menze, M.; Gorldt, C.
Optimierte Güterverkehrsplanung mit Evolutionären Algorithmen
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 37-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Babazadeh, M.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
A Heuristic Method in Monitoring Environmental Parameters using a Floating Input Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks
In: International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2(2008)2, pp. 303-311 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Lang, W.
Selective predictors of environmental parameters in wireless sensor networks
In: International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2(2008)3, NAUN, pp. 355-363 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Boronowsky, M.; Herzog, O.; Lawo, M.
Wearable Computing: Information and Communication Technology supporting Mobile Workers
In: it - Information Technology, 50(2008)1, pp. 30-39 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Rüffer, B. S.; Wirth, F.
Stability of autonomous vehicle formations using an ISS small-gain theorem for networks
In: Proc. Appl. Math. Mech, 8(2008)1, pp. 10911-10912 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Donner, R.; Hinrichs, U.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Symbolic recurrence plots: A new quantitative framework for performance analysis of manufacturing networks
In: The European Physical Journal Special Topics (EPJ ST), 20 Years of Recurrence Plots: Perspectives for a Multi-purpose Tool of Nonlinear Data Analysis, 164(2008)1, Springer-Verlag, pp. 85-104 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Donner, R.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hinrichs, U.
Nonlinear characterization of the performance of production and logistics networks
In: Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 27(2008)2, Elsevier, pp. 84-99 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duan, Y.; Bentley, Y.; Fu, Z.; Zografos, K.; Bemeleit, B.
Enhancing Chinese Agribusiness Supply Chains with Internet Technologies: A Transnational Knowledge Transfer Approach
In: Journal of Industrial and Higher Education, 22(2008)5, pp. 305 – 314 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Duffie, N. A.; Roy, D.; Shi, L.
Dynamic Modeling of production networks of autonomous work systems with local capacity control
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 57(2008)1, pp. 463-466 [BibTeX]

Echelmeyer, W.; Pfeffermann, N.; Kirchheim, A.; Schmidt, K.; Pallasch, A.-K.
Integrationszenarien für das Hightech-System Paketroboter
In: Bremer Value Reports für Produktion und Logistik, 1(2008)2, BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Edel, A.-K.; Brenner, N.
Dienstleistungen in Industrie und Logistik
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 79 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hans, C.
Supporting partner identification for virtual organisations in manufacturing
In: Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19(2008)4, pp. 497-513 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hülsmann, M.; Grapp, J.; Li, Y.
Strategic Adaptivity in Global Supply Chains – Competitive Advantage by Autonomous Cooperation
In: International Journal of Production Economics, 114(2008)1, Elsevier, pp. 14-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Hülsmann, M.; Müller-Martini, M.
Eignung und Erweiterungsoptionen des "Homo agens" als ebenenübergreifendes Handlungsmodell kompetenzbasierter Forschung
In: Jahrbuch zum Strategischen Kompetenz-Management, 2(2008), pp. 131 – 163 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Karimi, H. R.
Observer-based mixed H2/H_infinity control design for linear systems with time-varying delays: An LMI approach
In: International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 6(2008)1, pp. 1-14 [BibTeX]

Karimi, H. R.; Gao, H.
LMI-based delay-dependent mixed H2/H_infinity control of second-order neutral systems with time-varying state and input delays
In: ISA Transactions, 47(2008)3, Elsevier, pp. 311-324 [BibTeX]

Karimi, H. R.; Maaß, P.
A convex optimization approach to robust observer-based H_infinity control design of linear parameter-varying delayed systems
In: International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 4(2008)3, pp. 226-241 [BibTeX]

Krajewska, M. A.; Kopfer, H.; Laporte, G.; Ropke, S.; Zaccour, G.
Horizontal cooperation of freight carriers: request allocation and profit sharing
In: Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS), 59(2008)11, pp. 1483-1491 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Meyer, C. M.; Kopfer, H.
Lenk- und Ruhezeiten im Personen- und Güterverkehr: Vergleich der neuen Verordnung (EG) Nr. 561/ 2006 mit der alten Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 3820/ 85
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen, 60(2008)1, DVV Media Group GmbH, Hamburg, pp. 32-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Philipp, T.; Teucke, M.; Jeken, O.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Windt, K.
Entwicklung und Anwendung einer Methode zur Planung von Distributionsnetzwerken
In: PPS Management, 13(2008)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 57-61 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University)

Plöger, M.; Haasis, H.-D.
Vereinnahmungsgerechte Just-in-Sequence-Versorgung in Fertigungsverbünden
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 103(2008)9, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 613-616 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Baumbach, B.; Krohne, F.
Integriertes Auslaufmanagement - Anforderungen an ein zielorientiertes Kennzahlensystem zur effizienten Durchführung von Produktausfällen
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 74-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Böse, F.; Dizdar, C.; Windt, K.
Transportorientierte Reihenfolgeplanung - Verbesserte Abstimmung zwischen Produktion und Distribution
In: PPS Management, 13(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15–17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, Jacobs University)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; de Beer, C.; Freitag, M.; Jagalski, T.
Bio-inspired and pheromone-based shop-floor control
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21(2008)2, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 201-205 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.
Der Einfluss von Entscheidungsmustern der Bestandskontrolle auf den Bullwhip Effekt
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Gorldt, C.; Hinrichs, U.; Tervo, J. T.; Lewandowski, M.
Simulation eines RFID-Systems im KANBAN-Kartenkreislauf eines Produktionsunternehmens
In: PPS-Management, 13(2008)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 16-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hamann, T.
The behaviour of learning production control
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 57(2008)1, CIRP, Paris, pp. 459-462 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hinrichs, U.
Der Mensch als Entscheider - Einsatz von Planspielen zur Reduktion von Bestandsschwankungen in Unternehmensnetzwerken
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 103(2008)11, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 801-803 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kirchheim, A.; Burwinkel, M.; Echelmeyer, W.; Rohde, M.; Schmidt, K.
Automatische Entladung von Stückgütern durch ein kognitives Robotersystem
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 13-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Krohne, F.
Produktänderungen sicher handhaben - Zielorientierte Umsetzung technischer Produktänderungen
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 14-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Krohne, F.; Wenzens, G.
Anlaufmanagement in Electronic Supply Chains - Realisierung von Serienanläufen in Zuliefernetzwerken der Elektronikindustrie
In: PPS Management, 13(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.; Brenner, N.
Wissensmanagement bei der fertigungstechnischen Prozessgestaltung - Nutzung von Wiki in Forschungsnetzwerken
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.; Heger, J.
Integrated simulation method for investment decisions of micro production systems
In: Microsystem Technologies, 14(2008)12, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 2001-2005 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Teucke, M.; Lo, L.
Stellung Chinas in der Bekleidungsindustrie
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Lütjen, M.
Microfactory - Aspekte der Fabrikplanung
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 98(2008)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 224-229 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Virnich, A.
e-Logistik im Umfeld der Logistikdienstleistungen
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 13-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Virnich, A.; Uckelmann, D.
RFID - Bindeglied zwischen realen und virtuellen Communities
In: ISIS Special - AutoID/RFID, (2008)3, Nomina, München, pp. 97-99 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Wirth, F.; Dashkovskiy, S.; Jagalski, T.; Makuschewitz, T.
Analyse der Dynamik großskaliger Netzwerke in der Logistik
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 37-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, ZeTeM)

Schönberger, J.; Kopfer, H.
Schedule Nervousness Reduction in Transport Re-Planning
In: Communications of SIWM, (2008)3, pp. 7-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Schuldt, A.; Gottfried, B.
Selbststeuerung in der Intralogistik: Kognitive räumliche Repräsentationen für autonome Fahrzeuge
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Semolic, B.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Imtiaz, A.; Stevens, R.
The Tool East Solution for Industrial Clusters in Eastern Europe
In: IPMA - Project Management Practice, 26(2008)4, pp. 3-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.
UHF - ein viel versprechender Trend für Bibliotheken
In: RFID im Blick, 4(2008)7, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.
100 Prozent sind nicht genug
In: ident, 13(2008)7, Ident Verlag und Service GmbH, Rödermark, pp. 15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.; Hofmann, S.
RTLS - Real Time Locating Systems
In: SMART Solutions 2008, (2008), RFID Ready, pp. 24-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Windt, K.; Böse, F.; Philipp, T.
Complexity Cube for the Characterization of Complex Production Systems
In: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21(2008)2, Taylor & Francis, pp. 195-200 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, BIBA)

Windt, K.; Böse, F.; Philipp, T.
Autonomy in Production Logistics - Identification, Characterisation and Application
In: International Journal of Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing , 24(2008)4, Pergamon Press, Inc., Tarrytown, NY, USA, pp. 572-578 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Jacobs University, BIBA)

Wycisk, C.; McKelvey, B.; Hülsmann, M.
'Smart Parts' Supply Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems: Analysis and Implications
In: International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(2008)2, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 108-125 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Zarvic, N.; Seifert, M.
Koordinationsabhängigkeiten als Instrument der Partnerauswahl in Virtuellen Organisationen
In: PPS Management, 13(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 18-21 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Andersch, C.; Schwarzer, J.; Thoben, K.-D.; Hoffmann, F.; Zoch, H.-W.
Einfluss der Bauteilgeometrie auf das Entstehen von Verzug beim Wärmebehandeln
In: HTM-Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials, 62(2007)5, pp. 216-220 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Becker, M.; Singh, G.; Wenning, B.-L.; Görg, C.
On Mobile Agents for Autonomous Logistics
In: International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2(2007)2, pp. 114-130 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Boronowsky, M.; Herzog, O.; Lawo, M.
Wearable Computing für Knowledge Workers – wearIT@work
In: Künstliche Intelligenz KI, (2007)4, BöttcherIT Verlag, Bremen, pp. 62-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Rüffer, B. S.; Wirth, F.
An ISS Small-Gain Theorem for General Networks
In: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 19(2007)2, Springer-Verlag, pp. 93-122 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Ehnert, I.; Krajewska, M. A.; Kopfer, H.; Müller-Christ, G.
Konflikte in der Interaktion autonomer Entscheidungsträger am Beispiel einer Spedition
In: Industrie Management, 23(2007)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 31-33 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Professur für Nachhaltiges Management, LfL HB)

Gavirey, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Wie Optimierung gedeihen könnte! - Entwicklungspotenzial von KMU erkennen und nachhaltig unterstützen
In: Industrie Management , 23(2007)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 11–16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Haasis, H.-D.; Juechter, H.
Strategisches Flexibilitätsmanagement
In: Industrie Management, 23(2007)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 59–62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Haasis, H.-D.; Plöger, M.
Flexible Lagertechnik für Just-in-Sequence-Logistik
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, 47(2007)7-8, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 368-370 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Herzog, O.; Boronowsky, M.; Rügge, I.; Glotzbach, U.; Lawo, M.
The Future of Mobile Computing: R&D Activities in the State of Bremen
In: Internet Research, 17(2007)5, pp. 495-504 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Jabbari, A.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Application of Computational Intelligence for Sensor Fault Detection and Isolation (SFDI)
In: International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems Science, and Engineering, 1(2007)2, pp. 142-147 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Semi-passive RFID and beyond - steps towards automated quality tracing in the food chain (Fifth RFID Academic Convocation. Orlando, Florida, 30. April 2007)
In: International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications (IJRFITA), 1(2007)3, pp. 247-259 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Kenn, H.; Nicolai, T.; Witt, H.; Beauregard, S.; Lawo, M.; Boronowsky, M.; Herzog, O.
Artificial Intelligence on Wearable Computers: Perspectives and Challenges
In: Zeitschrift Künstliche Intelligenz, 12(2007)2, pp. 17-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

König, C.; Müller, D. H.; Albiez, J.
Verfahren zur Bestimmung der akustischen Eigenschaften von Faserverbundwerkstoffen aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
In: Fortschrittsberichte der Akustik, 33(2007)1, pp. 439-440 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Kopfer, H.; Meyer, C. M.; Wagenknecht, A.
Die EU-Sozialvorschriften und ihr Einfluss auf die Tourenplanung
In: Logistik Management, 9(2007)2, Aspecta Verlagsgesellschaft, Nürnberg, pp. 32-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Lawo, M.
Wearable Computing - Informationen zur rechten Zeit am rechten Ort
In: Industrie Management, 23(2007)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 21-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lawo, M.
Die unauffälligen Begleiter - Tragbare IT-Systeme von morgen unterstützen die Arbeit beiläufig
In: Digital Dental News, 1(2007)4, pp. 18-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lawo, M.; Boronowsky, M.; Herzog, O.; Knackfuß, P.
wearIT@work – empowering by wearable computing
In: EngineerIT, (2007), pp. 16-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lukowicz, P.; Timm-Giel, A.; Lawo, M.; Herzog, O.
WearIT@work: Toward Real-World Industrial Wearable Computing
In: IEEE Pervasive Computing, 6(2007)4, IEEE, pp. 8-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, TZI)

Paul, H.; Bierwirth, C.; Kopfer, H.
A Heuristic Scheduling Procedure for Multi-Item Hoist Production Lines
In: International Journal of Production Economic, 105(2007)1, pp. 54-69 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Pfeffermann, N.
Die Roboter kommen
In: Logistik für Unternehmen, 2007(2007)10, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 24-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Böse, F.; Hinrichs, U.; Toonen, C.
Ökologistik - Umweltorientierung in der Logistik
In: Industrie Management, 23(2007)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Böse, F.; Jagalski, T.; Windt, K.
Selbststeuerung in der betrieblichen Praxis - Ein Framework zur Auswahl der passenden Selbststeuerungsstrategie
In: Industrie Management, 23(2007)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 7-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Delhoum, S.; Hinrichs, U.
Optimierte Bestandskontrolle in Produktions- und Logistiknetzwerken
In: PPS Management, 12(2007)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 44-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.
Autonomous processes in assembly systems
In: CIRP Annals 2007 Manufacturing Technology, 56(2007)2, CIRP, Paris, pp. 712-729 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Gorldt, C.; Hinrichs, U.; Tervo, J. T.; Uckelmann, D.
Tracking und Tracing in der Produktion mit passiven RFID Transpondern
In: ISIS RFID Special Report, (2007), Nomina, München [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Jagalski, T.; Bendul, J. C.
Bienenalgorithmen zur Selbststeuerung logistischer Prozesse
In: Industrie Management, 23(2007)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 7-10 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Shorten, R.; King, C.; Leith, D.; Wirth, F.
Modelling TCP congestion control in droptail environments
In: Automatica, 43(2007)3, pp. 441-449 [BibTeX]

Udugama, A.; Kuladinithi, K.; Görg, C.; Pittmann, F.; Tionardi, L.
NetCAPE: Enabling Seamless IMS Service Delivery across Hetero­geneous Mobile Networks
In: IEEE Communications Magazine, 45(2007)7, IEEE, pp. 84-91 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)


Burkhard, H.-D.; Visser, U.
In: Künstliche Intelligenz, 02(2006), arendtap Desktop Publishing, Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Burkhard, H.-D.; Visser, U.; Jüngel, M.; Bredenfeld, A.; Christaller, T.
Herausforderung für KI und Robotik
In: Künstliche Intelligenz, 20(2006)2, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 5–11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Dietrich, A. J.; Timm, I. J.; Kirn, S.
Implications of Mass Customization on Business Information Systems
In: Journal of Mass Customisation, 1(2006)2, pp. 218-236 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Ehnert, I.; Arndt, L.; Müller-Christ, G.
A sustainable management framework for dilemma and boundaries in autonomous cooperating transport logistics processes
In: International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (IJESD), 5(2006)4, pp. 355-371 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Professur für Nachhaltiges Management)

Hans, C.; Hribernik, K.; Schnatmeyer, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Die erweiterte Nutzung von Produktinformationen
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe RFID in Bremen, (2006), pp. 32-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Herzog, O.; Knackfuß, P.; Lawo, M.; Boronowsky, M.
wearIT@work - Empowering the Mobile Worker by Wearable Computing – the First Results
In: Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology (JT&IT), 2(2006), pp. 9-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, ISL, until 2016 TZI)

Hölscher, K.; Ziemann, P.; Gogolla, M.
On Translating UML Models into Graph Transformation Systems
In: Journal of Visual Language and Computing, 17(2006)1, pp. 79-107 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Hribernik, K.; Rabe, L.; Schumacher, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
The Product Avatar as a Product-Instance-Centric Information Management Concept
In: International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 1(2006)4, pp. 367-379 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kenn, H.; Rügge, I.
RFID zur Reduzierung der Benutzungskomplexität mobiler Lösungen
In: Sonderausgabe RFID Systems von RFID im Blick, (2006)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 53 [BibTeX]

Kenn, H.; Rügge, I.
Botschaften aus dem Handgelenk
In: Sonderausgabe RFID in Bremen von RFID im Blick, (2006)6, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 36-38 [BibTeX]

Klein, D.; Thoben, K.-D.
Vorschlag einer verzugsgerechten Arbeitsplanung in der Ringherstellung
In: HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials, 61(2006)6, pp. 320-325 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Klein, D.; Thoben, K.-D.; Nowag, L.
Using indicators to describe distortion along a process chain
In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 37(2006)1, pp. 19-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kopfer, H.; Krajewska, M. A.
Inter- und intraspeditionelle Auftragsdisposition
In: Industrie Management, 22(2006)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 75-77 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Krajewska, M. A.; Kopfer, H.
Collaborating freight forwarding enterprises - request allocation and profit sharing
In: OR Spectrum, 28(2006)3, Springer-Verlag, pp. 301-317 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Langer, H.; Gehrke, J. D.; Hammer, J.; Lorenz, M.; Timm, I. J.; Herzog, O.
A Framework for Distributed Knowledge Management in Autonomous Logistic Processes
In: International Journal of Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Engineering Systems, 10(2006)4, pp. 277-290 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Lawo, M.; Adamer, K.; Frick, F.; Herzog, O.; Lukowicz, P.; Ziegert, T.
Wearable Computing - ein Ansatz zur Reduktion des administrativen Druckes im Gesundheitswesen
In: FIfF Kommunikation, (2006)1, pp. 38-41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: ISL, until 2016 TZI, TZI)

Miene, A.; Wagner, T.
Static and Dynamic Qualitative Spatial Knowledge Representation for Physical Domains
In: KI - Künstliche Intelligenz, (2006)2, pp. 109-116 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Müller, D. H.; Gsell, H.; Kopfer, H.; Shigo, N.
Ein integriertes Produktdaten- /Prozessmodell
In: Industrie Management, 22(2006)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 65-71 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Gorldt, C.; Hinrichs, U.; Tervo, J. T.
Konzeption einer modularen, prozessorientierten RFID-Qualifizierung
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 101(2006)11, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 623-626 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Gorldt, C.; Hinrichs, U.; Tervo, J. T.; Lemmel, M. C.; Pracht, J.
Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Potenziale von RFID in der Logistik kleiner und mittlerer Industrieunternehmen
In: PPS Management  , 11(2006)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 33-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Mattern, F.; Uckelmann, D.; Hinrichs, U.; Gorldt, C.
RFID wird erwachsen - Deutschland sollte die Potenziale der elektronischen Identifikation nutzen
In: acatech bezieht Position, 1(2006), Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 1-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Piotrowski, J.; Nyhuis, P.; Berkholz, D.
Reduzierte Stillstandszeit von Investitionsgütern durch Prognose des Instandhaltungsaufwands
In: PPS Management , 11(2006)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 33-36 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Shorten, R.; Wirth, F.; Leith, D.
A positive systems model of TCP-like congestion control: Asymptotic results
In: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 14(2006)3, pp. 616-629 [BibTeX]

Timm, I. J.; Scholz, T.; Herzog, O.
Capability-based Emerging Organization of Autonomous Agents for Flexible Production Control
In: Advanced Engineering Informatics Journal - Special Issue on Emergent Synthesis, 20(2006)3, Elsevier, pp. 247-259 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: TZI)

Wirth, F.; Stanojevic, R.; Shorten, R.; Leith, D.
Stochastic equilibria of AIMD communication networks
In: SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and its Applications, 28(2006)3, pp. 703-723 [BibTeX]


Becker, M.; Timm-Giel, A.
Selbststeuerung in der Transportlogistik: Modellierung der mobilen Kommunikation
In: Industrie Management, 21(2005)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 71-74 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Böse, F.; Lampe, W.
Transponder im Fahrzeugmanagement – Eine zukunftsträchtige Variante für die Automobillogistik
In: Industrie Management, 20(2005)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 29-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Busatto, G.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Kuske, S.
Abstract Hierarchical Graph Transformation
In: Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 15(2005)4, pp. 773-819 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Hülsmann, M.; Lohmann, J.; Wycisk, C.
The Role of Inter-Organizational Learning and Self-Organizing Systems in Building a Sustainable Network Culture
In: International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, 5(2005)2, pp. 21-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Müller-Christ, G.; Dembski, N.
Nachhaltigkeitsmonitoring als Instrument zur Verstetigung von Kooperationen
In: UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 13(2005)3, pp. 4-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Professur für Nachhaltiges Management)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freitag, M.; de Beer, C.; Jagalski, T.
Modelling Dynamics of Autonomous Logistic Processes: Discrete-event versus Continuous Approaches
In: CIRP Annals 2005 Manufacturing Technology, 55(2005)1, pp. 413-417 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Hinrichs, U.; Delhoum, S.
Analyse auftretender Instabilitäten in dynamischen Produktions- und Logistiknetzwerken
In: Industrie Management, 21(2005)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Höhns, H.
Planung und Betrieb von Produktionssystemen in der Mikroproduktion
In: Industrie Management, 21(2005)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 9-12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Tervo, J. T.
Optimierung von Produktions- und Logistiknetzwerken durch Synchronisation
In: Industrie Management, 21(2005)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 13-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thoben, K.-D.; Kirisci, P. T.; Hribernik, K.; Steinmann, R.; Kalbitzer, T.; Eggers, T.
Die Bauorganisation im Wandel: Möglichkeiten der Prozessoptimierung durch den Einsatz mobiler Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien auf Baustellenumgebungen
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 5(2005)6, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 359-364 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wenning, B.-L.; Görg, C.; Peters, K.
Ereignisdiskrete Modellierung von Selbststeuerung in Transportnetzen
In: Industrie Management, 21(2005)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Comnets)

Contributions to Journals (non reviewed)


Constatinescu, A.; Lenzner, P.; Reiffenhäuser, R.; Schmand, D.; Varriccio, G.
Solving Woeginger's Hiking Problem: Wonderful Partitions in Anonymous Hedonic Games.
(2023) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTem)

Fitzel, T.; Lütjen, M.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Freitag, M.; Stukenborg, F.
Künstliche Intelligenz für den Gärschrank
In: brot + backwaren, (2023)2, FOOD2MULTIMEDIA GMBH, Radbruch, pp. 50-53 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Grobler, M.; Maaz, S.; Megow, N.; Mouawad, A. E.; Ramamoorthi, V.; Schmand, D.; Siebertz, S.
Solution discovery via reconfiguration for problems in P.
(2023) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: CSLog, ZeTem)

Jathe, N.; Lütjen, M.; Petzoldt, C.; Boger, D.; Freitag, M.
Einsatz von Aktivitäts- und Prozesserkennung zur kontextabhängigen Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in (teil-)autonomen Arbeitsumgebungen
In: Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 118(2023)6, pp. 376-381 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IAI)


Fitzel, T.; Lütjen, M.; Arango Castellanos, J.; Freitag, M.; Stukenborg, F.
Artificial intelligence for the fermentation chamber
In: baking + biscuit INTERNATIONAL, (2022)6, FOOD2MULTIMEDIA GMBH, Radbruch, pp. 40-43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kinra, A.; Warmbier, P.
Der Covid 19 Welleneffekt hält globale Lieferketten weiterhin unter Anspannung
In: Wirtschaft in Bremen und Bremerhaven, Handelskammer, (2022) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)


Broda, E.; Sayah, D.; Freitag, M.
Angebotsplanung in dynamischen Produktionsnetzwerken
In: Werkstattstechnik online, 111(2021)3, VDI Fachmedien GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf, pp. 147-151 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Frazzon, E. M.; Freitag, M.; Ivanov, D.
Intelligent methods and systems for decision-making support: Toward digital supply chain twins
In: International Journal of Information Management, 57(2021), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 102281 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Haasis, H.-D.; Tsapi, V.; Förster, A.
Logistics Innovation and Knowledge Transfer in Cameroon
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen, International Transportation, 73(2021)3, pp. 53-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, Comnets)

Hoppe, N.; Petzoldt, C.; Freitag, M.
Automatisierung mit "IRiS" - Interaktives Robotersystem zur Entladung von Seecontainern
In: Technische Logistik, (2021)8, Huss, C, Berlin, pp. 22-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kreowski, H.-J.
Informationstechnische Grundbildung für alle ist Unfug
In: Retrospektive FIfF-Kommunikation, (2021), pp. 64-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Tietjen, T.; Egbert, L.; Zitnikoc, A.; Thoben, K.-D.; Klein, A.
Sensorüberwachter Zustand von ausfallkritischen Komponenten einer Einspritzeinheit
In: DESMA campus: Online-Portal der DESMA-Schuhmaschinen GmbH, (2021)4, pp. 1-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Ahlmann, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.; Love, P.; Streibl, R. E.; Vosselberg, K.; Zallmann, M.
Künstliche Intelligenz als Wunderland
In: FIfF-Kommunikation, (2020), pp. 14-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Theoretical Computer Science)

Zeitler, W.; Oeltjenbruns, B.; Rump, H.; Teschke, T.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Digital auf der Baustelle - Mit Assistenzsystemen Bauprozesse erfolgreich optimieren
In: Fabriksoftware, 25(2020)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 15-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Bernardo Pinto, M.; Pannek, J.
Robust Solution Approach for the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 21-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Burwinkel, M.; Rohde, A.-K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Drechsler, R.
Digitalisiertes und kollaboratives Katastrophenmanagement zur funktionalen Wiederherstellung in Seehäfen und übergreifend
In: ipp info, 13(2019)16, Direktorium des Instituts für Public Health und Pflegeforschung, Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 10-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Cen, M.; Lang, W.
Surface Functionalization of Polyimide Substrates for Microsensors' Applications
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 25-26 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Dastyar, H.; Pannek, J.
Simulation-based optimization in supplier development
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019), pp. 27-30 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Fabisch, A.; Petzoldt, C.; Otto, M.; Kirchner, F.
A survey of behavior learning applications in robotics -- State of the art and perspectives
In: arXiv preprint; under review at International Journal of Robotics Research, (2019)0, arXiv, Ithaca, pp. 38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DFKI)

Förster, A.; Udugama, A.; Lütjen, M.; Rohde, A.-K.
Rehabilitation of communications to enable fast response in disaster scenarios
In: ipp info, 13(2019)16, Direktorium des Institus für Public Health und Pflegeforschung, Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 7-8 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, BIBA)

Grudpan, S.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Challenges with Technologies for Collaboration in Urban Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 31-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Hald, K. S.; Kinra, A.
Blockchain teknologi i Supply Chain Management: Velsignelse eller forbandelse?
In: Effektivitet, (2019), pp. 22-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Global Supply Chain Management)

He, Z.; Haasis, H.-D.
Sustainable Inner-Urban Intermodal Transportation in Retail/Post
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 33-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Herzog, O.; Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.
A Multi-agent System for Truck Dispatching in an Open-pit Mine
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019), pp. 35-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Intayoad, W.; Becker, T.
Exploring Contextual Information in Manufacturing and Logistics Processes
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 39-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Khan, A.; Haasis, H.-D.
The Role of Transportation Infrastructure in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 43-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Kuppusamy Parimalam, V. P.; Miriya Thanthrige, U.; Udugama, A.; Förster, A.
Evaluating Forwarding Protocols in OppNets: Trends, Advances and Challenges
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019), pp. 47-48 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Liu, P.; Pannek, J.
Operator-based Decentralized Capacity Control of Job-Shop Systems with RMTs
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 49-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Lütjen, M.; Rohde, A.-K.; Thoben, K.-D.; Zeeb, H.
Approaches of Transdisciplinary Modeling in Disaster Management
In: ipp info, 13(2019)16, Direktorium des Instituts für Public Health und Pflegeforschung, Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 2-3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Prockl, G.; Kinra, A.; Kotzab, H.
Internationalisation within liner shipping
In: Shipping Digest, (2019), pp. 34-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Global Supply Chain Management, Chair of Logistics Management)

Sarma, H.
Virtual Movement from Textual Instructions
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 53-54 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Hand in Hand mit intelligenten Systemen
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 35(2019)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Kurs auf Digitalisierung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 35(2019)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Digitaler Schatten oder Zwilling?
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 35(2019)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Shah, S. M.; Rügge, I.
Monitoring External Supply Chain Risks in Apparel Sourcing through Text Mining
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 55-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA, IGS)

Siddiky, F. A.; Beetz, M.
Human Activity Video to Virtual Reality Execution
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 57-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Ye, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Alternative Distribution Channels Provided by BRI
(2019), pp. 59-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Yu, B.; De Gea Fernández, J.; Tan, T.
Probabilistic kinematic model of a robotic catheter for 3D position control
In: Soft Robotics, 6(2019), Marie Ann Liebert Inc. Publishers USA, pp. 184-194 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: DFKI)

Zaman, A.; Malaka, R.
A Shoe for Surgeons to Interact with Radiological Images
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 61-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.
'Combining Predictive Control with Integer Operators for Capacity Adjustment via RMTs
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 6(2019)(2019), pp. 65-66 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Börold, A.; Freitag, M.
Auf dem Weg zu mehr Sicherheit im Flurförderzeugeinsatz
In: f+h fördern und heben 9/2018, 2018(2018)09, Vereinigte Fachverlage GmbH, Mainz, pp. 55-57 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Leusin, M. E.; Frazzon, E. M.; Maldonado, M. U.; Kück, M.; Freitag, M.
Solving the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem in the Industry 4.0 Era
In: Technologies, 6(2018)4, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 1-27 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rügge, I.
Research Report 2016/17, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2018)5, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 86 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Ist der Reifegrad von Industrie 4.0 branchenspezifisch?
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 34(2018)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Intelligenten Materialien und Systeme im Fokus von Industrie 4.0
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 34(2018)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Logistik
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 34(2018)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Sommerfeld, D.; Teucke, M.; Freitag, M.
Steuerung von Supply Chains durch Qualitätsevents
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 108(2018)4, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 271-275 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Basa Bonsa, G.
A Supplier Selection Economic Lot Sizing and Order Allocation Model
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 13-16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Beheshti-Kashi, S.; Hribernik, K.; Lützenberger, J.; Arabsolgar, D.; Thoben, K.-D.
Social Media Text Data Analysis for Decision Making in Fashion Supply Chains
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 17-20 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Behmanesh, E.; Pannek, J.
A Memetic Algorithm for a Closed-loop Supply Chain Model
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 21-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Bernardo Pinto, M.
Measures for the Solution of Capacitated Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 25-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Daudi, M.; Pannek, J.; Baalsrud Hauge, J.
Comparing Trust Behavior of Shippers and Receivers in Collaboration
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 29-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, IGS)

Grudpan, S.
A Systematic Literature Review of Challenges in Urban Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 33-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

He, Z.
Technological Innovations and their Effects on Urban Freight Transport
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 35-38 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Icarte, G.; Herzog, O.; Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.
Truck Dispatching Systems for Open-pit Mines: A Systematic Literature Review
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 39-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, BIBA, IGS)

Intayoad, W.
Process Mining Overview in Manufacturing ang Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: PSLS, IGS)

Jing, Y.
The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Logistics Networks Redesign
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 45-46 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Khaliq, K. A.; Pannek, J.; Qayyum, A.
Role of VANET in Logistics and Transportation
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 47-50 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Performance Analysis of Proposed Congestion Avoiding Protocol for IEEE 802.11s
In: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application (IJACSA), 8(2017)2, Science and Information (SAI) Organization Ltd., pp. 356-369 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Kopfer, H.; Vornhusen, B.
Energy Vehicle Routing Problem for Differently Sized and Powered Vehicles
In: Chair of Logistics Working Paper No. 8, (2017), University of Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Kuppusamy Parimalam, V. P.
Study of Forwarding Protocols in Opportunistic Networks
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 51-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Liu, P.; Pannek, J.; Zhang, Q.
Capacity Control of Multi-workstation Job Shop Systems with RMT
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Novillo, S.
Supply Chain Flexibility as Strategy for SMEs Internationalization
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 57-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Mit Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz zu mehr Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Erfolgreiches Big Data Management als Voraussetzung für Industrie 4.0
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Fabrik – Chancen und Herausforderung
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 33(2017)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schukraft, S.; Veigt, M.; Freitag, M.
Adaptive Produktionsplanung und -steuerung - Situationsgerechte Auswahl von PPS-Verfahren in Abhängigkeit der Auftragssituation
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 112(2017)3, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 126-128 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Siddiky, F. A.; Beetz, M.
ActivityDescriptor: Human Activity Understanding for Manipulation Robots
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 61-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IAI, IGS)

Tahir, M. W.; Zaidi, N. A.; Lang, W.
Fungus Detection in Intelligent Container Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 65-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Wang, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Concept of Using Electric Vehicles for Green Urban Freight Transport
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 69-72 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zaman, A.
Hand-Free Interaction in Complex Situation
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 77-80 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, Q.; Pannek, J.; Liu, P.
Predictive Capacity Adjustment in Job Shop Systems by Using RMTs
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 5(2017), pp. 81-84 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)


Bischoff, F.; Issmer, A.; Quandt, M.
Innovative Lösungen für die Instandhaltung von Windenergieanlagen (Interview)
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 4(2016)32, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 78-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khaliq, K. A.; Qayyum, A.; Pannek, J.
Synergies of Advanced Technologies and Role of VANET in Logistics and Transportation
In: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (ijacsa), 7(2016)11, The Science and Information Organization, pp. 359-369 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: DIL, IGS)

Müller, R.; Meyer-Larsen, N.; Haasis, H.-D.
Sichere und globale Transporte
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen, 68(2016)2, Trialog Publishers, pp. 26-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Quandt, M.; Ait Alla, A.; Beinke, T.; Kumpert, M.; Freitag, M.
Instandhaltungslogistik für Offshore-Windenergie - Simulationsstudie zur Analyse von dynamischen Einflüssen auf die Servicelogistik für Offshore-Windkraftanlagen
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, (2016)12, Carl Hansen Verlag, München, pp. 793-797 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Reinhard, H.; Krupp, T.; Krupp-Kirschke, S.; Ehm, J.; Marinitsch, W.; Pineiro, A.; Verfürth, J.; Orth, F.
Mehr Sicherheit im Umgang mit Flurförderzeugen
In: Technische Sicherheit, 6(2016)10, Springer, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 10-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rügge, I.; Lengkong, I.
Research Report 2014/15, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2016)4, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 74 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, DIL, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Von der Forschung in die Praxis
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Systemintegrierte Intelligenz: Neue Herausforderungen für die Produktionstechnik
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Abschied von der Automatisierungspyramide
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2016)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Gemeinsam statt gegeneinander
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 32(2016)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Staar, B.; Flosky, H.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.
Automatische Qualitätsinspektion von Mikronäpfen
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 21(2016)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 57-60 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Beheshti-Kashi, S.
Fashion Forecasting in Social Media: A qualitative comparison of relevant channels
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2015), International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Bendul, J. C.; Hermann, S.
Big Data kann die Projektlogistik unterstützen
In: DVZ, 36(2015) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Daudi, M.
Trust Dynamics in Early Phases of Supply Chain Collaboration
In: Research Report, 4(2015), International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Gorldt, C.; Veigt, M.; Blechschmidt, M.
Telematik + Sensorik als Ergänzung zu RFID
In: RFID im Blick, (2015)8, Verlag & Freie Medien, Lüneburg, pp. 42-43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Heitkötter, J.; Uriarte, C.; Freitag, M.
Oktopus-Greifer - Entwicklung eines bionisch inspirierten Greifers für die Entladung von heterogenen Stückgütern aus Containern
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 110(2015)11, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 714-717 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Holdorf, S.; Röder, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Innovative Konzepte für die Logistikbranche. Chancen und Risiken für Startups in der Transportlogistik
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen, 67(2015)2, pp. 34-36 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: MLog)

Karimi, H. R.; Duffie, N.; Freitag, M.; Lütjen, M.; Chadli, M.
Editorial: Modeling, Planning, and Control of Complex Logistic Processes
In: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015(2015)1, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 2 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Khan, A.
Model Development: for Analyzing Major Strategies and Issues of Supply Chain under Mass Customization
In: LogDynamics Research Report 2014/15. International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, 4(2015), Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (Log Dynamics), Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 43-45 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Lucklum, F.; Janssen, S.; Lang, W.; Vellekoop, M. J.
Miniature 3D Gas Chromatography Columns with Integrated Fluidic Connectors Using High-resolution Stereolithography Fabrication
In: Procedia Engineering, 120(2015), Elsevier, pp. 703-706 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Molzow-Voit, F.; Quandt, M.; Freitag, M.; Spöttl, G.
Qualifizierung von Fachkräften und Entscheidern
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 110(2015)10, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 583-586 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Ressourcen-Sharing - ein neues Paradigma in Produktion und Logistik
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Innovativ und dynamisch auf dem Weg zur Logistik 4.0
In: Industrie 4.0 Management, 31(2015)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Tahir, M. W.
Scope of computer vision techniques for the detection of microbial
In: LogDynamics Research Report, 4(2015), International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, Bremen, pp. 61-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Uriarte, C.; Thamer, H.; Freitag, M.
Fördertechnik aus der Zelle - Hochflexibles Fördersystem aus kommunizierenden und kooperierenden Modulen
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, (2015), Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Gorldt, C.
Open up the Potential of Industry 4.0
In: RFID im Blick, Company & Application Guide 2015, (2015)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Lüneburg, pp. 78-79 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Werthmann, D.
RFID-Expertenkreis: Richtungsweisende RFID-Standards für Industrie 4.0
In: RFID im Blick, (2015)3, Verlag & Freie Medien, Lüneburg, pp. 35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Werthmann, D.
RFID-Expert Group: Directive RFID-Standards for Industry 4.0
In: RFID im Blick, (2015)4, Verlag & Freie Medien, Lüneburg, pp. 47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wuest, T.; Hribernik, K.; Thoben, K.-D.
Accessing servitisation potential of PLM data by applying the product avatar concept
In: Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations, 26(2015)14-15, Taylor & Francis, pp. 1198-1218 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Branke, J.; Hildebrandt, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Hyper-heuristic Evolution of Dispatching Rules: A Comparison of Rule Representations
In: Evolutionary Computation, (2014)0, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.; Seifert, M.
Identifying the Characteristics of the Supply Chain Processes in Developing Country: A Manufacturing Industry Perspective
In: WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, 11(2014), pp. 12-31 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Hildebrandt, T.; Branke, J.
On Using Surrogates with Genetic Programming
In: Evolutionary Computation, (2014)0, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jedermann, R.; Nicometo, M.; Uysal, I.; Lang, W.
Reducing food losses by intelligent food logistics
In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 372(2014)2017, pp. 20130302 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Lewandowski, M.; Oelker, S.
Artificial intelligence and predictive maintenance
In: MARINE MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, (2014)2, UKIP Media & Events. Ltd, Dorking, pp. 36-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Meinecke, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
A Heuristic for the Integrated Production and Distribution Scheduling Problem
In: International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial Science and Engineering, 8(2014)2, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 74-81 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Fabrik in der Stadt - ein Paradigmenwechsel?
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Intelligente Vernetzung zur Realisierung der Industrie 4.0
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
XXL-Produktion - Faszination und Herausforderung
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Gronau, N.
Wandel ist notwendig!
In: Industrie Management, 30(2014)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thamer, H.
Modulare Software zur Simulation und Analyse von 3D-Bilddaten
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, (2014)9, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 512-514 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Ait Alla, A.; Quandt, M.; Lütjen, M.
Simulation-based aggregate Installation Planning of Offshore Wind Farms
In: International Journal of Energy, 7(2013)2, NAUN (North atlantic university union), pp. 23-30 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Brandwein, D.; Werthmann, D.
Viele Labels, eine Lösung
In: RFID im Blick, (2013)4, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 66-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Buer, T.
Multicriteria winner determination in combinatorial transport auctions
In: OR News, (2013)48, Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. (GOR), Paderborn, pp. 10-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Computational Logistics)

Georgise, F. B.
Best Practices for the Manufacturing Industry in Developing Countries: An Ethiopian Study
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2013), pp. 15-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Grundstein, S.; Schukraft, S.; Görges, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
An approach for applying autonomous production control methods with central production planning
In: International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, 7(2013)4, NAUN, Athens, pp. 167-174 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hildebrandt, T.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Optimierte Steuerung von Logistikprozessen - Simulationsbasierte Optimierung auf Basis leistungsfähiger Open Source Simulation
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 18(2013)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jedermann, R.; Becker, M.; Pursche, F.
Logistic Optimization with next Generation Intelligent Container
In: M2M Journal, 16(2013), pp. 8-9 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, Comnets)

Jedermann, R.; Mack, M.; Kreyenschmidt, J.
Intelligente Container für die ganze Kette - Produktqualität und Temperaturdaten in der Lieferkette für Fleisch überwachen
In: Fleischwirtschaft, (2013)12, pp. 33-36 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Rügge, I.; Himstedt, A.
Research Report 2012/13 International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2013)3, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 80 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Desktop Manufacturing-Jeder kann zum Produzenten werden!
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Bio-Manufacturing- Die Natur als Vorbild
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Vierte industrielle Revolution - auf dem Weg zur Fabrik der Zukunft
In: Industrie Management, 29(2013)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Thamer, H.; Weimer, D.
Software simuliert Sensorik - 3D-Bildverarbeitung für die Logistikautomatisierung
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, (2013)5, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 252-254 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Veigt, M.; Lappe, D.; Kramer, C.
Cyber-Physische Systeme in der Logistik - Physische Objekte in der Produktion sollen untereinander kommunizieren und zielorientiert zusammenarbeiten
In: Handbuch RFID im Blick, 7(2013)0, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 138-139 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, BIBA)

Werthmann, D.; Brandwein, D.
Extremtest für RFID-Kfz-Kennzeichen
In: RFID im Blick, (2013)12, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 18-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Beinke, T.; Görges, M.
Giganten in Bewegung - Betriebsmittel zum Handling von Offshore-Komponenten
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, (2012)9, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 454-456 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Beinke, T.; Oelker, S.
Zusammen geht es leichter
In: Logistik heute, (2012)11, Huss Verlag, München, pp. 64-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Karimi, H. R.; Kosmykov, M.
A Lyapunov-Razumikhin approach for stability analysis of logistics networks with time-delays
In: International Journal of Systems Science, 43(2012)5, Taylor & Francis, pp. 845–853 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Dittmer, P.; Veigt, M.
Dynamic FEFO - neue Wege in der Lebensmittellogistik
In: Handbuch RFID im Blick 2012, 6(2012)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 86-87 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Dittmer, P.; Veigt, M.; Geyer, M.
Der Intelligente Container
In: TASPO Magazin, (2012)5, Haymarket Media GmbH, Braunschweig, pp. 35-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

El-Berishy, N.
Towards Green Logistics in Batch Process Industry Planning
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 11-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Gould, J.; Macharis, C.; Haasis, H.-D.
Requirements of Decision Support Models for Collaborative Supply Chain Security
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 19-22 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Katzy, B. R.; Pawar, K. S.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Living Lab Research Agenda (Editorial)
In: International Journal of Product Development, Special Issue on Living Labs - Innovation Intermediaries for Product Development in Networks, 17(2012)1/2, pp. 1-7 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Marwat, S. N. K.; Weerawardane, T.; Zaki, Y.; Görg, C.
Radio Resource Allocation for M2M Communication in LTE Uplink Scheduling
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Mehrsai, A.
Autonomous Control in Fully Modular Production Systems with Contribution of Cloud Computing
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 35-40 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Oelker, S.; Greulich, J.; Keller, L.
Erhöhte Prozesssicherheit im Handling von Überhöhenrahmen
In: Hansa International Maritime Journal, 8(2012)149, Schiffahrts-Verlag »Hansa« GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, pp. 96-97 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, TZI, IGS)

Oelker, S.; Lewandowski, M.; Rickert, L.
Zustandsbasierte Instandhaltung von Van Carriern
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, (2012)11, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 586-587 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Dannies, A.; Sanjeeva, B. K.; Lang, W.; Jedermann, R.
Machine-to-Machine Communications and Intelligent Objects in Refrigerated Containers
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Safaei, M.
Applying the Monte Carlo Method in Delivery Time Uncertainty in Supply Networks
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 49-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Produktionsprozesse + Informationssysteme = vierte industrielle Revolution?
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Russland – Chancen durch Wirtschaftswachstum
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Neuausrichtung der Automobilindustrie – Mobilität von Morgen
In: Industrie Management, 28(2012)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Den richtigen Grad finden
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 17(2012)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Industrie 4.0 – auf dem Weg zur Fabrik der Zukunft
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 17(2012)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Standardisierung für mehr Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 17(2012)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Energieeffiziente Produktion - Herausforderung oder Chance?
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 17(2012)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Dynamische Innovation in Logistikprozessen
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 17(2012)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kück, M.; Toonen, C.
Improved Demand Forecasting Using Local Models Based on Delay Time Embedding
In: International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, 6(2012)1, University Press, pp. 17-27 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Tan, Y.
A Periodic and Real-time Event-driven Rescheduling for Dynamic Job Shops: Using Shifting Bottleneck Procedure
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 53-56 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Uriarte, C.; Rohde, M.
Der Weg zum Objekttracking - 3D-Sensorik in der Logistik
In: Inspect, 2012(2012)2, GIT Verlag, Weinheim, pp. 62-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Freight Villages in China: Current Developments and Future Prospects
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 57-62 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zastrau, D.
Weather Prediction Error Analysis for Route Optimization
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 67-68 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Zhang, H.
Business Process Oriented Knowledge Management in Third Party Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 69-74 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Modelling the Sourcing Process in the Mineral Raw Materials Industry by Using Supply Chain Frameworks
In: LogDynamics Research Report (2012/13), 3(2012), pp. 75-78 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Becker, T.; Beber, M. E.; Windt, K.; Hütt, M.-T.; Helbing, D.
Flow control by periodic devices: a unifying language for the description of traffic, production, and metabolic systems
In: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2011(2011)05, pp. P05004 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Berndt, J. O.; Herzog, O.
Self-organizing Supply Networks: Autopoiesis for Agent Coordination in Autonomous Logistics
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 11-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Ganji, F.; Veigt, M.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Fabrik der selbststeuernden Produkte
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 16(2011)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 40-42 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Georgise, F. B.; Thoben, K.-D.
Adapting the SCOR Model to Suit the Manufacturing Industry in Developing Countries
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 21-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Harjes, F.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Kaviani Mehr, A.
Elman Networks for the Prediction of Inventory Levels and Capacity Utilization
In: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 5(2011)4, University Press, London, pp. 283-290 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jeken, O.; Windt, K.
Selbststeuernder Produktaufbauzyklus
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 49-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Klempien-Hinrichs, R.; Luderer, M.
Assuring Strong Termination of Controlled Graph Transformation by Means of Petri Nets
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 31-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Palafox-Albarrán, J.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Temperature Prediction Inside a Refrigerated Food Container
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 41-44 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Pallasch, A.-K.; Rohde, M.; Kunaschk, S.
Ganzheitliche Forschung und Transfer
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, 51(2011)10, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 550-551 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Safaei, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
A Methodology to Control the Delivery Time Uncertainty in Dynamic Supply Networks
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 45-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Autonome Systeme
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Forschungskompetenz und Innovation am Zuckerhut
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Grüne Technologien: Wettbewerbsvorteile durch ökologisches Engagement
In: Industrie Management, 27(2011)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Einsatz von Qualitätsmanagement-Methoden zur Optimierung der Industrial Automation
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 16(2011)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Effiziente Intralogistik als Schlüssel zum Erfolg
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 16(2011)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Harjes, F.; Lemke, L.
Kapazität und Bestand in der Werkstattfertigung
In: WingBusiness - Marktorientierte Unternehmensentwicklung, (2011)3, Österreichischer Verband der Wirtschaftsingenieure, Graz, pp. 28-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Heger, J.; Lütjen, M.; Schweizer (Virnich), A.
A MILP for Installation Scheduling of Offshore Wind Farms
In: International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 5(2011)1, North Atlantic University Union, pp. 371-378 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lappe, D.; Toonen, C.; Ruthenbeck, C.
Development of a Hybrid Control Approach for Automotive Logistics Based on Close to Real-Time Information Management
In: International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, 5(2011)4, University Press, pp. 545-552 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Rippel, D.; Sowade, S.
A Concept for Simulation of Autonomous Logistic Processes
In: International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, 5(2011)3, University Press, pp. 324-333 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.; Rippel, D.
Drivers for the Configuration of Autonomous Logistic Control Systems' Infrastructure
In: International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, 5(2011)3, University Press, pp. 350-358 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Lappe, D.
Impact of Market Dynamics on Performance and Internal Dynamics of Job-Shop Systems
In: International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, 5(2011)4, University Press, pp. 537-544 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Toonen, C.; Tervo, J. T.; Lappe, D.
Sampling of Variables in Discrete-Event Simulation Using the Example of Inventory Evolutions in Job-Shop-Systems Based on Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Data
In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology - Special Journal Issue, 5(2011)1, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 522-527 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.; Harrison, M.
Using Wireless Technologies to Fight Camera Theft
In: RFID Journal, (2011)1, pp. 4 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Vo, Q. S.; Görg, C.
Data Collection and Management of Wireless Sensor Networks
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 48-52 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)

Wu, J.; Haasis, H.-D.
Sustainable Development Issues and Strategies for Freight Village
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 53-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Yuan, S.; Lang, W.
Strategy to Improve Wireless Sensor Network Performance in Logistic Applications
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 56-57 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Zhang, H.; Haasis, H.-D.
Process-oriented Knowledge Management in Business Logistics: Review of Theoretical Basis
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 58-61 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Zhao, H.; Thoben, K.-D.
Strategy for the Development of Collaboration Environments to Ensure Collaboration Preparedness
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 62-64 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Zúñiga Arriaza, R. E.; Thoben, K.-D.
Modeling and Improving the Supply Chain of Mineral Natural Resources Extraction Industry
In: Research Report 2010/11, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 2(2011), pp. 65-67 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)


Baalsrud Hauge, J.; Hunecker, F.
Vernetzte Intelligenz - Projekt „EURIDICE“ fördert Informationsaustausch zwischen Anwender und intelligenter Fracht
In: RFID im Blick - das Magazin für kontaktlosen Datentransfer, Sonderausgabe RFID in Bremen, (2010), pp. 34-35 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gorldt, C.; Dittmer, P.; Lewandowski, M.; Windhoff, G.
Es muss nicht immer RFID sein
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 26-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hildebrandt, T.; Frommberger, L.; Wolter, D.; Zabel, C.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Freksa, C.
Perspektiven autonomer Inventarisierung - Transparente Lagerprozesse mittels autonomer Systeme
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)1, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 61-65 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.; Wessels, A.
Ein treuer Reisebegleiter - Nahtlose Transportüberwachung dank OSGi und RFID
In: RFID in Bremen, RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 30-31 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Lampe, W.; Schweizer, A.
Positions- und Statuserfassung von Ladung und Ladungsträgern
In: Schifffahrt Hafen Bahn und Technik, (2010), SUT Schifffahrt und Technik Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Sankt Augustin, pp. 24-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Morales Kluge, E.
Wenn das Werkstück entscheidet, wo es lang geht
In: Highlights, Informationsmagazin der Universität Bremen, (2010)23, pp. 20-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Morales Kluge, E.; Pille, C.
Autonome Steuerung - Intelligente Werkstücke finden selbstgesteuert ihren Weg durch die Produktion
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe RFID in Bremen 2010, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 44-45 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IFAM)

Ohlendorf, J.-H.; Hans, C.; Gharini, Z.; Thoben, K.-D.
Intelligente Fertigung von Rotorblättern durch IT-gestützte Automationsansätze
In: DEWI Magazin, 19(2010)37, pp. 16-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Pallasch, A.-K.; Piworus, S.; Rickert, L.
Innovatives Transportsystem im Eurogate-Terminal. Eine Seilbahn für Container
In: Hebezeuge Fördermittel, 50(2010)5, Huss Medien GmbH, Berlin, pp. 254-255 [BibTeX]

Pehlken, A.; Thoben, K.-D.
Bedeutung der Nachhaltigkeit beim Recycling fester Abfallstoffe am Beispiel Altreifen
In: Chemie Ingenieur Technik: Rohstoffeffizienz und Rohstoffinnovationen, 82(2010)11, pp. 2005-2011 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Piotrowski, J.; Morales Kluge, E.
Logistik-Sonderforschungsbereich stellt seine Arbeit vor: gestern Vision, heute Wirklichkeit
In: ISIS AutoID/RFID Special, (2010)2, pp. 94 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rohde, M.; Echelmeyer, W.
Cooperation Possibilities between Research and Industry: ParcelRobot
In: Bremer Value Reports für Produktion und Logistik, 3(2010)1, BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Bremen, pp. 1-18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Rügge, I.; Himstedt, A.
Research Report 2010/11 International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2010)2, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 70 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Ruthenbeck, C.; Piotrowski, J.; Harjes, F.; Mrugala, D.
Selbststeuerung in der Logistik
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 36-37 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IMSAS)

Safaei, M.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Proposed a Method for Increasing the Delivery Performance in Dynamic Supply Network
In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(2010)9, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, pp. 540-543 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Schmidt, K.; Rohde, M.
Low Cost Automation in der Logistik
In: ZWF - Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105(2010)1, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, pp. 91-95 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Der Prozess der Prozessverbesserung
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management , 15(2010)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Die Kunst der Miniaturisierung
In: Industrie Management , 26(2010)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Mit Digital Engineering zukunftsfähige Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation gestalten
In: Industrie Management, 26(2010)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.; Thamer, H.
Towards Automated Visual Inspection and Classification of Micro-Parts
In: WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, 5(2010)1, pp. 112-121 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Thamer, H.; Uriarte, C.
An Approach for 3D Object Recognition of Universal Goods
In: International Journal of Computers, 5(2010)2, NAUN, Athens, pp. 8 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Uckelmann, D.; Lampe, W.; Dörhage, W.
Verbindung aus Forschung, Wirtschaft und Politik
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 7-9 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Werthmann, D.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Lappe, D.
BIBA und BLG optimieren gemeinsam die globale Fertigfahrzeugdistribution
In: ISIS AutoID/RFID Special, (2010)3, isismedien, München, pp. 124-125 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Schuldt, A.
Agenten entscheiden
In: LOG.Kompass, 6(2010)11, pp. 28-29 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Slaby, A.
Europa setzt auf Transparenz
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Slaby, A.; Halfar, H.
Pick-by-Voice - Intelligente Kommissionierung in der Textilindustrie
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 40-41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.
Global RF Lab Alliance - Kurzvorstellung einiger Mitglieder der Global RF Lab Alliance
In: RFID im Blick - das Magazin für kontaktlosen Datentransfer, Sonderausgabe RFID in Bremen, (2010), pp. 16 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Werthmann, D.
End of Line - Gewährleistung einer präzisen Nachverfolgung der Fahrzeuge
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 52-53 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Wessels, A.; Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.
Transport supervision of perishable goods by embedded context aware objects
In: Wseas transactions on circuits and systems, 9(2010)5, pp. 295-304 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Zabel, C.
Mobiler Roboter - Verbesserung der Logistikprozesse und der Transportsicherheit durch RFID-Einsatz
In: RFID im Blick - Sonderausgabe RFID in Bremen 2010, (2010)1, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 43 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Zabel, C.
Positionskontrolle auf Automobilterminals - Flexibles System zur Beschleunigung der Fahrzeugerfassung
In: RFID im Blick, (2010)4, Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 41 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Akbiyik, H.; Kirchheim, A.; Echelmeyer, W.
Latest Trends in the Container Market - Analyse of Qualitive and Qantitive Features of the Containerised Import in European Ports
In: Bremer Value Reports für Produktion und Logistik, 2(2009)1, BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik, Bremen, pp. 2-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hardgrave, B.; Rizzi, A.; Uckelmann, D.
In: International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications, 1(2009)1, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 1-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Kirisci, P. T.; Thoben, K.-D.
Vergleich von Methoden für die Gestaltung Mobiler Endgeräte
In: i-com - Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, 8(2009)1, pp. 52-59 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Klein, D.; Seifert, M.; Thoben, K.-D.
Taking the distortion of component parts along a manufacturing chain into consideration during planning
In: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 40(2009)5-6, WILEY-VCH Verlag , Weinheim, pp. 349-353 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Krohne, F.; Wenzens, G.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Gut vorbereitet in die Serienproduktion - Neues Bewertungssystem verbessert die Logistik beim Produktionsstart
In: Impulse aus der Forschung, 2009(2009)2, Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 18-19 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Mitarbeiter sensibilisieren
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Konzentration auf die eigenen Stärken
In: PPS Management, 14(2009)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Selbststeuerung in Produktion und Logistik - Chance für den Mittelstand?
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Zukunft der Logistik: Automatisierung
In: Industrie Management, 25(2009)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Kleine Stückzahlen effizient fertigen
In: PRODUCTIVITY Management, 14(2009)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Lütjen, M.; Ruthenbeck, C.; Harjes, F.; Drechsler, R.; Große, D.
Formale Verifikation von logistischen Prozessmodellen
In: ERP Management, 5(2009)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 44-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Mehrsai, A.; Görges, M.
Handling the Dynamics in Logistics - Adoption of Dynamic Behavior and Reduction of Dynamic Effects
In: AIJST-Asian International Journal of Science and Technology Production and Manufacturing Engineering (AIJSTPME), 2(2009)3, AIJSTPME, pp. 99-110 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Sowade, S.; Rippel, D.; Teucke, M.; Özsahin, M.-E.; Hildebrandt, T.
A Contribution to the Application of Autonomous Control in Manufacturing
In: International Journal of Computers, 3(2009)3, NAUN, pp. 279-291 [BibTeX | more information]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Zarvic, N.; Eschenbächer, J.; Thoben, K.-D.
Messen und Bewerten von Kommunikationsintensitäten in Unternehmensnetzwerken
In: Information Management und Consulting, 24(2009)4, pp. 19-24 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Alamin Dow, A. B.; Lang, W.
A Micromachining Pre-concentrator Focuser for Improving the Efficiency of Fruit Transportation Supply Chains
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 2-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Babazadeh, M.; Lang, W.
Energy Management in Wireless Sensor Networks
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 12-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Burwinkel, M.; Echelmeyer, W.; Kirchheim, A.; Steiner, P.
Automatische Entladung schwerer Kaffeesäcke
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 98(2008)9, Springer VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, pp. 706-710 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Echelmeyer, W.; Lewandowski, M.; Dittmer, P.
Logistikfabrik der Zukunft
In: Bremer Value Reports für Produktion und Logistik, 1(2008)4, BIBA – Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH, Bremen, pp. 2-15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Gould, J.
Supply Chain Security: An Overview of Theoretical Applications
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 26-28 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: MLog, IGS)

Jabbari, A.; Lang, W.
Autonomous Fault Detection and Isolation in Transportation Systems
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 29-32 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jafari, A. M.; Lang, W.
Optimized Sensor Network for Logistics Application
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 33-35. [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, IGS)

Jedermann, R.
Der Container denkt mit
In: Fruit World International, (2008)2, pp. 50-53 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Luderer, M.; Kreowski, H.-J.
Modelling Logistic Processes - The Termination Problem
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics, Universität Bremen, pp. 38-39 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Theoretical Computer Science, IGS)

Rügge, I.
Research Report 2007/08 International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics
In: LogDynamics Research Report, (2008)1, Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany, pp. 69 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
IT-Rezepte für die Prozessfertigung
In: PPS Management, 13(2008)2, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Trends des Product Lifecycle Managements
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)3, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Kognition und Automatisierung
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Hybride Produkte - Zukunftschance industrieller Dienstleister
In: Industrie Management, 24(2008)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Ein traditioneller Unternehmenszweig wird zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor
In: PPS Management, 13(2008)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Böse, F.; Lampe, W.
Evolution der Steuerung logistischer Prozesse
In: Weserlotse, Logistics Pilot, (2008) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Wirth, F.; Dashkovskiy, S.; Jagalski, T.; Makuschewitz, T.
Die Dynamik komplexer Supply Chains
In: Einkauf/Materialwirtschaft/Logistik, 48(2008)464, DEK-Verlag AG, Seltisberg, pp. 10-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, ZeTeM)

Schuldt, A.; Werner, S.; Herzog, O.
Cooperation in Autonomous Logistics: Team Formation Based on Concept, Location, and Time
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 45-47 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: TZI, IGS)

Stoll, C.; Delhoum, S.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Knowledge Management in Food Supply Chains
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 52-55 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Vo, Q. S.; Görg, C.
Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks for Harbor Logistics
In: Research Report 2007/08, International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics, LogDynamics Research Report, 1(2008), pp. 56-58 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: Comnets, IGS)


Jedermann, R.
Identifying dangers for products: RFID labels control temperature monotoring in 'intelligent containers'
In: Fleischwirtschaft International, 22(2007)2, Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 79-81 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Aldag, R.; Lang, W.
Automatisches Monitoring der Warenqualität von Lebensmitteln bei logistischen Vorgängen
In: ZGFLL - Fachzeitschrift für die gesamte Frische- und Lebensmittel-Logistik, 1(2007)3, Verlag Wissen Wert und Praxis, Duisburg, pp. 11-17 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
In: Industrie Management, 23(2007)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Standadisierung produktionsnaher IT - Investition in die Zukunft!
In: PPS Management, 12(2007)4, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Xue, L.; Changing, Z.; Zetian, F.; Zografos, K.; Duan, Y.; Bemeleit, B.
ICTs adoption along fresh produce supply chain: A comparison study between EU and China
In: Logistics Technology, (2007), pp. 91 – 95 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Zachcial, M.
Der Indien-Effekt wird kommen
In: Weserlotse Logistics Pilot, 60(2007)4, pp. 10-11 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ISL)

Zachcial, M.
Shipping nach Fernost – Gerangel der Ozeanriesen
In: Asia Bridge, (2007), pp. 12-14 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ISL)


Bemeleit, B.; Schumacher, J.
Risiken in intelligenten Logistiksystemen
In: Weserlotse | Logistics Pilot, (2006)2, pp. 12 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Daschkovska, K.
Container Logistics Development in the Ports Subject to the New Technologies
In: Sudochodstvo, 9(2006) [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: BIBA, IGS)

Dashkovskiy, S.; Rüffer, B. S.; Wirth, F.
Construction of ISS Lyapunov functions for networks
In: Technical Report 06-06, (2006)6, Zentrum für Technomathematik, Universität Bremen, Bremen [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: ZeTeM)

Freitag, M.; Morales Kluge, E.
Selbststeuerung logistischer Prozesse. Intelligente Pakete finden eigenständig ihren Weg
In: RFID im Blick, (2006)7, pp. 12-13 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Jedermann, R.
Detecting dangers for merchandise
In: Fleischwirtschaft, 86(2006)11, pp. 70-71 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: IMSAS)

Jedermann, R.; Behrens, C.; Lang, W.
Mit Agenten der Frische auf der Spur
In: Frischelogistik, Fachmagazin für die gesamte Frische- und Tiefkühlkette, (2006)6, pp. 22-25 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, ITEM)

Jurczyk, A.; Kopfer, H.; Krajewska, M. A.
Speditionelle Auftragsdisposition eines mittelständischen Transportunternehmens
In: Internationales Verkehrswesen, (2006)6, pp. 275-279 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: LfL HB)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Doktor in Logistik: Nachhaltigkeit durch Ausbildung in der Wissenschaft
In: Weserlotse, Logistics Pilot Spezial, 59(2006) [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.; Grollmann, J.
short way city Bremen (Interview)
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2006), Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 3-5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Teucke, M.; Windt, K.; Scholz-Reiter, B.
Doppelter Einsatz - Verbessertes Prozessmanagement durch Transponder für Ladungsträger und Produkte
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2006), Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 20-23 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Uckelmann, D.
Eine Frage der Einstellung – Konfigurationsprogramme werden anwenderfreundlich
In: RFID im Blick, Sonderausgabe Bremen, (2006), Verlag & Freie Medien, Amelinghausen, pp. 18 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)


Freitag, M.
Aus Lkw Entscheider machen. Intelligente Objekte steuern selbständig Logistikprozesse
In: RFID im Blick, (2005)9, pp. 32-34 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Hülsmann, M.; Grapp, J.
Dilemmas of a Sustainable Strategic Management - Options for a Corporate Balancing Efficiency and Sustainability by Autonomous Cooperation in Decision Making Processes
In: Melnyk, L. (ed.): Mechanism of Economic Regulation, (2005)2, pp. 66-79 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: Jacobs University)

Lang, W.; Scholz-Reiter, B.; Philipp, T.; Jedermann, R.
Intelligent RFID – Identification and Beyond
In: MST-News (Special Issue on Microsystems Technologies in Germany), (2005)0, pp. 15 [BibTeX]
(Workgroups: IMSAS, BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Selbststeuerung in der Logistik - Eine Bestandsaufnahme
In: Industrie Management, 21(2005)5, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Education for Future Profitability - A Collaboration Between Europe and China
In: BusinessForum China, (2005)5 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Aufbruch in den Nanokosmos
In: Industrie Management, 21(2005)6, GITO Verlag, Berlin, pp. 3 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)

Scholz-Reiter, B.
Die Evolution in der Logistik
In: Jahrbuch 2005 der Universität Bremen, (2005)0 [BibTeX]
(Workgroup: BIBA)